I'm eating too much, I hate myself. I'm going to become fat
I'm eating too much, I hate myself. I'm going to become fat
Then stop... or do some exercise
Um how old are you? If you're not too old it probably isn't too late
Who cares anyway if you are fat then it means you are to lazy to workout or not diciplined to not eat that much. So laugh and grow fat
>laugh and grow fat
Like a metal gear solid villain.
Post pics or give discord and send pics there.
Lift weights and try to eat better food (chicken breasts and rice helps)
lifting weights both burns calories and also converts the fat into muscle, which in turn burns more calories
don't bother with cardio it's a dumb meme
if there was anything you could do about it, but im just lost
>no cardio
What if I want to become a speedy fighter?
my gf is fat, she has a lot of pain most of the time, don't do it.
I'm underweight and I usually go running but these days I'm eating too much so i'm really worried. I know I'm stupid, the answer is just to stop eating too much.
Thanks guys anyway, you're all kind of supportive :c
r9k is not the place for support, that'll be your fat-mobile's job if you keep on this current trajectory
but qt belly girls are cute!
unless you're gonna be running 10k while fighting I wouldn't worry about it
> I usually go running
stop running and start lifting
do dumbell chest press every day between 6 and 12 reps, 3 sets and you'll see changes in about a month or two and it only takes 15-30 mins a day
well you'll still find someone you easy mode cunt
Not OP but maybe I've been going about exercise the wrong way. I usually do light exercise until I'm exhausted. Maybe that's why I never exercise. Usually go for an hour or two, during which time I also do some heavier exercise like doing push ups while weighing 250 pounds.
Sounds like you have body dysphoria. That kind of situation always saddens me.
Do you have a bf user? If so ask him about this stuff.
Or just do deadlifts to death that feel heavy/very heavy for you
8 reps
I used to, too bad I only gained muscle under the fat
It's an easy method to become builtfat tho, if you don't just eat everything you see
No i don't have a bf. I'm lonely and I want to kill myself so bad rn
b my belly gf
How do you not have a bf when you're underweight?
I don't know, I guess maybe life as a female and finding a bf isn't so fucking easy as you all think
because you won't date robots tho lmao so gtfo of here you attention whore
All you would have to do is post your discord info in some thread and you would easily get a bf.
Nobody lives close to me. (Asking me where I live it's useless cause I honestly don't want to say it and I already know I'm not going to find someone) Having an ebf doesn't allow to do main relationship stuff like kissing or seeing each other
I'm so sorry if I sound rude
Calorie counting is horrible but its a foolproof way to not overeat just eat 1/3 of your daily allowance each meal also start a sport its easier to motivate yourself to train than if your just going to a gym I'd recommend jui jitsu
Let me guess, is it Italy?
Your comment has been muted jtehetetj
burn some calories by jumping on my dick
Is it an Eastern European country or New Zealand?
When did you realize that fat girls are the saddest and most contemptible beings in the universe because all they would have had to do to be attractive and play life on easy mode would have been to not eat quite as much?
you don't sound rude you just sound like a dumb cunt who doesn't realize how easy you have it. does your country have literally NO online dating? move to ANY of the countries in the world that do, and presto you can't be lonely. were it so easy to be a man.
Why do you have it hard?
It's Poland isn't it?
eat better food and less junk