Anyone here in an arranged marriage?
Anyone here in an arranged marriage?
That shit still exists? what pathetic country are you from, OP?
yes, im azn and my parents arranged a marriage with a huwite woma.
Uk. Not a mussie born into a very upper class family
l WlSH
>tfw lonely working class pleb
At least you have some money and fanny I guess.
>I'm just like you haha!
>arranged marriages are pathetic
I'm the girl and I'd rather date a normie than this guy, I really am not lucky. He's way higher status than me as well which my parents can't stop reminding me about/making me feel guilty every time I protest.
Got siblings? If you do we should kill them and your parents and inherit everything. We'll be married of course.
I'm set to inherit 200-500 million and my soon to be husband 500 million-3 billion (can't be specific due to doxxing), I'm nothing like most people here and I won't try and deny it. I still have problems like the rest of people here, they're just different.
If you're left to your own devices you'll just end up trying to secure an ultra chad who will pump and dump you and brag about smashing upper class ass. You will be happier in an arranged marriage, even if you don't see it right now.
I love my family and we usually get on very well, apart from recently about this.
>im a girl
girls cant be robots dont care about your normie problems, I hope you get hit by a van cunt
Fembot in an arranged marriage here.
It's okay
You should marry him then, can I secretly impregnate you tho? I'd be pretty happy if my son became part of such wealth.
The guy is a ultra chad, no idea why robots believe this dumb shit
Is it more of personality problem or is he ugly as sin, or neither?
Why don't you just say no, lmao?
Yeah, this thread proves it, dumbfuck.
well then count your blessings and be a good wife for the chad you slut
you have no idea how fucking mad this makes me, desu
personality, looks wise he's an ultra chad.
He's very snobby and insecure, whereas I like to be more reserved. e.g. loudly mentioning he's a billionaire when in public
It's just embarrassing
>ywn get parent-appointed pussy to love and cherish
why live
This is just disgusting.
Irish traveller
>I'm set to inherit 200-500 million and my soon to be husband 500 million-3 billion
Can I have 1 million?
In that case I doubt your parents will care about your feelings until you take drastic measure to prove to them that you fucking hate these circumstances. I imagine there are some expectations of you but at the end of the day who wants to be controlled? Some might say you're lucky to have an appointed partner but that's just because they place sex on a pedestal over relationships.
I'd say you should think about going through with it though, you might even be okay with it in the long run and I always think it's better to stick with your own kind. Still, I don't pretend to know much about relationships between ultra richfags.
What's the reasoning behind it?
>I'd say you should think about going through with it though, you might even be okay with it in the long run and I always think it's better to stick with your own kind.
I do plan on going through with it and understand they're doing it for the best, I'm just not very happy about it and needed to vent.
>Still, I don't pretend to know much about relationships between ultra richfags.
As far as I know it's not common but not rare either, I can't give you an honest answer since I haven't ever asked people about it apart from my parents. The reason people do it is inheritance (halves if you have 2 kids with a normal person), although my family also cares about physical traits (intelligence, height, no defects) and family name. Again I don't know how common this is.
Was in love with someone else, but I had to be paired with another gypsy. My parents wouldnt have allowed anything else. I dont love my husband but I do my best to make it work.
Serious question, is he a second or third cousin? Just how inbred are your families?
Can I be your friend rich person? If not your friend can I have a job?
I probably need a job more than a friend but I am so lonely, I'm extremely desperate so you can be rude to me I just want attention of some kind. But a job would be nice.
Oh that's a shame... good luck
A few people have married their cousins, my grandad and grandma are cousins. I don't know of anyone else still alive who did this.
This guy is completely unrelated to me.
Thank you, OP. You too.
It is rupees, so that is about $16
I have a lot if Indian coworkers in arranged marriages
Half love it, half do not
Gypsies are disgusting.
>My parents wouldnt have allowed anything else
what kind of fucking parents marries off their daughter to a gypsie
Yes, kind of.
I'm a gypsy too
From what I understand satisfaction in arranged marriages generally goes up over time, and the people involved tend to warm up to each other as they spend more time together and usually end up loving each other unironically.
>Other gypsies, user. Are you illiterate.
Yes actually. Mom made me marry a friend of hers or else get cut off. With no other options I had to go along with it.