Your channel doing well? Have you given up yet?

Your channel doing well? Have you given up yet?

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guess that's a yes then.

its doing p good, got some regular viewers who r p funny, tough to get new viewers without selling myself out tho

>Not Vidya so /v/ doesn't watch them
>Not mecha so /m/ doesn't watch them
>retro anime so /a/ doesn't care
I don't even know why I make youtube videos anymore.

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anybody who posts their twitch channel, i will follow.

>tough to get new viewers without selling myself out tho
>Streamers who stream 12 hours a day are your competition
Seriously, how in the fuck are you suppose to compete with that?
i haven't streamed in a while
sometimes I stream myself ganking lowbies in WoW, no mic or cam though
Hi Dakooter!!!!!

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hi what is up

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whats the point
literally everyone is demonetized

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I upload random shit whenever I feel like it - vidya, chinese cartoons, maymays, etc.

be good at video games

>Huge nose, so can't do live twitch streams
>Look fine front the front, but if I turn my head I'll be called a jew
Live streaming on twitch scares the bejeezus out of me.

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What about /jp/? Shitty retro garbage seems right up their alley

post ur boibussy

Having to entertain the lowest common denominator? Be proud you're even trying.

h-here you go a-user!

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I make stupid stuff.
I also post music I make.

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Just put up my first video the other day. I have lots of ideas for it. Especially since no school i can work on it a loy

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When you forget the damn link. That shows the quality of me as a person.

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Average 300-500 viewers on twitch. Not sure where to go from here. Feel my content is getting stale and repetivie. Always had super low sub count compared to equivalent streamers. Feelsweirdman

All I do is take Gondolas from /wsg/ and post them.

Thinking of doing some meme compilations.

explain this graph

I privatized everything a few weeks ago.
No point to it.

I'm jelly you got a AE86.
How does it run?

>77 subscribers no videos
And that's because I talk alt-right shit in the comment section and people like it

>have twitch affiliate
>too lazy to bother streaming
Streaming sucks desu

It runs pretty good. Brakes are shit though. Making a video about that rn

I had a channel but gave up on it a couple years ago. Not because it wasn't getting enough attention but because my editing software is slow and is was too hard to make videos. I have an idea for a video I want to make though.

thanks gaywad

youre welcome
have a nice day user

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I saw that public ban. Holy shit does /a/ Fucking hate you. Good luck, video was pretty good. Shame about those dislikes though.

I speedrun Halo and Halo2
Fun fun....

I don't think /a/ doesn't care because its retro, i think /a/ is just a very classic old school Jow Forums board. They instinctively hate youtubers. The video is good man, its just very niche. You should keep making them if its fun to make.

Gave up and deleted videos. I was thinking of starting up another one with either clips of older anime or FMV let's plays/play throughs. I wouldn't want to do a voice cam but do people prefer quiet play throughs or voiced (for muh friend simulator)?

I subbed to you a while back, pretty comfy. Have you seen Riding Bean?

Did anyone screencap the thread? I need it for reasons.

/a/ mods banned him. I don't think he can post anymore.

Well he clearly posted ITT, unless its someone impersonating him. The /a/ ban was probably just a 3 day vacation anyway.

Looking at the archive and he made the topic AFTER he posted here. He's gone dude. Feel bad for the guy.

Link to the archived thread please?

I'm interested in soloing through dead MMOs on Twitch with no camera and no mic.

Is there an audience for this?

>falling for the YouTube or Twitch meme
Trying to be a YouTuber or streamer at this point is useless. There are already way too many people out there making the same content and doing the same stuff who are already established and have a huge fanbase. You won't get known unless you stand out and bring something special, and most people can't do that.

nigga if you are getting that viewer count regularly you already made it

That's every industry though, it doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. Giving up before even starting is why most people never get anywhere.

I talk about anime i like

Is everyone here doing anime videos now?

you sound like a poo in loo

I've only recently started streaming but I'm currently doing dark souls and luigis mansion. Just comfy autism and occasional shouting due to me being a spergy retard. Look at my clips for example

My dream is to have a channel full of traditional anime reviews, just giving my opinions and such. Maybe the other videos on otaku related topics.

I have been in a very deep depression though I haven't done anything in the longest time, and ironically- me stopping has made it even worse, but I can't bring myself to work on it again. Maybe if robots can give me encouragement.

It's mostly that I just have been feeling so old, it's like years go by. I feel like I can't connect with anyone anymore. It's like I'm running out of time.
I do not think I should post any links here because I am a girl, I would just be called names and I don't think it would help my situation, I only wanted to vent

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Hit up kenny. Sounds like you both make the same type of videos.

Does demons souls still bring in people?

I've only played dark souls on stream but not a lot of people tune in yet

How old? It probably wouldn't be hard to hook up with a robot into traditional anime.

This is what people say but really doesn't feel this way. Nowhere near enough money to live off so I still have to have full time job and I have no idea how to grow. I genuinely enjoy streaming just hate all the shilling and selling out and social networks and '"networking'' so I never did any and don't want to. Just want to do fun and interesting things but I have no ideas any more. Maybe I just need to accept streaming isn't ever going to be something I could live off

Are you only streaming the same games? Even pewdiepie got tired of Minecraft.

Its so hard to get 3 avg veiwers for affiliate and i just spent the ast of my money on a capture card that dosent work, Im still trying my hardest though even though it seems useless

Do i really? I'm not one though.

I guess I am not being clear what I mean by traditional anime reviews
I mean a traditional review, nowadays people talk about anime concepts and shit, at least the more popular weeb YouTubers do.
I like old and new anime
I especially like the anime that came out in the mid-2000s just out of nostalgia from my middle school and high school years.
I will be 26 soon, but I am feeling so old, it's like three years went by in an instant

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Date another weeb off youtube then. Jow Forums's full of them apparently.

How often do people expect you to upload youtube videos?

all the channels here are shitty supereyepatchwolf "didyouknowanime" channels

Ok. Lets see yours. And don't post some channel with millions of subs. That Shits not funny.

Ayy mate you live in SoCal? Give me a ride in the car man ill film for you

Yupp near LA. Id give you a ride as soon as I do my brakes. Found a leak in the brake hose today and gotta fix that.

I dont know what to do for it. My voice sounds horrible to me over recording, it makes me sound like I have a lisp and im very monotone. I try an put emotion and vocal fluctuation in but it sounds forced and cringe. Everyone does vidya and anime videos so thats to hard to make it in along with my shitty voice. I could do fitness videos, but while im pretty strong, I dont look jacked and I dont want to be that fag recording himself in the gym where there are more jacked guys than me.

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the voice that everybody else hears, is different than the one in your head. you could potentially have a great voice with a good mic.

What the fuck man I just realized who you are because of your YT channel. I already hit you up in the Cali threads on /soc/ and you ghosted me

Im sorry man. I have a problem with that. I get nervous and end up ghosting people.

Want to chill this weekend then, im going to be in LA

You busy Sunday man?

I've started streaming seriously couple of weeks ago as a fun hobby for the summer. I'm already soo close to getting affiliate on twitch. It'll help a lot if you fellow incels can give my twitch channel a follow or maybe even watch my stream from time to time. : )

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Ill add you on discord again, I think either you or me unfriended.

How did you get so many followers so fast? Are you just good af? Im kinda garbage at games so thats why I will probably be a bad streamer

Good to see a robot doing well.

Im actually streaming right now and just chilling with zelda music Im not popular but im still trying c:

Maybe actually talk to your chat instead of talking about yugioh.

I have 500 subs. I'd like 1000, I think that is the peak point of a comfy channel

basically if your video gets demonitized it doesnt get into any search results or recommended videos
it looks like it has to break around 100,000 views before it appears in recommended videos after a video ends in another video above 0.33% of the time.

so basically never

also if this flag happens and it is removed, this status remains on the video regardless

yeah this

what you hear in recording is what other people hear
your voice in your head is actually much deeper because of the reverberations inside your skull.

so its basically fuck you if youtube can't make money off of you?

>funny, not bad at games
>family always screaming in the background

I wanted to stream game for years and have done it a couple times, it was hype as fuck seeing 3-5 viewers, oh well

no basically fuck you for no reason
because the reasons for why you can get demonetized or striked isn't based on anything at all.

Literally anything for any reason at any time will flag your channel and videos, even if you don't break the rules and have done nothing wrong.

ii forgot the picture

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I started a twitch channel where I play world of tanks NA, the catch is I have a deformed right hand (lobster claw) so I wanted to see how it would affect my playing.

Probably is I only have a laptop, so it chugs real hard when running wot and the recording program at the same time. Also my laptop webcam isn't that great. I wanted to get another cam that points at my hand while I play you so can see what it's doing.