So I'm planning on killing myself by laying down on a traintrack so that my neck rests on the railroad and I get...

So I'm planning on killing myself by laying down on a traintrack so that my neck rests on the railroad and I get decapitated and die an (almost) instant and certain death.

I'm planning on going to the part of the train track I'm going to decapitate myself on Friday to judge its suitability, is there anything I should look for? How am I supposed to tell if the railroad is electrified? Also, what are the chances that I got spooted by the train before it's too late if I do this at the dead of night? I Imagine the train will have a headlight but willl it reveal me too early?

I'm in the UK by the way.

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maybe you should reconsider
youve been programmed from birth to either conform or die
you shouldnt let them win

>if the railroad is electrified
>what are the chances that I got spooted
trains take forever to slow down. try to hide in bushes anyway.

only problem is flinching last second to get cut in half.

No. Life isn't worthing living if you're too far back on the hedonistic treadmill die to either my genetics or my complicated upbringing. I work out 4 days/week, have a good haircut, eat healthily and try to participate in my workplace's social life as much as possible and I've seeked therapy before on several occasions. I'm just not happy. I know my future will be even worse for reasons that I cannot mention on this board because it will be derailed. I must end my life in order to stop being miserable. I must be strong and take a stand, I will end my life.

I heard someone mention that railroads can be electrified for some reason, I was wondering if that's a thing in the UK, I guess I should Google this.

>only problem is flinching last second to get cut in half.
I see, would getting very drunk before attempting this be a good idea?

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thx for reply. Am american so I don't have any- but you mean like trams? I doubt the actual rails shock things lol.
I heard ppl get drunk to do it. I would simply have music going. actually flinching is not a big deal, not like guns

No I mean trains like pic related, I just read an article and turns out that some parts of the railroad are electrified, but not all of it or even a significant a portion of it, I guess I'll just have to look around or ask a few questions to find out whether it's suitable to lay down on.

Well, time to get started on my suicide note I guess.

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Kind of a dick move user. Seeing someone getting decapitated fucks the train driver up. You'll also delay commuters (given the state of British railways).

Whatcha gonna put in the note?

Why traumatize some poor train driver just because you can't cope with the real world.

good luck I might do this too. it must be easier here.

normie logic. driver can close his fucking eyes?? his well being is not more important

Don't do it user, you'll inconvenience the train. They have a schedule to keep; stopping for a suicide causes needless delay, and you'll make the operator feel sad too.
Britbong electricity retardation is real

As if the traindriver is bothered by it after already running over 5 others before OP. He will just get a forced (and paid) couple weeks off and just go back to work.

Don't care. I owe this world nothing after the way it's treated me. Call me a whiney edgelord if you want but you don't know how ridiculously fucked my circumstances are and why it's fair for me to assign blame to nearly everyone, which is almost certainly the train driver as well. Sorry britbongistan, but this is what happens when you make it virtually impossible to commit suicide peacefully and in safe conditions. Guns are illegal, nazi police state makes it impossible to get ahold of any toxic substances that aren't insanely painful to ingest, hanging is a meme anywhere other than from the top of building (which traumatizes people just like trainacide) and cutting yourself (neck included) is also a meme.

Who and who isn't responsible for creating the conditions of my suicide, and why.

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> study conducted by a Dr. Beaurieux in 1905 of the head of executed criminal Henri Languille. Over the course of 25 to 30 seconds of observation, the physician recorded managing to get Languille to open his eyes and "undeniably" focus them on the doctor's twice by calling the executed man's name

Must be weird experience to be nothing but a head if you stay conscious even for few seconds.

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There's a million other ways to go. Do you want to be remembered as that wanker who traumatised a train driver? You don't have a neat corpse when you're hit by a train. You get dragged for several (if not hundreds) of yards. If you commit suicide by train, you become JAM.

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Just buttchug some alcohol while burning coals in your room

You got a country to fix, lad.
do other somehow a favor.

What happened then? If you can, get a loan from some company and go to the States.

>I owe this world nothing after the way it's treated me.
Oh fucking grow up.

I want to watch and possibly capture it on camera.
Whereabouts in UK are you? Would you let me watch?

>Do you want to be remembered as-
i dont give a fuck whatever it is because i'm dead and I was nobody anyway. mg this normie logic.

no nigga, you're trying to make something work that isn't SUPPOSED to work
you were meant to be doing other things
you were not meant to waste your time doing dumb fucking bullshit that you don't really care about

Normie detected, OP pls find this guy and kill him first

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Im thinking of killing myself too, because of my detrimental genetics. Why should I continue to live when I can never live a happy functional life? This is is literally torture.

Find a video game you like and start playing it and live virtually while eating shit and fapping a lot.

It helps.

Women are a meme anyways if that's your problem.

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My old workmates dad was a train driver. He hadnt worked 3 full years on full pay. He would sit on the couch and drink beer all day living the neet life. Apparently he run over someone so he gets 1year off stress leave and pherapy all he has to do is cry boo hoo at the sessions to keep the neet bucks flowing. He managed to run some one over each year with only as short as 2weeks to a month. A previous train driver suicided from guilt of running some one over so all train drivers get the stress leave.

Thing is your advice would never work for a person like me.

Sounds like a pretty comfy life desu. Too bad I live in america so the train driver industry isn't as big and probably wouldn't get those benefits even if I did manage to find someone that wanted a chance to end their life on my tracks. There is a train track very close to where I live though.

make an exit bag nigga, the hypoxia will mean you'll die in euphoria, don't fuck over the train driver

Yes I've heard about this before. 30 seconds of pure psychological and physical hell is a small price to pay for an eternity of peace 50 years earlier than I was originally expecting it

If you care so much then suggest a reasonable alternative for a student earning part time minium wage and who lives with his parents and has no car.

I'm not taking out a loan, buying a flight across the alantic and then buying a gun to kill myself when I can achieve the same outcome from the comfort of my home neighbourhood.

And ofcourse you retards are coming out of the woodworks despite me calling you out in advance. I don't care about your vapid and inconsequential assumptions about my life or my reasons. Enjoy your managable and mediocre problems and leave me to my thread.

absolutely not.

not me btw

Okay then, so how I do solve this problem? And why shouldn't I just kill myself anyway as that's a far simpler way of solving my problems.

I have POIS so fapping is literal fucking torture to me to the point where I build my entire schedule around fapping and recovering from it

And playing video games/eating shit is completely fucking meaningless. Loses all appeal after a week if your "problems" are anything other than being lazy. Glad it works for you though.

Well, looks like I might be doing someone a favour then. I'm not suprised, my dad has killed a few people over his life and openly told me that he didn't care and he's definetly not a psychopath. Most men just don't care about this sort of stuff as much as they pretend to and I really don't care about the fatass feminist wyman who might be operating the train instead.

Exit bags don't work anymore after the global helium crisis has caused all helium manafactures to heavily dillute the helium in the canisters to cut on costs.

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trains are hard to stop user, even if they noticed you their braking distance is very very long.
don't do this, it'll fuck up the train crew forever.

>Exit bags don't work anymore after the global helium crisis has caused all helium manafactures to heavily dillute the helium in the canisters to cut on costs.
that sounds like titanic amounts of bullshit

also, just use hydrogen or nitrogen if that's the case

if you are gonna do it user, which i'd recommend you to not because it's a rather gruesome death. could you at the very least, do some recording of the trains passing by before you off yourself there? i'm a huge train fan and i wanna see what they look like in the UK.
t. finnfag with blue trains from the 70's that haven't changed at all.

>The global Helium Crisis

okay maybe the "global helium crisis" was a strong way to describe it, but it certainly is somehting that is happening and it's why there's less helium concentration in helium canisters nowadays.

will look into

thanks for your concern but no, I don't want to get doxxed post death.

Stream ur suicide op

Yep you really should kill yourself asap

As much as I want you to suffer since you are an entitled little bitch, I have to inform you that decapitation is no instant death. You stay conscious for a few seconds after

just od on some fentanyl way comfier and you dont even have to leave the house

Don't do it user, you'll thank yourself later if you don't

Fuck off you want me to suffer by trying to scare me out of suicide, I've already addressed this earlier on. Again, you vapid normalcunts need not apply. Enjoying fucking your equally stupid girlfriend and actually being capable of experiencing happiness. As I said above, I work out, I eat very heailty, I try to force my to socalize, I feel valued and important to my company, I've recieved therapy multiple times, I am not entitled, I've tried everything I can to be happy except taking class A drugs, and yet it was all in vain because of the inherent misfortune in the conditions of my birth and early childhood. You have no fucking idea how lucky you are to live such an ignorant and carefree life.

>Yes I've heard about this before. 30 seconds of pure psychological and physical hell is a small price to pay for an eternity of peace 50 years earlier than I was originally expecting it

Tried that many times before, I've regretted it everytime.

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>all these people saying decapitation isn't instant

No, it isn't. But not only will he be decapitated, but his brain is going to be completely destroyed by the train. It'll be as instant as it gets.

Go for it, OP. And it's real doubtful the rails will be electrified, since the train that is going to hit you is probably diesel powered or similar.

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>You have no fucking idea how lucky you are to live such an ignorant and carefree life.

It's not lucky it's called having a non retarded outlook on life and being a capable human being :) But please go ahead and die a gruesome death. I mean that sincerely

How exactly will the brain be destroyed if the train runs over the neck you utter brainlet?

sounds like one of the least comfy ways to die desu. brb going to lay outside on a cold night for 5 hours with my neck on a cold rail with nothing to support my head and rocks digging into my skin as I wait for a train to maybe come. Make sure to bring a mattress with pillows and blankets user. Dont want you catching a cold.

The head isn't just going to roll aside slowly like he got it chopped off with a dull machete. It's either going to go flying or get stuck under the train and completely rekt.

worst advice user

Thank you user for your contribution to the thread, yeah, I'm going through with it.

Your reply is absolutely pathetic and is a half arsed attempt at mumbaling something meaningful when you are clearly incapable. Just post this to reddit already where you'll get people backing you up instead of them revealing you to be a petty and pathetic cretin.

Do it, I want to see your ugly mug in the news.

Where abouts are you in the UK? I hope you don't disrupt my travel.

you're extremely niave if you actually think that everyone who kills themselves make the news

>30 seconds of pure psychological and physical hell
I hope someone taunts you in your face as you're fading away. I hope you regret it.

You should probably at the very least bring a pillow, I can't imagine resting your head on train tracks would be very comfortable. Actually now that I think about it, bring some blankets as well. I want to see in the news "local man dies while attempting to sleep on train track".

Depends on the train and how fast it goes. Faster trains yield longer breaking distance its not rocket science. Make sure the visibility is bad enough, pick a rainy day or do it at night time.

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this desu, might as well make it cozy if you really are going to do it. i'd recommend a proper sleeping bag. shell out some cash on it, treat yourself. get a nice thermos with something warm, like coffee mixed with whiskey.

Certain death indeed but i read your head/brain could still remain conscious for up to 12-15 seconds after being decapitated. Possibly longer.


There is actually not much agony here because death is instant on impact. Its not like he is setting himself on fire or drowning himself where one would live through the feeling of your lungs filling with water.

hey you are still here? common do as all a favor shut up and kys already as little bitches tend to do. Or you can try and man up for once inyour life

this just jump off a building or a cliff or something

>train operator ninja hops out of the moving train and survives the landing just as the train rolls over OP, expressly for the purpose of taunting him before he loses consciousness completely

Comfiest way to die is and will always be drug overdose or carbon monoxide. Trains aint that bad OP, and you dont even have to be conscious when you lay on the tracks.

>the crows start pecking at OP's eyeballs as he instantly regrets what he's done

As your decapitated head lays there and all vitals cease, your brain remains active. It panics, trying to move your arms and legs and escape this doom, but it is too late. You're trapped as all feeling fades and the void slowly surrounds you. Your memories well up as the DMT in your brain is triggered, sending it into a dream state as you slowly lose functionality of your thinking apparatus - no fresh blood coming in. You've never experienced a dream like this. All sections of your brain are unlocked and you're trapped in this state until your brain activity totally ceases. It could feel like years to you. Will it be a nightmare or a series of pleasant thoughts and memories as your almighty embraces you before a long rest?
This is what you're going into OP. I hope you've fully prepared for death if you're going to do this. Your suffering won't end as instantly as you think.
May God have mercy on you, and may you have mercy on yourself

Is that Ciara?

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>omnipotent crow squadron senses his imminent demise and descends on him instantly as he is decapitated
Metal as fuck.

Don't go for decapitation, put your head on the rails so the train will smash your brain. Insta end. But think this shit trough, you won't get another chance. Hope you'll pick to live.

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Seriously though, just go for the nitrogen tank exit bag method. If you avoid fucking it up, it is a far better way to die. You can even do it from the comfort of your own home. I think there is a slight panic before you lose consciousness, but I have also seen it said that you experience a pleasant feeling.

A painless way to kys is to inhale helium from helium tank, use a mask and something for the gas to go from mask to tank.
Humans don't notice difference between helium and oxygen so this should be painless.

Anyone have the pic of that eastern european total 10/10 qt who killed herself that way?
I think she was czech and she killed herself in the way OP just explained
Even filmed it and everything

I have no idea, I just really like the pic.

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sadly i do. here you go user.
makes me wonder what goes through peoples head when they do it. "i wanna get my head smashed and pulverized by a train today, that totally sounds like a plan!".

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Yeah thats the pic I was talking about
Makes me real sad

Just jump from a really high building instead. You'll get to fly for your last few moments.

Well, looks like I'll just keep my brain on the railtracks then to avoid any more pain than is needed.

thank you for pointing out how exhuastingly retarded this guy is ( )

will look into this

I don't know any about her other than the pics of her that occasionally get poisted here, but she's my inspiration for this method desu.

>makes me wonder what goes through peoples head when they do it. "i wanna get my head smashed and pulverized by a train today, that totally sounds like a plan!".

maybe they're sick of being forced to live an awful life than they didn't ask to live?

make sure it's going fast enough or else you might just horribly maimed, break your neck, or trapped in a vegetative state.

also electrified rails are never the rails that the train runs on. trains are not able to be powered straight through the wheels. electric trains that don't run off overhead catenary wires are powered off what is known as a "third rail" which is a separate electrified rail to one side. a little metal pad sticks out from the train and rides along the rail and transmits power. however you usually only see this in subway systems, railroads that are still converting from diesel, are too cheap to put up the wires, or have too many nimbys who hate the look of the wires and oppose any construction.

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Lying down, not laying down.

OP, are you still there? i wanna ask a thing

derailed, heh

Most train drivers don't even know when they hit something, I have a friend who works with locomotives and when you sign up for the job the tell you that you'll most likely kill multiple people during your career as a conductor, you probably just wont realize it. I once saw my friend coming into the station as I was waiting for him (we had plans later) and some randy with his bike tried to get across the rail with his bike and nearly got hit but made it over okay, when I asked my friend what happened to they guy if he knew he asked me what guy I was talking about, he had no idea.

Truth is the driver wont even notice, or will have already done it before my guy, nothing unusual about it sadly

U right the industry is not as big but the effects are still there my guy, not a bad way to neet it up if you get lucky with a kill assist

Why create psychological baggage for another person by forcing them to become an accessory to your death? Either be a man and hang/shoot yourself or do it how chicks do it and poison yourself in a garage with your car.