/LDG/ - Lonesome feels edition
>today's message
Thread for questions, tips, and advice on Lucid Dreaming
Life getting you down and need and escape? this is it.
A lucid dream is when you're conscious that you're dreaming
and have the ability to control the physics, environment, people,
and basically everything in the dream world.
>having a tough time with remembering dreams?
this is step one if you have trouble with this one if not it's
still recommended to do anyways because of the benefits
writing down dreams also helps with increasing quantity and quality
of dreams.
More dreams = More likely to lucid dream
----------------------------SO STOP ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT NOT HAVING DREAMS----------------------------
>Reality checks
just note that reality checks are extremely unreliable and 100%
not a permanent thing for Lucid Dreaming although reality checks
are best done right in the morning when you wake
(cuz false awakening dreams happen all the time for everyone) and right before bed
>Meditations relation to lucid dreams????
meditation makes you mindful of your dream allowing for becoming lucid without reality checks
>want to lucid dream without constant reality checks or any other techniques?
used for essentially instant results but only use this technique if you have the time to
because it MAY (probs wont) take up to an hour if you decide to.
also side note the constant swallowing you do
as you fall asleep will not ruin your attempt in WBTB
>for other techniques and great tutorials
>are you an insomniac?
>quick and simple rundown of most methods
Meditate, dream journal, and /LDG/
/LDG/ lucid dreaming general
elaborate niggy
>tfw too retarded for lucid dreaming
I have pretty excellent recall despite being too lazy to keep a journal (writing down dreams is just so boring to me because they never make any sense narratively, it's all about the feeling when you're experiencing the dream but you can't convey that just by writing the events)
I know all the reality checks and tells that I'm dreaming, but I just can't seem to do it. Whenever I realise I'm asleep I instantly become aware that I'm lying in bed paralyzed, and this either leads to waking up or a false awakening realistic enough to convince me I'm awake (after a few minutes of disturbing SP shit)
Can't even have fun in my dreams, please just kill me senpaiz
>false awakenings
exactly why reality checks right in the morning when awake and right before bed are really important
Help me astral project pls
I've tried a lot and only ever gotten to the vibrating part. I can never seperate
Yes, but even when I have a false awakening and RC if I then realise I'm still asleep I just start to feel myself in bed again so it's an endless loop. One time I got in a cycle of "waking up", panicking and jumping the entire flight of stairs and "waking up" again when I landed
Am I just fucked?
> able to to get to the vibrating part
i just want you to know that this is progress congratulate yourself but astral projection is not my strong suit i mean thats more /x/ teir stuff but i could add it into the OP if i minimized some stuff also werent you here yesterday?
so it seems once you realize your dreaming the dream prevents you from acting out anything?
I read yesterdays thread but was lurking
yeah lurking is always good and encouraged but if you ever have questions im always here for the robots
I no joke right after waking up forget my dream, I've tried a dream journal but I can't remember anything long enough, I only remember nightmares for like 3 minutes and then I got nothing. anybody know how to remember in this situation
this is the hard part where you gotta just right down "i remember nothing form last night" or some variation of that but once you have a dream right down the emotions and setting but emotions are a huge help for dream recall
i used to practice for this, never got anywhere except i remember almost all my dreams for about 5-10 minutes after i wake up
how long does this take to start working? i really do need an escape from life
NEVER STICK TO ONE THING theres a link in OP with many many different tutorials for lucid dreaming i would recommend trying at least one a week until you find one that works perfect for you
yeah ive tried fucking everything, except going into sleep paralysis
guess ill try that tonight
yeah ive never had many sleep paralysis experiences it sounds fun IMO even though i cant move
im going through the methods in that OP link
fuck i wish i was a neet, i dont have enough free time from work to try all these in a reasonable time
sucks man im on summer break but i gtg for now ill be back in an hour k pls bump for me
finally a good fucking thread
I orifelorifogr
yeah man my thoughts exactly i wanted to improve the lives of robots while cleaning up this board
BUMPORINO macorino
My problem wasn't listed in OP. My problem is that when I achieve lucidity the dream just fades out and I wake up. How to solve?
Super commen problem and im always happy to help for this in many cases it can be because of over excitement or just an overwhelming emotion but sometimes you can become lucid when the dream is unstable meaning once lucid do stabilization techniques to stay in your dream
Did this help?
Kind of, I knew that being overexcited would cause me to wake up, but when it happens, I feel fear for some reason.
fear just so happens to be an emotion my dude just make sure to relax and remember that it's your dream and everything in it revolves around you you are in power and if it keeps happening im always here to talk
I mean, I feel fear when seconds after I have achieved lucidity.
yeah lucid dreams can be overwhelming maybe once you get used to becoming lucid it might wear off so instead of focusing on staying lucid just focus on your emotions right as you enter so that you dont jolt out on accident get comfortable being in your dreams
Thanks for the advice! I hope you have a great day!
No one ever tells me nice things like this im going to set this as my wallpaper thank you so much and you are so welcome im happy to help anytime everytime
Thank you too! Sorry I didn't include your post on the first message! This one more specifically. This is a good thread!
Have a plan to do this tonight, any ASMR videos to help me lucid dream? I watched PJ Tingle's one and just in case, i need Plan B's
Shit i clicked on the wrong post! I meant this one
Sorry for fucking up
Would this be considered a branch of oneironautics or is it oneironautics itself?
>mfw have been stuck in half-lucid dreams for nearly a week
They're terrifying. I can't make them stop. I see all sorts of fucked up people with fucked up voices and fucked up bodies.
Sometimes they try and chase me, other times they just stand there - I've even seen one choke itself out.
Some don't have eyes. Others do, but no eye lids, so their eyes look all shriveled and cracked.
I remember everything so vividly, too. It always starts in my room, but the lights are off and my PC is frozen on the home screen and no other electronics work. So I go downstairs and see that my door is open. The first two times I went through it, but there are a bunch of those creepy cunts outside.
It's always random when I wake up. Sometimes it's after the creepers get close to me but other times it's when I stray too far from my place.
One thing I DON'T remember is what happened when I went into my mom's room. I don't know what I saw but I woke up and sobbed, not even knowing why.
Any tips to make this stuff stop?
they were both me (OP)
>PJ tingle's
fuck man that funny to say but rather than using ASMR use guided meditations which can act like ASMR but helps you meditate and in turn makes lucid dreaming MUCH MUCH easier
This is exact definition of oneironautic
Not a lycid dream but was a very nice one but confusing
It was me and my oneitis back in high school on our bus. She was naked and i was cuddling with her om the bus. I was kissing her and she was laughing.
I will always remember this. Its the closest ive come into physical contact with her.
I miss her.
>terrifying and horrid dreams
sucks man especially with such vividness i mean its easy for me to say this but try chasing them away make them fear you in my dreams when a murderer came after me i chased him into a corner and he broke down crying pleaing for mercy also use expectation to your advantage by turning around or looking away and saying "what a shame they all disappeared like that never to be seen again" you might be able to whisk them away just like that also try meditation it might make your dreams more calm and relaxing
sad story man read the today's message in OP i got something more relate able for you up there
you are really stressed out, do you take any drugs or medication before you sleep too?
I heard mugwort tea helps with lucid dreaming, can anyone vouch for this?
Any success stories from waifufags? I remember I could induce a few years ago some sort of semi conscious state when I was half asleep on which I could have fluid conversations with my waifu.
I'll look it up, i also got a few questions if you don't mind
>Will i wake up in bed?
>Can i have sex in my dreams? If so, how do i get the girl i want to have sex with in my dreams?
>Can i change the weather in the dreams
>Can i time travel to any place? Wanna fight in the Russian Civil War
>Will getting harmed/killed in the dreams do any real-effect to you?
Ask what you can
sry kiddo OP here and ive never touched em id imagine you might get dependent on it considering people use lucid dreaming as a form of escapism sometimes might over use the drug and be a poor fag i just wouldn't bother with it unless you're sure that you can handle it
thing is dreams have no randomness or probability some dude said rolling dice in a dream is the weirdest experience ever due to the lack of probability
>wake up in bed
in the morning yes
maybe if you're thinking false awakenings then yes that too otherwise elaborate pls
>sexy time?
yes 100% you can spawn the in from behind you usually by calling a name or acting surprised that they are "behind you" also everything is expectation so have high confidence
oh my god its so comfy to do so i had a dream with soft lightning and it was so pleasant short answer yes
>time travel
yeah but you might need to use things like entering in through a door or whatever
>dream - IRL?
nope not one bit not in the slightest worst case scenario you cum your pants from fucking your waifu so much (WET DREAM)
also i may add a Paste about spawning in people and items due to this it gave me a good idea THX
Cool, thanks! I'll try and say "Door to Russian Civil War" and see if it appears, thanks!
>try chasing them
Some of them literally rush me down, screeching autistically and flailing their arms around. It's fucking unnatural. Their screams are obviously a figment of my mind, but they still hurt my ears. It's worse that most of them are taller than me, that sort of inspires the whole "don't fuck with something larger than you" reflex.
It's nighttime so its difficult to see the ones who aren't screaming - they like to pop into the corner of my view and come at me.
If I have the dream again, I'm grabbing a carving knife. Maybe that will deter them.
None before I sleep. I'm on an XR nootropic though but I take them after breakfast.
Sorry for slow replies I'm phoneposting from work.
you seem very talented with lucid dreaming what ,methods do you use to become lucid?
Good point, it never occurred to me that indirect dependency could be a danger.
Sure thing my dude
Alright I'm gonna try this, set my alarm for 5 hours time and try WBTB
How long am I supposed to stay up then, just half hour? And what should I do during that time to increase my chances of successfully entering a lucid Dream?
This is my first time tonight senpai, better ask OP or someone else
I'm about to try that insomniac thing, let me tell you now if it works you have fucking saved my life bruh
>chasing is a no go
just stare it down then maybe think of evil things you would do to it even if you're a sane person just in that moment become evil it will diminish them just imagine them cowering and fading away
>inb4 i dont feel so good
actually a good option no joke
Make sure things stay quiet and everything is comfy maybe have some tea or look at a picture i wouldn't recommend light too much but the main point is how long you can stay up while still able to fall asleep some people dont leave their rooms and just stay up for 10-20 minutes tops i would actually recommend trying to meditate for WBTB and then going back to sleep point is just to be too awake you cant get back to sleep quick enough
that was OP im OP i ask mainly so i can edit things based on others experience so i can make it easier for other bots to apply to their attempts
cant dream if i have to worry abou other stuff
yeah man OP here im an EX insomniac BUT nothing is for everyone mantras helped me BUT meditation can help others where as Computer lights may be the main problem the insomniac Paste is very new and although directed to Insomniacs who have a hard time with WBTB should also help with Insomniacs in general
I'll try my hardest. I just don't feel like I'm in control, despite being aware of the fact I'm stuck in a dream
Oh, okay, I'm gonna test if it works, wish me luck
what other stuff brobot whats on your mind? need to vent?
take risks man thats all i can say once you learn the ins and outs of your dreams both in how it operates and responds to actions you're rready for control
PiCkOlO TaKe My PoWeRs
but for real man hope it works have a blast
i tried lucid dreaming years ago and gave up out of frustration. started again recently, have some things i'm curious about for those who are more experienced/have had at least some success:
i understand that the sleep cycles where you dream are intermittent and vary in length. if you become lucid during a phase of REM sleep, and it's not at the end of your whole sleep cycle (meaning you still have at least another REM cycle to go before waking up), what happens in between when your dream ends and you know you're sleeping but not dreaming? is the end of your lucid dream abrupt, and does being conscious of this make it harder to go back to sleep and continue dreaming?
also, does time appear to pass at any different a speed?
>end of dreams?
no clue kiddo
>time perspective difference?
this ones a tough one because we cannot tell whether time goes faster or slower by measurement rather by feeling, knowing that the 6th cycle is one hour if your dream is stable enough it might feel like an hour or if really unstable your perspective may be really twisted making the dream gi faster due to maybe having bad dream recall or having a hard time processing whats going on
I had a false awakening today, the first one i've ever had, that i can think of anyway. so thats a positive i suppose.
i've also started getting dreams again, but cant be bothered writing them down and have difficulty remembering them.
I honestly doubt i'll ever be able to reliably lucid dream as almost every dream i have is extremely vague, visually anyway. The whole reality check thing of looking at your hands seems pointless because the vast majority of my dreams are barely visual, and sometimes not even in first person. Does anyone know ways to make dreams more vivid?
Also not sure if this impacts things, but i typically 'rock' to sleep, by that i mean lying on my side and rocking back and forth. i know it sounds autistic, but it seems to be the easiest way for me to get to sleep, especially now that i have tinnitus. Im curious if anyone else does this and how they think it impacts their dreams if at all.
>vivid dreams pls
>what do you mean i gotta write down my dreams
no offense but its the most basic thing just do it even if you have to make a text document HELL i would prefer if you posted em here thats always a fun read PLUS it bumps the thread win win for both you and me PLUS i could ask questions about your dream making it even more ingrained making dream visuals amazing and dream recall godlike
>rocking to sleep
sounds /comfy/ IMO
thanks, i figured as much. honestly i'm pretty far from even needing to be concerned about such things because i'm very much a beginner. i'm mainly just curious as to how long it feels for people who are able to lucid dream consistently, and if it feels like a satisfying experience where you have the time to decide what you want to do and do it. i've only become lucid a handful of times back when i first tried it and i usually just woke up immediately. shit's hard.
you can actually extend your dreams (i think) through stability techniques but dont quote me
also try meditation if you're waking up a ton
macorino bumporino
but the original flavor not that white cheddar shit
>Can I?
>Will I?
Stop asking, you can literally do anything in lucid dreams.
Can you imagine yourself changing the weather or having sex or time traveling etc, using your regular waking imagination? Even if its not detailed even if its just the thought of it, if you can imagine it you can do it in a lucid dream because it works on the same principle just 1000x more vivid and immersive than simply daydreaming.
when doing WBTB, if i wake up too early, do i have to restart how many hours i need to sleep to get into REM?
what you misunderstand was he was asking because of a specific interest in it implying he wanted to know how to do it because it takes specific techniques to spawn things in so it wasn't about can rather how to do it
In that case probably spawning things like you are playing a vidya with a trainer/console would be ideal
Or like its gmod
its up to a specific REM cycle usually the last one starting at 6 hours but if you do wake up early depending on how much you can just roll with it but if its i would say an hour or more ahead just go back to sleep until you have to wake up for WBTB because you will likley lose the consciousness you get from staying up and the REM cycle doesnt get closer in the waking life so to answer the question go back to sleep until the right time unless you're off by maybe 5-10 minutes MAX because you need to retain that alertness while transitioning back into the dream
yeah but you cant just make things appear right before your eyes so easy you need to have it behind you most of the time or at least when i do it it needs to spawn out of sight but somewhere you can just turn your head and find it like in your hands
I think you can if you try hard enough and practice it if you want things to happen that way. Expectation is whats important in lucid dreaming I've read so if you don't expect to be able to spawn things/people in front of you then you won't but if you expect to without problem you will
Maybe, i dunno
expectation and confidence but yes you're correct but it's usually just more stable that way IMO
i woke up about 3 and a half ours in, and now i cant even go back to sleep, just been laying here for an hour
pain man that sucks have you checked out the insomniac paste in the OP i made it specifically for insomniacs doing WBTB
im not an insomniac this is just a weird occurrence
is it too late to go back to sleep now? do i have to start over? because i can start over i have enough time
in WBTB you're supposed to stay up and the later you stay up usually the better i stayed up for like 2 hours and had the best WBTB ever so you're fine don't start over just use the paste to go back to sleep sweet dreams no homo
yeah, but i woke up to early but ok i will thanks babe
you get the fuck back here and say no homo SAY IT
Does this actually work or is it just a meme like most things on this board?
just look at some of the responses talking about it it's 100% true and if you're interested im always happy to help guide you
no homo
i still feel confused about this though, its been like an hour so i assume my brain is active normally again, wouldn't that mean i have to sleep another 6 hours to get into the rem cycle?
i totally see what you mean but your REM cycle is on pause when you wake up and for at least a good 5 hours i think you can still do WBTB also an hour is actually what you want to do the more brain activity and more awareness the nmore likley WBTB will work the only downside is for insomniacs but otherwise you have it perfect i would just sleep if i were you and don't worry so much you will do great and worst case scenario theres always tomorrow and tomorrows thread
Alright, thanks user. Have seen the links in the guide and watched some videos. Godspeed.
yeah man anything for my brobots
I love lucid dreaming, wish I could do it more often. Maybe I just don't put enough practice into it. The last one I had was a month or so ago. I was in some mall type building sitting next to some really hot girls who started randomly feeling on me. I woke up in the middle of it and wanted to get back to it so I tried to go back to sleep, and it worked, but I went into a different dream. I remember being on the top floor of a building, standing on the edge, looking out of the window. I told myself, "I'm dreaming right now, I know it" and got really close to jumping, but bitched out at the last second thinking "I really don't wanna tempt fate though." When I woke up again I was mad I didn't do it.
that's fucking ballsy man if you did it would've made you have a false awakening but you likely would still be lucid and im always here to talk if you need lucid dreaming help
ive been trying to get a lucid dream my entire life
is there a way to guarantee one tonight?
no guarantees but look up wake-initiated lucid dreaming. it's hard but it's worth a shot. you can also try going to sleep a little later so that your dream will be occurring at a time when you're normally conscious, supposedly that has worked for some people. otherwise get to reality-checking and writing that dream journal, it's your best bet.
>want to create a dream journal
>every dream i have is something embarrassing or fucked up like killing a family member
>don't want to write it down
I had a whole year where I was trying to lucid dream and was getting them all the time when I was a NEET, 3 or 4 years later now I have reverted back to a NEET and am starting to get them randomly again without trying. I got them through waifufagging, dream journaling, sleeping like 11 hours a day, laying in bed contemplating and thinking over my dreams everyday, and general mental instability back then. I had them more often then others naturally before trying to get them from what I can tell.
They always involve either girls or some weird crime though, in one I was robbing an airport (???), in another I stole a car and sold it to a gypsy traveling merchant woman stereotype, in another my old friends were going on a golfing trip to australia but didn't tell me I wasn't invited until the last minute and I ate his girlfriend's ass.
I did my journal with an entry about my day and a goal of what I wanted to dream about and I had written a lot about loving anime girls and a lot of other pathetic shit in it and I'm pretty sure someone in my family read it and I feel a deep intangible pain in my soul when I think about it.