>just bee confident bro :)
>try to be confident
>get shot down
Thanks, Chad
>just bee confident bro :)
>try to be confident
>get shot down
Thanks, Chad
be confident not be an asshole
im a KV and even i know this
at least you get a response, normie.
You fucked up with calling yourself autistic, you were about 3 inches from being inside of this Stacy.
>Unironically thinks Chad acts like an asshole
There's a difference between confidence, dominance, and being an asshole. People who are confident tend to not insult others.
lmao nice OP
I had one on Tinder the other day, in her pic the girl had some sparkley shit painted on her face. I don't know what it was supposed to be but at first glance it looked like she had a facial tattoo. So I message her
>Hey, I like that thing on your face. Looks like Mike Tyson.
She instantly unmatched lmao
Keep it up OP
Yea but if you are not confident there is nothing wrong with dragging a girl's self esteem down to your level.
> instantly fold at the first slight challenge of your confidence
Insulting them hurts their feelings. Women are driven by emotion.
On top of that, by trying to "bring them down to your level" you are showing that you are insecure and unstable. They want someone who is secure, stable, and strong. Women want a relationship to have things like money and prestige. That's why they'll cheat with their husbands whenever Chad or Jamal show interests in them.
Normies are right when they say "bee urself", because women will never love you for who you are. Trying to put on a charade will just end in you being left at the side. You cannot out-Chad a Chad.
that's not being confident
kill yourself, you roastie bitch normie
I'm a faggot pedophile who lives in squalor. It's not hard to understand females though, they're barely human.
> unironically trying to get dates online
if you are so fucking lazy that you won't even go out in town to see what you can fish ypou need to shut the fuck up about things.
if you want to date online you need to go to the gym and take steroids, hope is worth it n the long run
niggas really be out here insulting a girl with their first pick up line hoping it would make their pussies wet
the absolute state of r9k
niggas really out here defending roasties
the absolute state of r9k
That's why I said if you're not confident.
Wrong my nignog. I have opened with an insult on online dating and gone on to fuck the girl.
This only works if you are already Chad. If you aren't Chad you are supposed to dance and entertain girls like some kind of trained monkey, in hopes that they will choose to mercifully give you a choice. With that in mind, I think you might have actually done well (as long as you're not unironically ugly, that is) if you just passed it off as sarcasm and kept up some sick bantz with her.
But then again, I am a permavirgin who can't even get girls to talk to him in the first place, so what do I know.
>tries to banter
>gets immediately put down
>no comeback at all
Not very confident there, B R O
U were definitely ureself there
Unfortunately that was the problem :,(
Nothing of what he said was roastie or normie, in fact it was completely anti-roast. He was explaining to you why roasties behave the way they do and you being an insecure little faggot became enraged at the explanation.
>but Ive seen better
>Lucky for you Ive lowered my standards
What kind of response were you expecting aside from getting shot down? You basically called her ugly and she gave you the exact same response back to you, but you bitched out like a total pussy. This isn't even fake confidence, it's practically the opposite.