After years of being bullied, suicide attempt, self harm etc. It kind of got better...

After years of being bullied, suicide attempt, self harm etc. It kind of got better.. now i have a girlfriend we have sex we love each other etc. I got my drivers license and still im depressed. I'm depressed that she might cheat on me, that i wont probably find a job this summer... ill be going for a walk to try and refresh my mind and smoke a few cigs while listening to some calm music.
I just wanted to tell you guys that sex and a gf wont fix shit.

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I don't think anything will at this point of time. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but i just accepted the fact that nothing will fix me.

youre right if youre unhappy you have a specific part of your life that cant be cured by just anything. i dont know anything about your situation but being concerned your gf will cheat on you when you love each other makes it seem like you have trust issues or low self-esteem rooted in childhood shit. if im completely wrong sorry but i hope you can find a way to move forward and be happy while making progress towards a normal life. good luck bro

Idkn man I trust her and I love her a lot because she is prbly the only thing keeping me away from an heroing. At the same time tho i know everything about her her past things that she has done and even then i still trusted her 100%...until...
Lets just say a person who i thought was a very good friend of mine forced himself on her and kissed her.She told me that a day when we were out in the park and almost cried.
Idkn man i have had times where I have been truly happy but that lasts only like a few days MAX... i guess all the years of depression and crying myself to sleep bulling etc really fked me up didnt they

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I'm afraid you must leave the board user, if you were a virgin before that's a major improvement and you should leave this site to keep going forwards. I'm not saying get out outta spite but so you can become happy.

Im trying user senpai... im trying but every thing that goes right and makes me happy something twice as bad will go wrong. Its like having 1 and getting another 1 so u get 1+1 but then u get -3 and its 1+1-3 and im back to square one being depressed and resorting to self harm to stop myself from crying.

its hard to do this but you might need to try and see if you really love her for who she is and what she means to you beyond just someone who seemingly saved you if her past worries you and it includes stuff like the situation you just described. if her past has stories where shes done no wrong but has gotten taken advantage of it might be that shes the one instigating this shit. i know what you mean i was depressed and suicidal and a near daily drinker for many years and happiness seems fucking impossible. i always feel wierd saying this kind of stuff because when i was depressed it didnt reach me in any way and i was tired of people who didnt understand my feeling/situation try and give me advice i didnt find applicable but now that im on the other side i feel like its all i can really say. i honestly wish you the best of luck man, depression is fucking awful but i can say theres at least one fucker who got away from it and hope you can say the same sooner rather than later

Thank you. Thank you user.

It's hilarious when borderline underageb& normalfags claim to know what it is to be a robot and how real robots can somehow empathize with their non-issues.

Try being 30 with no female contact for 20 years.

does that mean you could never understand the pain of a 40 yo who didnt have contact for 30 years? get over yourself man stop wallowing in your misery

>reductio ad absurdum

Case in point.

lol fair point but you really cant understand how some people might be sad despite having a better life than you? dont try to be king of robot mountain

>conventionalist stratagem/moving the goalposts

You are not very good at this, come back once you are at least 18.

what a mystery that you havent had any female contact just learn how to talk and converse like a normal person instead of regurgitating the most basic wikipedia articles on logic and philosophy. take it easy bud

Are you still self-harming?

Any recent (post-gf-getting) suicide attempts?

If the answer is no, then it sounds to me like a gf DID fix shit, and you merely have no gratitude.

It's alright user. Shit'll get better but it's going to take time. Start by staying with her, even if it makes you feel like shit. I mean it. Do you follow a therapy ?

>Argumentum ad hominem
Interestingly enough I have sex almost daily and have had 24 sexual partners.

You sound like a fag, friend

havent self harmed in a while because of her or attempted shit.Having a gf is nice, knowing that someone cares about you, loves you is nice. Its good validation and im grateful for her. I really love her with all my heart.
Nah i dont follow any therapy.

Don't you think following one could help you ? Do you ave any friends ? If you're all alone and she's the only human being making you feel good you're going to suffer as soon as something goes wrong in your relationship.

nah i have enough friends i just idkn... sometimes i get really fking depressed other times im really happy .. just like The great Bob Ross said:"You have to have a bit of rain to get a rainbow." even tho for me its not a bit of rain its more like a storm or hurricane sometimes.