Reminder that there is NO excuse to be a manlet in 2018

Reminder that there is NO excuse to be a manlet in 2018

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>fucking up your proportions on purpose

Kek, no.

Oh god, that looks insane. His arms and legs are now out of proportion, and he looks ridiculous. Also, there is no fucking way he's not going to have trouble walking when he's older. This is batshit. His legs are crooked for Christ's sake.

What are thoseeeeeeeeeeee?!?


I heard that you have balance problems permanently

Why haven't doctors invented a surgery like this for the clavicles and ribcage? I want to be wide like a space marine

Width > height

>being wheelchair-bound before your 30s starter pack
Thanks but I'll pass

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Well manlets get more pussy than lanklets at least.

What kind of idiot would think this is a good idea?

>5'7 to 5'9
LUL, sad. still a manlet

>Unironically becoming a lanklet
Dude, real talk, it's not even that big of a deal to be short. Sure, it sucks a bit because some girls are gonna discriminate against you, but if anything that could be a blessing in disguise because you know that the one that you do nab in the end isn't going to be THAT shallow at the very least.

Just get Jow Forums for yourself and enjoy your lower grocery bill until you feel confident enough to put yourself out there without fucking up your shit forever.

You are retarded
He went from 5'8 to 6'

that's fucking disgusting
enjoy your broken legs
also still a manlet

o ur rite I typed into google and it first showed the decimals. stupid inches.

Hit the gym fatass

It would be so weird meeting/dating a girl and telling her you had a fucking frankenstein surgery to increase your height.

How insecure do you have to be to care about your height lmao.
174cm here :)

only if you come with, then pound my nasty sweaty brown eye in celebration? sex is a great workout

I wonder if he's able to run like a T1000 now.

>in the end
i'm 32 when's the end coming

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doubt he's able to run at all now

holy fuck took me a minute to get what was going on here
why would you do this kek

Just remember that someday it will be tomorrow

>paying a chink doctor 100k to break your legs in 2 places
Still a manlet on the inside. Stop being insecure about mundane shit like this.

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Ehhh let's hope they have better surgery than literally breaking your legs in about 10 years or so

the question here is why didn't he used braces around all his body and wait the damn 2 years in order to be taller.
I mean, its possible to become that tall without surgery, you just need to go through the damn ordeal in order to finally get to it.
besides its not like he had to base his self-worth around on what can he do for vagina.

Nah I'm pretty okay being 5'6 it ain't to bad

Because lengthening a leg takes lengthening one bone. Making yourself wider involves a whole plethora of bones.

What did they do to his face?

Did you mean ass normal fag or are you offering me to skull fuck you idtf either way

>haha manlet
>*manlet tries to not be a manlet*
>wow that's weird and disgusting
What is the psychology behind manlet hate? Fathaters say it's because fat people have no self control and can fix their situation if they wanted to. Womanhaters say it's because women are degenerate and irrational. But manlet haters seem to not have any argument except wanting to feel superior.

>It would be so weird meeting/dating a girl and telling her you had a fucking frankenstein surgery to increase your height.
But why would you say that?

Be Water my friend.

now he just has fucked up and broken legs
i don't hate manlets i hate retards he's still a manlet to

jeez *pouts and owos* too much internet for today, it's a mad mad world :3

i'm 183 tall and my mate is 168 and even though he goes to the gym and he is beefy i would beat the shit out of his ass with ease

Sounds like you're in love with you your firend desu

what is this faggot roleplaying shit

pic related what would actually happen in your situation

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>he thinks height is relevant in fighting

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Lmao he still went for the bike hahahaha fucking nigger

>being daddy long legs
>having tibias as long as your femurs
ew lmao

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It looks horrible, jesus christ.
Why do something like that with yourself? That dude will feel all mighty close to shorter folk (who are actually taller than he genetically is) and feel like utter shit when someone 1cm taller passes by. I can already see him measuring himself up with people and getting pissy.

>horrible artificial tan
No wonder he went through such a procedure. What a vain motherfucker.
Wait till he discover the threads about broad shoulders or becomes obsessed with that lookism faggotry.

>But manlet haters seem to not have any argument except wanting to feel superior.
I'm generally supportive of any cosmetic procedure (breast implants, lipo, nose jobs, etc) but the leg lengthening shit just seems absurd. I mean I might consider it for a second if I were sub 5'7" but it looks so unhealthy and unnatural. Can the guy in OPs pic go hiking? Can he deadlift and squat? Are his legs going to be OK past his 50s? I get that being a manlet sucks but I'm not sure it sucks enough to resort to something so drastic.

>pay thousands of dollars for surgery
>look like an ayy lmao
>have serious health problems the rest of your life
sounds good to me

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that's fucking mortifying and he's not even that short, plenty of chads are 173cm, fucking Zac Efron is that height, it's more average than short

still even if he was a manlet for real he'd still be better off being healthy than a fucking cripple with metal in his bones


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>mfw normalfags realize his disproportional legs and ostracize him for it even more than if he was just of short stature
just fuck his shit up

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So he went from 5'6 to 5'9, and now his femurs are shorter than his tibia and fibula.

This guy is fucking insane. I mean holy shit. That is depressing on so many levels.

this user is very KappaPride

>Dude in pic

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Being a manlet is a serious health problem already

>tfw im still taller than him for free
normies BTFO

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kek, all that and he's still a manlet. You really do have to feel sorry for some people

This is everyone below 6 foot.

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>am 6'3
>wish I was 6' or 6'1
90% of men at 6'2 or over just look lanky and awkward. Sure you'll get a 6'4 megachad every now and then, but it's quite rare.