Anyone else find waifu abuse really cute?
post pics and discuss
>Inb4 moralfags
Anyone else find waifu abuse really cute?
post pics and discuss
>Inb4 moralfags
This fills me with rage and yet gives me a colossal erection.
post more please
I got you
oregano loli
>tfw you realize you'd probably end up accidentally doing this stuff if you ended up with someone due to your tendency to be distant emotionally and hiding behind the farce of being calm and emotionless
>tfw no scarred gf
To treat someone like this is despicable, but that isn't why it upsets me. What really upsets me is that no one will ever love me enough to be hurt by my actions.
I don't really know about those personality tests, I think there was INT something there but I don't remember if it was P or J, but I'm usually distant and hate to express myself so I either hide behind unfunny humor or being the "cool calm collected guy"
Can anyone post the wholesome on of the scarred girl? Sorry guys, I'm still whiteknight enough to be sad to see cute girls being treated badly.
Also who is the scarred girl in the original pic?
>love me enough to get hurt by our actions
if you're spending a lot of your free time thinking alone, and you have a tendency to hide your emotions and don't want to waste time with social interactions you deem to be trivial, you might be INTP
just look up the personallity types and see what suits you the most
can someone else post pics, i'm the only one posting (i'm op)
...i still got you niggas tho
Found it for ya user
Unrelated but why do I like the fact she's scarred?
Maybe it's the classic "You have this flaw but it doesn't matter because I love YOU and the flaw doesn't matter" thing?
desu not only did i do those things but it also happened to me i wouldnt recommend it i'm emotionally fucked up and cant really enter a relationship anymore maybe its because i dont even know anymore how falling in love works
I'm a sucker for the "rescuing a damaged, lonely girl" trope so stuff like this really gets me
I know it's dumb
cheers for posting these lads
Wew lad we posted the same thing
>I know it's dumb
But you want to be someone's source of happiness? Not all that dumb
>tfw someone posts the same image as you, but in better quality.
Martyr syndrome, I have it.
Yeah but you made the thread so you're the real star OP
>no one will ever love me enough to be hurt by my actions
Good point, but at least the upside is you won't end up hurting anyone.
Yuki was my waifu for a short time.
holy shit is this a nice thread now?
>holy shit is this a nice thread now?
Well after the wholesome one was posted I guess it is
so it shall be
oregano loli
I dont value myself. I dont have much self esteem. So the idea of dating someone less conventionally attractive appeals to me because I feel like they would be less likely to leave me. I love the idea of making someone elses happiness my focus and doing nice things for someone else (while also having sex with them of course because I'm still a man). I have a bad habit of 'rescuing' people that I'm only just starting to stop doing now.
>tfw friend becomes transexual
>tfw gave transexual friend 350 for therapy
>tfw supported them for 8 years when others wouldn't
>tfw they only talked to me when noone else was there and their other friends were busy
>tfw I was the only one to see her in hospital
>tfw she inherited 200,000 and spent 5000 on a new computer for one new internet friend and 3000 for a boob job for the other one
>tfw never saw a penny of it back
>tfw that black pilled me into cutting it all off
>tfw hate the person but still miss the feeling of being a shoulder to lean on for someone else
its a strange feel
more wholesome shit coming through
Fucking hell this is morbid.
a personal favourite of mine
oregano loli
(((((better quality)))))
oregano loli
oh no
(oregano lilo)
>tfw can't actually do this to womeme
Why even carry on
I'm confused
>invest so much into a person
>they just ignore you without a second thought
that's gotta hurt a lot man
>I'm a sucker for the "rescuing a damaged, lonely girl" trope
What is her name or the name of the anime? Also thanks for posting these
i don't know exactly who she is but looks alot like hanako from katawa shoujo.
nigga that sure as hell ain't Hanako.
Pic related, it's Hanako, for reference
oh wow ok nevermind, i thought she looked different in my head. it's been a while since i played that game, mb
>Anyone else find waifu abuse really cute?
no, I'm not mentally ill.
>tfw have a kink for being emotionally abused
This is very arousing
My mom did all of this to me as a kid (especially hitting) except the break up and reading this makes me cry because I identify with the waifu.
You didn't deserve that user. I hope you get a nice, happy relationship where someone loves and cares for you.
Yes, and then ultimately destroys you in every way when she cheats on you and breaks up with you after hitting you.
I bet your tears will be lovely :)
Thanks. I have a gf right now (pls don't kick me off the board) but I can't get rid of the feeling that every woman is just like my mom but hiding it and will eventually hurt me.
I feel exactly the same way about women because my mum was emotionally abusive between 12 and 16 for me and I see all women as evil cheaters who can't be loyal and abuse good men
back to your containment thread
no u skedaddle outta here famalam
Same. Literally how I feel about women. I don't know if I'll ever not think that way about women.
this reminds me of those "trap" makers
>that hand
is hisao a nigger?
that would explain his intelligence
>it's been a while since i played* that game**, mb
**visual novel
If you help someone expecting something i return it's not a favour it's an investment. That being said, she is a bitch for not returning you the money and you should have been more honest with her (and probably yourself). Despite that, I'm sorry for you man, there's a chance that she used you.
PD: Never GIVE money to anyone, in case you lend it make sure that they will return it, have at least a signed note and a date
(NTA) God, I knew this tranny at my high school who insisted that visual novels were just like reading actual books
>that crop
What the fuck are you doing, nigger?
the thing is I knew she had money trouble and didn't want to burden her with debt, so I said it was a gift, and I'd like the money back but I'm not expecting it back. I thought that when she suddenly got her huge inheritance it would be something she would consider because in her position it would be the first thing I would do with that money. But she instead chose to reward her new friends she'd met online with a gaming pc and a boob job. I wasn't expecting even the full 350 back. Just a game on steam or something would have been cool. I got blown off instead.
Maybe you can ask her for the money, claiming that you could really use it right now (whether it's true or not, prepare a lie just in case). The sooner you get this over with the sooner you will be able to move on with your life, good luck pal
More of these.
Less of this, please.
nah, fully cut her out my life 6 months ago at the cost of most of my friendships that we shared