Other thread in the morning has died. Opening up again.
Topic was self-esteem, and let me tell you there is a chad or a wannabe one at least among the group who has his eyes set on the girls. He tries hard to be funny, to stand out and even talks how he tried some social experiments to conquer his "fears" e.g. buying groceries but then say to cashier that he forgot his money to trigger a reaction. Or even more ridiculous, he smeared himself with tooth paste around his mouth and walked around.
Well, regarding the topic, we had the task to discuss what our self-esteem is based of e.g. family, social contacts, work etc.pp Of course all of them said it was mainly social contacts, work and leisure time activities. On my turn I simply said that my self-esteem is defined by life experience which means success and the lack of it.
So, your turn now robot, what defines your self-esteem now or in the recent years, be it positive or negative? P.S. I won't go next week for sure. We were tasked to write down what we do the strengthen our self-esteem and what good qualities we see/have about ourselves. It will be a total shitfest for a loser like myself. I don't see the point in ridiculing myself in front of these relatively normal people.
I definitely have 0 problems regarding self-esteem, I find myself to be someone who can achieve success. My robotry comes from having had substantially 0 gfs, khv, low amount of friends and hating normalplebs.
Liam Cooper
Bump to save the thread
Tell me your self-esteem and what is based on.
Noah Miller
I know what you mean. I straight up think I am better than most people (that's not a projection, or a defense mechanism; I unironically think that) but at the same time I expect most people to dislike me, and I also don't consider any of my (admittedly god-like) qualities to be of any use in attracting women.
If I was in a therapy group where they wanted me to do that "write down your good qualities" exercise, I wouldn't be able to do it - because if I wrote down what I actually thought, I couldn't possibly share it with the group without making them hate me even more.
Bentley Gray
I see where you're going. Personally I've come to try to be the most humble and honest with myself as possible, in order not to overestimate myself: I think I have a good enough sight on my good and bad qualities, and don't think of myself as remotely perfect or whatever. I suck at certain types of intelligence, I'm really not that good at small talk (which as blunt as it might seem is a really useful social skill), don't really like people who are overly superficial, I often tend to have problems when it comes to give it the last spurt (in studying, etc.). I'm full of shitty defects, but I try to make up for them by thinking about them and working on myself. I'll probably end up a wizard anyways
Cameron Ward
What I wanted to say is: try not to overestimate yourself, only disappointments come out of it. Try to establish what you're actually good at and what you're bad at. You suck at making connections with other human beings? Tell them that. You're very good at maths or whatever? That's a good quality, write it down. simple as that really
Samuel Gonzalez
I'm in the top 10% of men in this country in every non-genetic aspects. Fitness, wealth, education, intelligence, you name it. But I have never found out how to be more than acquaintances with people and moreover I get stress when interacting with (too many) people (this devolves into full-blown panic if the event is too large with too many strangers). Those I talk to describe me as: a great conversationalist, kind, and blunt. They mention that they enjoy talking to me, and I was never told I was ugly (I have been told I was "not ugly", that I looked "fine", and that I was "good looking"). Because of the feedback I have received, I am confident that I must look, at worst, average. Therefore, although I am still somewhat insecure about my looks, they are not damaging my self-esteem. Moreover, because of the feedbacks I have received about my conversation skills, I believe it is also safe to say they are not a problem. Additionally, the character traits I have been attributed have positive connotations, and therefore do not seem to be an issue either. In conclusion, there must be something fundamentally wrong with me, except literally nobody is able to tell me why, from doctors to therapists to normalfags to other robots. All in all, I do not have self-esteem issues.
William Cooper
my self esteem is very strange sometimes i'm totally fine with my self but on some days i feel like total shit i think the main reason for it is that i have no goals in life not evena reason to do so i feel honestly just totally empty and hollow i feel like i'm just a walking husk i know what it's like to love and be loved all the sex bs etc but i didnt get anything from it
Julian Wilson
It seems there are only winners here...
Hudson Cruz
It's not much of a surprise. The idea that robots have low self-esteem is a normalfag-based projection (normalfags are significantly less likely to have good self-esteem than robots, because they can't understand the concept of introspection, which would have lead to hypothesis testing and objective self-evaluation as robots are able to do, which makes them easily manipulated by alpha chads). The problem is that while robots' self-esteem is rarely, if ever, inflated (unlike normalfags', cf. introspection - it goes both ways), it often comes from years of constant efforts to improve, yielding no results. Meanwhile the normalfags don't need to do any effort at all and get results for free. Normalfags who get less results than others do get severe self-esteem issues from it, but robots evaluated what their perceived flaws were and changed themselves. Now they cannot logically esteem themselves poorly, but that hasn't helped them at all in life and their anguish is only greater than ever. That of course does not mean there are robots with low self-esteem, or that all robots improved themselves after introspection, merely that they are statistically very rare in robot populations as opposed to normalfag populations.
Ryan Rivera
Sounds plausible, but then again not....if most of you have high self-esteem and thus high confidence, and it is backed up and not faked, why do you still come here, or are not able to get a gf at least? That's only possible if you are also highly autistic and/or ugly to the bones.
Anyways, if I were to rate my self-esteem, I'd say 2/10. And it's a realistic evaluation.
Actual low self esteem ppl won't post their issues because they have too low self esteem to even share it on user board Talking from my own experience
Leo Watson
But it's anonymous, at least it's way easier for me to open up here. I'd never be able to do that with anyone in RL. They know basically nothing about me.
So I guess there exists anons who have even lower self-esteem than I have, the ones who stay silent, the ones who only lurk.
Asher Wright
>Im too unmoral, not like these people xD >Fuck that guy trying to improve his life through tried and tested ways and with the help of health professionals >Haha I wont do any of the exercises given to me. In fact I wont even try.
Youre not even trying to get better and it seems like your illness is a meme, if you were truly bothered by it you would work on it. I suggest you take your therapy seriously and swallow your pride and do what youre told. Things will get better.
Luis Hernandez
No they won't fuck you too.
>if you were truly bothered by it you would work on it.
If I were truly bothered by it, I wouldn't be able to face it anyways.
>suggest you take your therapy seriously
I do though, but I do not believe anything they say. Actually it's only information anyways, role playing comes later, though I won't take part anymore.
Kevin Lewis
>why do you still come here, Because of extreme pressure by society which causes larger and larger amounts of anxiety as we age, there is literally nobody else in the world who will so much as try to understand us, yet here there are people who literally have lived what we're living. That pressure is the one of finding a significant other. > or are not able to get a gf at least? Those are equivalent conditions. And if we knew the reason we wouldn't be here. The uglies are a very small minority of robots, surprisingly. Some robots even end up developing a temporary complex about their looks not because they lacked self-esteem but because it's the last thing they could possibly blame for it (lack of ability to objectively assess one's own looks). When finally bite the bullet and post about themselves, this shatters instantly because they're usually solid 6/10+. Some people are assholes, but they know that because assholes are told they're assholes (while nice people are very rarely told they're nice). There's a sizable part of the population that has mental issues, but they're also still a small minority by comparison to the sane ones.
Most everyone here seems to have issues engaging in social activities though. Many can speak to people casually and do smalltalk if someone else engaged them, but many can't. Those who can do smalltalk when engaged usually can't engage themselves. And those who can do smalltalk when engage and can engage themselves usually can't go any further (it's not clear to them if they don't know how to or are simply incapable of doing it). In any case, none of us are getting appropriate feedback. Many of us have rarely been told negative things about ourselves post-improvement, and usually people are saying positive things about us. See the problem?
Nolan Butler
I quit group therapy aswell, thinking in similar ways as you do, now I regret that decision. It is one of the best ways to get better, group therapy works and there is a reason why you were placed there. My advice is to hang in there and do those silly exercises and listen and try to emphatize with the other group members. These things take time and it's not supposed to be easy. Don't quit, what are you going to do with the time you gain anyway? Feel bad or play more vidya? It's not worth it and you will eventually regret it.
Zachary Jones
I was fairly normie before I got schizophrenia. Was a bullied kid though, never had high self esteem. Now I absolutely don't give a fuck if anyone wants to talk to me. I only really need need to be edgy on the internet for attention. I have nothing to do and I'm on disability. I'm just sick and tired of all this boring shit. I'm not interested in conversation anymore and I tire of vidya. Should I do something? I'm limited by lack of money. I thought about joining a war somewhere.
Nathaniel Mitchell
I just don't care anymore I try really hard to push everyone away but it hurts on the inside I don't feel confident in myself I think everyone is disgusted or ashamed of me. I'm 18 and when I look in the mirror every day I see myself getting be older and older with no turning back.
Last month was my last days of high school I have a diploma I'm unemployed and I have earned the label neet and I hate it all I do is jerk off job search and play video games the only thing stopping me from blowing my head open was the idea that my siblings neefed me. I just realized a week ago that they don't really need me there not even my full blooded brothers and sisters. They have other big brothers and sisters I'm just another bump I'm the road they can discard when I don't fall in line. I just don't love myself anymore and all I want is someone to look me and smile and be happy they know me.
Oh sure, I am sure the relatively normal people will understand anything a loser has to say.
I am an outcast even among those who seek professional help for their mental well being.
And let me tell you, I have gone to several group therapies now over the years. I can do that, because it is all covered by the health insurance and I don't pay a cent.
William Rogers
How old are you? How long untill you break down and can't handle it anymore? What will you do then? You probably aren't as different from the people in your group than you think. Even if you are in a worse state than them it dosen't matter. Youre there to share your thoughts and recieve feedback, most likely positive. You write extremly negativly about yourself, group therapy can help you with that.
Wyatt Rogers
I'm 32. I'll never break down because I regularly strangle my cat. It's definitely the most enjoyable part of my life. Nah i'm very different.
Kevin Ortiz
I have to stop doing this.
Please continue.
John Nelson
I am 31 and I am already thinking about how to write the mail to the psychologists leading the group and then thinking how to justify my decision when having an appointment with my psychiatrist.
Sorry, but I am different, already starting with my ethnicity, and then my social environment, my status in society, my lacking success, my lack in hobbies/passion, my lack of work and the list goes almost endless.
It's better for them to be amongst their own kind. I can only bring negativity to the group. And no, we are not at the stage yet where we comment each other's thoughts, we just listen to the others when they speak up.