I can't stop attention thoting caus it's the only thing that distracts me from my shitty situation wadup

I can't stop attention thoting caus it's the only thing that distracts me from my shitty situation wadup

Inb4 ban I am not going to hre

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Why is your situation so shitty fag?

>wanted to leav my parents ever since I could remember myself, it hurts to explain wy but basically some abuse shi
>finally able to earn money camwhoring
>saving up to move out
>someone snitches to my parents
>I'm not allowed to leave z house although I'm 18, yes I called the cops once caus I really needed to meet someone irl and I was getting beaten and dragged back inside and they straight up ignored me
>I'm now trapped hre closely monitored
>found one guy irl who would help me to ascape and his gf just threw a fit threatening to brake up if I crush at his place

I really see no tomorrow ill probably get the balls one day and quit

Why do you type like a child

didnt you make a lot of money? did you save it? you are not allowed to cam whore any more? didnt you have a lot of orbiters that would let you live with them?

I'm retarded and I don't stup t b h

Too bad u can't just fap all day long.

Sorry, I don't feel bad for you. The wet hole between your thighs can get you wherever you want.

>I can't stop attention thoting caus it's the only thing that distracts me from my shitty situation
What are you gonna do if there's no shitty situation? Never attention whore again?

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You just sound like a dumb edgy cunt. Maybe go see a therapist

Yeah it's hard to move when you are monitored and rn I hav the problem with the irl guy friend's gf
who was going to be my roommate

I get it but it's scary

Do you type like this, because you are black or east-european?

Just use the money to get a room in a hotel in a different town.
Then find a place to rent.

I mean i lowkey lik talking to you
So I lik every other goy hre?
Idk, I could try I hop I have enough Cash for Dat tho, Idk I'll hav to try with z goy first

well there are many other guys that will let you be roomate, you just are happy about the girl drama you caused that make another girl jealous so you are showing off? You saved all the money you make, and still get some?

Ugh there aren't rly wher I'm at, no I trust him and rly I'll let go caus I really don't want to fuc his relationship

Post your tits and I'll let you live with me

No I don't still get

Did you ever like wanted to find an other fembot as a friend? Or are beta orbiters more fun?

so whats the plan, you still talk to lots of guys? skype? discord? camwhore site? sugar daddy? you try to work at strip club? move to italy, or romania? become gypsy? join circus?

so you can get a lot of money, if you had a room of your own and internet access, is there not cheap motel or apartment, didnt you make a lot of money being naked and selling panties, cant you make all that money, and try to work in restaurant?

Yeah of course I mean i understand that no one wants to put up with meh bs and friend me unless they are planning to fuc me but ey
Wait for goyz gf to accept to talk to me and if that fails ugh idk work illegally on some so call fuck's Salvia byz

Yeah that's my plan c and yeah although working hre is shi compared to camming in cash (labor is rly cheap wher am at) I'd probably try that if shi get worse

>friend me unless they are planning to fuc me b
there are still fags, or someone without any balls who just likes to have a cute friend. But ofc most wanna try to bang you somehow. Thats the camgirl dilemma.

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Ye I hop I'm p lonely

I love you rozelli, just be good and well

why dont you move to israel

Swis plz


>claims to be a camwhore
>doesn't post timestamp tits
>robots don't even call her out
What is happening with this board?

sent proof on d

Pic related
Sry dat wasn't swis

Attached: Screenshot_20180613-233459.png (1080x1920, 310K)

Post timestamp on /b/ or /soc/ and link it.
You have no excuse.
If you want to attentionwhore do it the right way!!!

on r9k you attentionwhore with a trip, nothing else. Don't /soc/ up this place

Kkk bruh I don't want to annoy Dat muc

it's fine, you don't annoy, just no pics. Even if there's some /soc/fag trying to bait you.

When was the last time you have been traveling? Like been on holiday?

Ye I kno, well idk when I was15? I never rly enjoyed it mainly cause I was drugged to places I didn't lik with ppl I don't enjoy

But when I can I'll totally visit som e friends

Psofa kai trava sto /soc/, mi gamas k auto to board. Eleos.

How old am I oliveboi?

Miazeis gia 30 pandos, no offence. De kserw ti grafei i tautotita sou.

My ID says 31 I'm jus simplifyin

see you on the next +25 robot thread

