Why do robutts have so much Animosity towards black bots even though they probably have more in common with black bots than white chads?
Why do robutts have so much Animosity towards black bots even though they probably have more in common with black bots...
They don't, you're just taking notice of the negatives more often.
They dont, kike.
robots dont hate black bots
(((someone))) posts racebait from both sides to try to make us hate each other, I know for a fact that 90% of blacked threads arent made by black people same with the white on asian threads meant to piss off asian bots they arent made by white people.
Remember this place is anonymous anyone can just claim to be any race and say something derogatory to other races to try to divide us
wouldnt surprise me if it was the mods doing it
I see the word "nigger" thrown around all the time here and robots hating on blacks every single day
Yes the fucking do
>notice the negatives more often
>Le what would you do if your gf fucked a nigger before you thread #202939203920390
they dont. its the trannies theyre the most racist. see why i hate them?
and the girls are pretty racist too
They don't, most robots are ok with blackbots because they're in the same situation as them. That is to say, if you're a khv, you're ok in a robot's eyes. The race shit is just something that the Jews have planted here to sow discord amongst us.
I don't like black people, they smell and I can hardly understand them. Also when lots of black people live close to one another they commit lots of crime.
its Jow Forumsincels trying to hate on black people. All robots are in this together regardless of race. Asian, black, or white life just sucks for us. Jow Forums is the problem for leaking over here. Soon will be OUR TIME TO GET RID OF THESE SCUM ON THIS BOARD FOR POISONING THE CATALOG WITH RACEBAIT
We call everyone a nigger. Actual niggers dont mind, kike.
One shoah was not enough, but the day of the rope is nigh.
Most of us aren't really that racist, it's just the heavy racebait spam is stirring up things online. Atm it's best not to mention any race to anyone unless it's thread specific. Also most people here won't pity you because of your race if that's what you are going for. There's chads and robots in every culture as it has always been throughout history.
fax, famalam
>Most of us aren't really that racist
Whitebots need some sort of scapegoat to at least feel a little superior and good about themselves.
There's something very wholesome in OP's pic
I thought Jow Forums mods weren't allowed to publicly state that they are mods?
>Atm it's best not to mention any race to anyone unless it's thread specific. Also most people here won't pity you because of your race if that's what you are going for.
The point of anonymous is to be anonymous.
You don't see me going "Lol GIRL HERE" if it's not relevant to a thread because why the fuck does that matter? Also I'm not a girl, lol.
Similarly, you don't see me going "hey guys, I know we're talking about street fighter 4, but I'M BLACK and so I have this to say:" etc. etc.
>Most of us aren't really that racist,
See above, + I'm not a nigger.
Me being racist or not isn't relevant to the threads, so I don't mention it either.
>dark skin with big brain
why is this image just mentally wrong? like a cat barking, or a mixed child.
Because you're a racist and you can't fathom a black/brown person being intelligent.
so you agree the image is wrong?
Actual niggers do mind. Blackbots don't like it because most of the time nigger isn't used as a joke. It's used to put down blackbots. You fucking retard.
He never agreed to anything. Why are whites on this website so inexcusably autistic??
Black bots don't exist.
but you agree right?
Niggers are subhuman and deserve it. Blackbots are only ever getting called niggers in jest, they have proven they are the outliers of their race. They do not mind banter.
Now, I dont give 2 fucks if I hurt your feefees, nigger, you should grow a thicker skin like everyone else.
>le supremacy of the black race meme
fuck off nigger
>It's just a praaaank brooo!!
Ice yourself.
Is that swaglord