Pick-Up Thread/Getting Girls

I'm at the mall right now, looking for girls. Only problem is I don't know what to say. That's where you guys come in, what are some good pick up lines to get girls at the mall? Try not to get my banned from the mall if you can.

I want to fucking lose my virginity TODAY! I'm sick of being an incel.

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Say that u wanna get ur dick sucked and u will pay

Walk up to a qt and say
>I hope you like kids cause I'm about to turn your mouth into a daycare center

Yoo wadup? I'm just a single guy, haha you know I'm trying to find a girl did u fall from heaven cause your face is fuxked up haaha just kiddin can i have your numbee

just be a fun chad guy.

When you approach them, make sure you stand not directly facing them. Like you could walk away at any time. Then just go up and say some shit like 'Hey I am shoppnig for my mum's birthday what is a good shop to buy x?' because you don't know anything about wmoen's shopping, then if they respond positively and are smiley and shit just keep talking to them.

Pretty much that m8

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If you know so much why are you still a Virgin on Jow Forums

yo bich wot wood u rarther a dik or a bullit insid u

I lost my virginity when I was 14. She had a really hairy pussy. Wouldn't recommend.

tell her she's lookin alright. then tell her u got a big dik

>hey you're lookin alright
>don't show up to the mall tomorrow, I'm a dangerous incel

This is probably just my autism, but why would anyone react positively to some random stranger asking them what he should buy? Like, why should this person you never met decide for you?

of course you want to directly face them, but not like you want to attack them

ree get off my board normy xD

protip: chloroform doesn't work like it does in the movies

found this out the hard way

Nah man, if you go and stand face to face directly it feels weird because it is like this dude might not leave. If you are just kind of casually at an angle then they aren't going to be worried about getting stuck with you. If that makes sense?

The point isn't buying his mum something it is just to get a conversation going. If they reacted negatively you can just say 'Okay, thanks bye' if they react positively then just keep talking to them.

This but unironicly

That goes for you too OP, the fact that you look decent enough to even go out in public without getting stared at and having the cops called on you to have you escorted out means you're just a failed normie. Get the fuck out, I can't even leave my fucking room at all let alone think about picking up girls in a public place. You must look good because most pick up artist are good looking and tall. You don't fucking belong here, get the fuck out now.

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showing you are a weak self concious fuck

Nah not really dude. The point isn't about the person approaching, it is about not spooking the girls. Girls are easy to spook because you can literally rape them and they know that.

Not everyone on this board is an incel fuck, since when can we not just be comfy and talk?


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OP you faggot report how's it going?

Just draw up a sign with your requirements and you'll get a girl very fast

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I retreated to a nearby TGI fridays. I got to scared to approach anyone, I'm going to a different mall after this.

What should I buy to drink at the bar? Maybe some alcohol will give me confidence.

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What do incels have against black women? Pretty stupid to reject the most promiscuous group of women when your goal is sex.

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>Maybe some alcohol will give me confidence.
Don't do this, it just made everything worse when elliot did it. He acted up, got beat up and robbed. Wasn't any close to getting girls.

If he won the fight, maybe he could have attracted some girls with his display of dominance

if youre gonna be drinking, stay at the bar until youve found a girl, offer to buy her a drink, buy her as many as she can handle, you should only have about one or two, take her home, boom, you have some pussy, dont get drunk and walk around town like a loser tho

>offer to buy her a drink

Do not do this. Never buy a girl a drink. Especially if you are trying to bone her.

Tell her to buy Skyrim Remastered HD for D-Wave