It's literally normie enforcement

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If they wanted to help him they'd shoot him in the head.

It uses minimal resources and is the right thing to do.

I can't fucking stand retards who think suicide is a bad thing.

Well what's stopping you then?

Reminder that it is illegal to kill yourself because the Govt makes currency off of you being alive.

I know the "suicide is against the law because it's illegal to damage government property" saying is quintessential teenage cringe material, but it's unironically true. They don't want the wagies opting out.

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not to mention it is an affront to God and is expressly forbidden by all Abrahamic texts

reminder that if you manage to fail killing yourself you weren't trying and only wanted attention

I passed out fucker and when I woke I was in the hospital you asshole

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hope you got that attention you so desperately craved you fucking faggot

Which method were you going for?

Fucking seething. It cost me so much in those medical bills it set me back so far. I had it all planned.

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tylenol OD

when did he say he was suicidal? fucking kill yourself retard

With some booze thrown in kek

hi Stacy! will you be my gf?

You dumb faggot all you did was hurt your liver a little, oding on tylenol is nearly impossible.

He wasn't me but god are you right. Something internally fucking hurt for a while.

That cop looks like a nice guy, sitting and talking with him

If youre going to OD it has to be real painkillers or some such, dumb fuckboy
If youre going to kill yourself you should go kill some CEOs or some shit then die by cop

>a little compassion
>handcuffed like a rapist or a murderer
>patronized by some Chad oinker
>disallowed to do what he wants with the one thing everyone should have rights to, his own life
>will definitely be shoved into some shitty mental hospital
>will have a record that doesn't go away

did you notice that he is handcuffed? he's being treated like an animal for a victimless crime. the cop is doing his job, not being a nice guy by any stretch.

>don't disobey your authoritarian super powered dictator goyim

That's the thinking normalfaggots, they think they are doing the right and good thing.
And they have the power to enforce it upon you.

You can't just be letting people kill themselves all over the place, dont' do that shit in public

why not?


>in cuff

top kek faggots

you are the reason why abortion is legal now : it prevents people from giving birth to failures like you

>My life really sucks!
>Sorry to hear that. You know what will make your life better? INVOLUNTARY COMMITMENT. A CRIMINAL RECORD. POLICE BRUTALITY. Don't you feel better, now?

Joke's on them, the government has to pay me to live.

you failed even at killing yourself... don't you want to try again but this time by jumping off a very high cliff ?

Americans love authority so much that maybe it actually does make them feel better

How much you want to bet they only did so they can brag about it on facebook on how they saved somebodys life today

>literally the only way to escape from this system that propagates suffering is to end your life
>government is so terrified of losing their cheap labor/consumers that they literaly make it ilegal and puts anyone that considers suicide on mood-altering drugs to essentially force them to conform
Tell me this isn't some dystopian shit right here.

>complaining about based abortion
Abortion is pretty great, kids fucking suck and there is already too much people in the world anyway. In fact, I even think some adults deserve to be aborted too.

>inb4 fedora
I don't even care.

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He should have rushed the pig

honestly this, when are they gonna learn suicide by cop is often way easier

just dip yourself in brown paint and walk away from the first cop you see, their training will kick in and you'll have a magazine of hollow tips in your spine in no time

He wanted to kill himself not be murdered.

Dying in glorious battle does sound kinda better than just killing yourself desu, but what if the cops all of a sudden decide to not just shoot every suspect on sight and you end up tazed and taken to jail instead? That would suuuck.

Where the fuck are the bootlickers now? When it's niggers getting shot or people with drugs getting carted off for life they're always right here to kiss the hooves of their beloved pigs, but now, a white robot being denied the last option he has left to be sent to a normification center, where the fuck are you bootlickers!?

>>government is so terrified of losing their cheap labor/consumers that they literaly make it ilegal and puts anyone that considers suicide on mood-altering drugs to essentially force them to conform
Sounds like the plot of Brave New World

Its actually because if a person or police officer believes you are going to kill yourself they have to right to break into your house in an attempt to save you. At least thats what (((they))) tell you.

They are way too pussy to do anything except magdump. They literally never get in trouble. Remember that nigger that got choked to death?

>see someone trying to kill themselves
>goes out of their way to call the police
>police waste thousands of dollars in resources rushing to the suicidal person
>tackles them to the ground, cuffs them, and drags them to a mental facility to sterilize their brains
cops are taught to identify suicide by cop and they go out of their way to take non-lethal shots

because cops can kill niggers and get away with it and we can't
piss off nigger

>police use thousands of tax dollars every day, just funding their existence, what different does it make
>tackles them to the ground, takes them to a mental facility because the government earns money from your existence and isn't going to let you slip through the cracks

The more crazies they can put that attempted suicide stamp on and medicate, the more pills they sell, and the more crazies that aren't dead, the more facilities you can run where you charge an insurance company $600 for a ibuprofin and pocket the $599.98 you tacked on because nobody looks at the receipt

That might be private medicine, but if you haven't noticed our government is bought and paid for, so it was only a matter of time before pharmaceutical companies bought some laws to make their lives a little richer

Then become a cop dipshit. If you can't become a cop your an even bigger failure than most of this board.

I actually have never read Brave New World so I went to look up the plot
>Bernard Marx is an angry manlet who is considered a low value male for his stature and refuses to conform to social norm
>he is against the promiscous sex that is enforced in his society as a form of control
Damn, that sounds Jow Forums as fuck. I need to read it now.

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No it isn't. Nowhere in the bible does it say that suicide is wrong or bad. In fact I'm pretty sure some of god's first seeds wind up killing themselves.

it wasn't public, and people wouldn't do it "all over the place". Enough people don't want to kill themselves that making suicide not illegal wouldn't affect much

>tfw I live in a Third World shithole where cops will literally just gun down every suspect with fucking machine guns
I guess if I really decide I want to die I could always get myself a katana and go down like a grorious samurai. Maybe I will become immortalized as a meme or something.

Hell, I'm surprised nobody has done this yet, as a matter of fact.

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>tylenol OD
>not doing it for attention

What a faggot.

>much needed resources and help
>they put him in fucking shackles and forced him on the ground
>literally taking his ownership of his own life away, dictating his most personal decision he could ever make, life or death

fuck the cops, i can't believe they steal our tax money for this shit.

Lol, read the fucking tweet retard, it was public enough that multiple people reported it


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That's right. Everyone just stop replying and let the thread die, because I posted in the thread. That means the thread will die. I wanted this to happen. You are all beta cucks for doing what I want you to do. I am the man who makes threads die by will.

the dude who allegedly sent those anthrax letter killed himself with tylenol

>he thinks he can tell a kissless virgin wizard's apprentice what to do
heh...what a fool
>*casts Death Ward*

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>don't kill yourself goyim, we need your tax dollars!