Post retarded questions that you wouldn't ask elsewhere and I'll answer them. I've got pretty solid knowledge on a lot of topics
Bonus points if the retarded questions you post makes me feel dumb for not knowing either
Post retarded questions that you wouldn't ask elsewhere and I'll answer them. I've got pretty solid knowledge on a lot of topics
Bonus points if the retarded questions you post makes me feel dumb for not knowing either
Other urls found in this thread:
Ask something you faggots
Why does bread smell sweet when it's spoiled?
Bacteriae break down the complex carbs into simple sugars
Ezpz, next question please
why do different colors exist? how do we create them?
Why can i flex a muscle in my head and hear it in my ears
How do I time an orgasm during sex to ensure that we both climax at the same time? Male and female of course.
Colors are just how we perceive different wavelengths of light.
Different materials absorb some wavelengths better and reflect other wavelengths. Light shines on object>object absorbs some of the light and reflects other parts>light comes to your eye and activates different receptors based on wavelengths>receptors activate specific nerves>nerves go to your optic center in your brain and get interpreted as different colors
Likely because flexing that muscle moves tissue around (soft tissue, tendons, joint capsule) which produces sound and bones are good at transmitting sounds. Basically, same reason you can hear yourself swallow or why your voice sounds different to you than it does to other people and recordings
Doesn't sound very doable unless you know each other well and can read when she's about to cum and know how far you're from cumming yourself
Sounds like way too much of a pain in the ass though. If you cum first, finish her off with your fingers. If she cums first just keep fucking her or make her jerk/suck you off
I'd like to add that this is also why bread that tastes neutral turns sweet if you hold it in your mouth for a while, the amylase in your saliva breaks down the neutral tasting starch into sweet tasting monosaccharides
does spinning while you throw something/spinning it while you throw it make it go farther
Why are you bored?
Why are you a disgusting tripfag, can't you just conform to our non-writen rules, do you feel special?
How do I ensure my gf will be loyal forever?
Yes, spinning gives things a lot of angular momentum, when released they transfer that momentum to a vector tangential to their normal orbit (sorry if some of my terminology is shit, English isn't my first language and sometimes I struggle with technical/scientific terms)
Pic related
what are good ideas for turning my life around as a shut-in neet subhuman 30 year old
You can't. Just be a decent human being (not an irl nice guy meme), if she can't appreciate that, find someone who will.
I don't see anything wrong with tripfagging in a single thread that I made just so I can answer people's questions
I'm bored because I'm procrastinating studying
thank you. i'll keep this in mind
Standard shit. You probably know all the things I'm going to say. Figuring out what to do is obvious and you've probably heard it a billion times. Actually getting off your ass and doing it today, tomorrow, the day after that and so on is what's hard.
Work out. Start sending out resumes. Clean your house if it's disgusting. Learn how to dress. Start eating healthy. All the stereotypical normie shit
why do we procrastinate?
Like all psychological issues, it's complicated shit and no one knows for sure. The ones I've heard that make sense are fear of failure and judgement (I failed X not because I'm too stupid to do X but because I didn't devoted enough time to it) or fear of personal responsibility (if I make a decision about X I'll be held accountable for my decision). Also, general anxiety shit
Didn't devote* I fucking hate mobile posting
L = Weight ?
I need to relearn my Physics final...
How does memory in our brain work?
L is the angular momentum, m is the mass of the object
isn't the pinky finger/little toe pretty much useless ?
Why are dinaric men superior to other men?
why am i so anxious about my shit schedule like if i don't shit everyday it's all i can think about
Thanks, I definitely will relearn it now
Is there any possible way to actually improve your visual reaction time past it's hard cap at around 200ms? If so, how? Thank you.
We don't know for sure (just like anything else related to the brain)
Afaik: your neurons are connected with synapses, sensory input or brain activity creates and strengthens specific synaptic pathways which represent the "memory" and are then called up when you're remembering something. Remembering or experiencing something more often means those pathways get used more often which strenghtens them even more
Just google engrams, there's going to be tons of material on the subject and it'll be better explained than the word soup I can give you
Autism is the answer here
Yeah, a lot of gamers I know have reactions times of 100-150ms easily (using low response time monitors ofc).
Drag racers have a single/double digit visual response time, it's actually crazy
Pinky finger's not useless. Little toe is completely useless since your foot doesn't rest on it, it rests on the distal end of the metatarsal bone corresponding to your little toe (the little ball on your foot before the little toe)
when i close my eyes and lay down, why do i fall asleep?
should you just kill yourself if you didn't luck out in life to become the type of kid that easily makes it into college, is social, enjoys life, etc?
Here's the thing, if you have a 240HZ monitor you're bound to have a good reaction time; all I wanted to know was how to improve it past the point of where you barely improve, as if it's RNG. I've never found an answer anywhere.
Obviously not. Play the hand you're dealt with
Using a pc will always hamper your results because of input lag on your mouse, processing time etc. Afaik the only way to improve is to practice. Get one of those simple test gadgets (light turns on, you press the clicker). High end scientific ones should be much better for measuring than doing it on a pc
Just read about engrams, thank you
Changes in your neurochemistry prompted by your desire to sleep at that moment/in that position because you're a biological robot that's evolved to sleep like that
How do I get gf OPkun?
op why aren't you studying
If we are biological robot can we upload our minds to a computer?
If a boat is moving with the wind and you jump will you land in the same place (moving with the boat) or will you land a few inches back (having not moved)?
A copy of your mind, yes, in the far future when we know enough about brains and have sufficient technology. Your actual mind? Debatable. I'd say no. It's the whole teleportation/ship of Theseus philosophical dilemma. If you have a ship and replace a board, it's still the same ship right. Now, replace another and another till you gradually replace every single board. At what point does the ship stop being the same one. If you keep all the old boards and then recreate the ship, which ship is the real one? Same for teleportation. You basically get destroyed and then a perfect copy of you is recreated. Is that really you? Same goes for brain uploading. My personal opinion is no, but some people still debate it
Anxiety kicking me in the gut rn, I need some escapism
Work on yourself as a person so you can be a more desirable partner. Expand your social circle so more grills can see your desirable traits. Always easier said than done ofc
Afaik, you're moving with the boat so when you jump you inherit its forward momentum. In a simple model, I think you'd land on the same place. In reality, if you jump high enough, the wind doesn't move you as much as it moves the boat (you've got a much lower surface area to mass ratio than the boat) so you'd land a bit behind. How much depends on how much airtime you got
can i ask another question?
You can ask as many as you want
Why nothing can get pass the speed of light?
So when we lose our consciousness or when our bodies get in a state of clinical death we stop existing?
Why do men resort to suicide threats when their girlfriends leave them? Why not embrace some self respect and move on?
How do I fix my depression atter mdma use?
Drink some orange juice mate.
Don't know if there's a legit reason why it helps, but worked for me
Your "consciousness" isn't the only function of your brain. When you lose consciousness or when you fall asleep (very different things) your brain doesn't shut down. Only some of its activity changes, and more importantly, all the biological structures that carry out those activities are intact and can resume action
I can't give you a good answer because that's some advanced physics shit. All I know is, the speed of light is the max speed that any interaction in the universe can be carried out at. I remember watching a good PBS spacetime video on it, but it was fairly complicated so I've forgotten the full answer, just youtube it.
Sorry misread and thought you mentioned sleep. Depends on what you mean by cease to exist, or what you consider as existence. Some of your neurological functions cease but not all of them obviously. If your brain can recover, your higher neurological functions resume and you're back to being fully alive
Not all men do this, bad question
Wait it out and eat a varied diet rich in micro and macro nutrients required to synthesize all the neurotransmitters you wasted while on mdma
Found it
Yea and here I hit a brick wall
I am intrested in topic but dont know where to continue.
Do you actually know all this stuff or do you just google them because I'm too lazy to do it myself?
Apart from picking up actual neurology and neurophysiology textbooks and then reading random studies about brain activity in comatose individuals and shit like that (if you have access to paid publications via libraries, or pubmed if you want free shit) idk what to tell you. At the end of the day we don't know for shit, all you can read are experts' interpretations of available data, purely philosophical debates or alternatively become an expert yourself and have your own opinion
The only time I've used Google ITT was to get that angular momentum pic because it was easier than trying to explain it with words
Thanks, I'll see it now
Bumping for more shit. Come on, ask me something that makes me feel like a brainlet
Is there a way to figure out what is wrong with me mentally without going to a therapist. I don't like the idea of some "professional" poking around in my head and trying to figure me out. I know I'm not normal but I also know I'm not nearly as bad as many people here.
Is there maybe like a forum or something I could just give a description of the behaviors that I think are weird and someone can try to pin it?
Then you'll have pseudointellectuals giving you half baked solutions. Just go to a therapist. If you don't want it to be irl, get online therapy. If you want an amateur to talk to, 7cups
What makes someone smart? Brain size? More neurons? Bigger neurons?
Neurons can't exactly be "bigger". Brain size is also not correlated (I'm not talking about microcephaly aka pathologically tiny brain that leads to severe retardation). There have been geniuses with average, above average and below average brain volume
Afaik, it's more about how many synaptic pathways you have and how they're used
Basically the "wiring" and not the size of the case
Bumperoni originalonihsbdbdjs
Determinism or free will?
I was all for determinism back in highschool, then I started reading about quantum shit and the supposed fundamental randomness of quantum events and now I'm not so sure.
Does fundamental randomness lead to some from of free will? We're still biological computers acting to external stimuli, if some of the stimuli or our reactions to them have a bit of randomness at their core does that mean we have "free will"? No fucking clue. Even 2000 iq megageniuses can only debate on that topic, there's no right answer as of now and I don't think there ever will be
What are you "studying" for? Have you got any plans for the weekend?
I will not give up on the answer even if that's the dumbest shit I do
Med school, I'm half way through
I've got exams right now so I can't do shit for the weekend apart from cramming. If I manage to study all day erryday till then I might give myself a couple hours and grab some coffee or beer with frens
How to fix depression without going to doctors?
For how long should I boil eggs and how hot water has to be?
I can always feel phlegm in my throat. Do I have cancer or something?
Depends on how you like them. I like softboiled ones so I put them in the water while it's cold so they don't crack, wait for it to boil and boil them for 8 ish minutes
Depends on the type of depression. With a question that vague, all I can say is improving your life so you're happy with yourself, eating right and being healthy (a lot of nutritional deficiencies and seemingly unrelated health problems can fuck up your neurochemistry). Cold showers supposedly release endorfins and so does working out. If you have MDD (major depressive disorder aka clinical depression) you need pills.
I don't think you'll get anywhere, objectively. The most you can hope for is coming up with a subjective answer and cementing it in your brain hard enough to convince yourself that it's the only objectively true answer. I enjoy thought experiments and debates but I try not to make existential dread the focus of my life and actually enjoy the moment. Good luck though
Probably not. Smoking/dehydration/chronic infection would be way more likely
Maybe dehydration. I never smoked in my life. Thanks for the answer
Why am I able to easily nap/sleep in the afternoon, but feel restless/not tired when I'm in bed in the evening (even after not taking a nap)
Why do I feel like shit when I sleep for more than 7 hours. I know many people who can easily sleep 10-12 hours
Why? No clue. Insomnia is still poorly understood and I'm far from an expert
Shit that might help is pulling an all nighter and going to bed at a proper time the next day, then sticking to that schedule. Working out before bedtime so you're tired helps some people. Some find a low droning noise makes them fall asleep (fans and shit). Back in highschool when I couldn't sleep, I used to put the TV on low brightness and low volume because I figured out I can fall asleep when I'm not trying to/not supposed to. Basically, I had a mild interest in whatever was on tv so slipping away into dreamland felt sweet and natural, like I wasn't forcing myself to do it
Natural sleep needs vary from person to person. 6-8 is the ideal range for most but there are outliers that can sleep for 8 (correlated to higher risk of heart disease and dying younger). Doesn't mean that you're one of them. Find your optimal amount (the one that gives you the highest alertness and energy level during the day) and stick to it, use an alarm if you have to.
Why does my peepee get hard when I see a girl do the poopoo?
My tripshit got removed for the past few posts my bad
I always have a fan running because that's just comfortable. I also do have a pretty shitty but consistant aleep pattern. On avarage I sleep about 5 hours (on work days) and 8 hours in the weekends. I do not consume too much caffeine, however, I notice a difference in restlessness depending on how much I've consumed.
Could stress be a factor for not really being able to fall asleep? For example, I do think its easier to fall asleep in the afternoon when I'm watching a long and easy to follow youtube video. But in the evening I tend to think about work and school stuff, and how much sleep I'll be getting this night.
Stress is definitely a huge factor and probably the core of your problem
do you think if humans unlocked more than 10% of our minds we would haven't super powers?
That's a meme. We use a fuckton more than 10% of our brain, just not at the same time. You don't need to think speak remember every single memory you have and flail every single muscle in your body at the same time.
You know what activating your entire brain at the same time is called? Epilepsy
how much would you say humans use?
I have pretty bad social anxiety and I've used it as an excuse not to progress any further in life. All of my life I've never invested my time in anything to get better at it and master it. I want to go back to school and make something of myself and actually do things that make me happy instead of moping around on the internet
My probelm is I've burned too many bridges and I don't have the money or resources to fix my social anxiety. I want to get a job but I don't know how to get one or have one where I don't have a complete panic attack, and I have absolutely nothing to put on a resume. I also don't have much of a wardrobe or appropriate clothes for work.
How do I begin fixing myself?
No idea, don't think it's actually measurable. Afaik your brain is like a hdd with synaptic pathways representing different protocols, memories etc. You pretty much use all you've got, that's why you have it. There's always the potential to form new synapses between neurons but I have no idea what the physiological/functional limit would be and how that would correlate to brain function
I have a lump in my tit. I just noticed it three days ago, and it doesn't hurt or anything but idk if I should get it checked out yet or wait to see if it goes away. I had one when I was 18 that went away, and now I'm 20 so idk wat do?
I'm not a psychologist so I can't give you professional advice and I only have mild anxiety myself (I hide it well) so I can't speak from personal experience too much. However, i did see a thread here earlier today about an user with horrible anxiety. The way he managed to fix it was by making a list of small things he would force himself to do each day (he was a student so it started off with stuff like "introduce myself to the person next to me"). As he went down the list, he understood that social interaction isn't that scary and gained confidence, eventually turning into a normie. You could try something similar with situations applicable to you - chatting up your cashier or neighbor, calling old friends or relatives, whatever you're comfortable with. It just has to be /something/. As far as jobs go, you don't need a resume to land a shitty wagecuck job. Manual labor, sanitation, mcjob, whatever. Anything to get you some extra cash and get you out of the house. The bonus is, it'll lead you into new situations where you could try things from your list
Good luck friend
M or F? How big? Have you been taking any medication, if so what kind? Any other symptoms like fluid (milk/blood) leaking out of your nipple?
Thank you for the advice. Originally.
Forgot to clarify, have you been taking any medication in general, not medication for your lump
F. No medication whatsoever. It's about the size of a jelly bean. I haven't any other symptoms that I've noticed
Why do we have nails?
Definitely get it checked out then. Given your young age, it's most likely just a fibroadenoma (totally benign) but you shouldn't gamble with shit like this
Forgot to tripfag again baka
Evolved from claws. Used as tools. Protect the fingers, fascilitate precise and delicate actions
are humans meant to be monogamous or is that just a socially constructed ideal?