Should "men" under 180 cm be made into girls

Should "men" under 180 cm be made into girls
Why? Why not?

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no because you're a faggot so your opinion is worthless

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Tranny spammers get out and never come back

Yes because Im 5'4" and I know my body is made to please bigger & stronger men



No, because I'm above that and I still want to be pic related

Your obligatory reminder.

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>tfw barely 180 cm

Do i get to reproduce now guys?

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You're better than this my friend.

If you are shorter than average, but your dick is the same size, then proportionately your dick is actually bigger. In that case, not being a man, especially a top, is a waste.

I want Jow Forums to stop shitting up other boards because they can't contain their virulent autism

Well to you maybe
No I won't leave
Nice desu
I don't know what that is and the top result in my search was a special education thing in Illinois
You can still do it user :3
Jow Forums is pretty gay and I want my Jow ForumsTrap bf
Aren't you a lucky little user
Big Dicked "Girls"

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I barely visit Jow Forums, but I do appreciate their help in containing the tranny shitposting back in April.

Oh come now user those were fun times, besides it was mostly shit posting

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>Should "men" under 180 cm be made into girls
>Why not?
Both men and women must be relegated to strict gender roles based on their chromosomes in order to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
If sexual selection is a problem for weaker men, the solution is to further force women into these roles, eliminating all resistance and forcing them into reliance on these weaker males, so that they may find a mate.

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I don't believe in "fun" if that fun involves posting degeneracy.

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You deserve to be hung from a lamppost non-straight, STRAIGHT PRIDE REEEEE

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What really?
I don't know why I enjoy it so much, it's such a strange rush getting someone to go try something maybe even like it. I never tried to get anyone hurt and advocated they seek professional help first if serious. But the shit posting was amazing having so many idiot try to threaten or get me off of here with threats and name calling while others joked around with me. Hey even helped a few poor anons with problems, I don't know about you but that was fun.

Oh I have nothing against anyone be prideful all you want, as long as I can do the same. As for the lamppost thing I disagree doing such things for words and thoughts how week your arguments must be to resort to such actions. Maybe try talking things out, I'm free to talk to anyone if your intrested.

>post a still from a movie in which a depraved businessman murders multiple women with whom he has elicit sexual relations whilst partaking in illegal drugs and listening to immoral rock music

most guys aren't cute enough to be girls you idiot
you'd have ugly people in drag walking around

Finally someone with a genuinely good answer see the rest of the idiot are all up on the "kill trannies and faggs" but all you need is a few solid points. Thank you user.

>Should "men" under 180 cm be made into girls
I don't really want to be a girl, I'm just twinkish and I'm fine with that.

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Fucking manlets
useless in every way

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Do you at least wear cute girl clothes?

im 5 foot 10, can i join in please.. :(

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No, cause I'm not common trash.
I'm fashionable enough to understand the bs of dresses and skirts, they're literally meme-wear and give the bare minimum, you can be cuter with other clothing.
Which I do wear.

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Do you wear cute girl underwear?

fuck of to /lgbt/ faggot

Oh user you can join anytime. Don't be sad, they're very welcoming.
You I respect just keep looking cute then

sup twink/fa/ fren
looking for some new shoes, what's good atm

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No, that's just as plain as anything else.
Yeah I will.
Take anything that looks good with the rest of your outfit and your skin colour (yes this matters), or just wear whatever you feel comfy in.

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so you're a faggot instead of a straight fetishist
you probably dress like a faggot too

Wearing girl clothes is more of a fetish

>I'm 5"5 and 110 lbs

Can I still be a man plzz?

No your a girl, you can still like girls though so lesbian or learn to ride cock well

You know I really thought I'd get that trap server guy in here but no like wtf!
Notice Me Senpai! >W

Reiko is gone from r9k. I don't know why everybody thinks he is still here.

>this, and nothing but this, is my ideology

I mean the wanna be Reiko I'm already connected to Reiko

? im still a guy even though i'm 5'4

yeah sure why not who cares

No start taking your pills sister

cant take pills if you don't even have money

I mean, so am I and I've been spreading propaganda too. Its p fun desu

Oh joy another friend!
It is pretty fun especially when told to neck myself by some silly Jow Forumstard even more fun when teasing them about possible "insecurities"
Hmm... you have a point they are expensive especially if you have to diy. Do you have a good job or insurances, or are you a Neet?

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It's a new one that's even crazier than Reiko.

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The absolute madman! You gotta admire such big ambitions.

im a neet
i dont think getting a job would be ideal

Oh Aero-senpai, make sure you put lots of estrogen hormones since it's going to be diluted af in the water. Also, make sure to put anti-androgens in too!

Mmm... making this hard
About how much do you get monthly?

>About how much do you get monthly?
depends on whether or not how much my mom feels sorry for me
so like maybe 100$?

Yeah that's not gonna be enough to diy at least to my knowledge. How conservative is your family?

asian household

You were born to take white dick

Isn't that what they did in Ancient times? Women went to all the Chads for breeding and guys just fucked each other to bust a nut?

Hey foxworth, I threw a working Amiga 2000 in the trash yesterday after smashing it to bits and setting it on fire

Oh I'm not that user sorry. I'd be surprised if I ever get a name, people just keep think I'm Reiko or the new guy but I'm not.

>all these idiots not wanting a gf and happiness
lmao fags

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Oh ok, in That case nevermind


girls are fucking gay you retard
and not in a good way

The movie is a cutting parody that criticizes the decadence of the upper class. It doesn't glorify his behavior any more than Jonathan Swift glorifies eating Irish children in A Modest Proposal.

>What really?
Unfortunately yes.

>I don't know why I enjoy it so much, it's such a strange rush getting someone to go try something maybe even like it.
>the shit posting was amazing having so many idiot try to threaten or get me off of here
The fact that you're prioritizing this "rush" of yours over thinking of the consequences is the problem.

>I never tried to get anyone hurt and advocated they seek professional help first if serious.
Advocating further from manhood to the weak and the oppressed is trying to get them hurt.

>Hey even helped a few poor anons with problems, I don't know about you but that was fun.
You offered short term pleasure that will leave their spirits crushed in the long run. Disgusting. Disgusting at its very core.

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user nothing I do is meant to cause malice nor do I have malicious intent. I simple offer a helping hand to those who want it. I recommend professional help to those who need it you and I can't help them much but a trained expert can. I don't know how that is
>Advocating further from manhood to the weak and the oppressed
If anything most professionals will have them talk out issues and a small percentage may get put on meds for something like dysphoria. I'm sure most are just larpers anyhow.

Is that lord Foxworth?

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Reminder to all "men" that you must censor your porn out of respect to women!

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Post agricultural revolution? No. Men who survived long enough settled with women on a nearly 1:1 ratio.
Prior, we would have no evidence to suggest that unless there was a genetic bottleneck. Even then, that on its own would not be sufficient proof.

Thots aren't deserving of respect.

Yes they are, please censor your porn!

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>user nothing I do is meant to cause malice nor do I have malicious intent.
Your intentions are irrelevant. You are selfishly placing your carnal desires ahead of the wellbeing of others.

>I recommend professional help to those who need it you and I can't help them much but a trained expert can.
As you have well noticed this is not a point of contention for me.
More of this, less crossdressing.

>If anything most professionals will have them talk out issues and a small percentage may get put on meds for something like dysphoria.
We're not talking about dysphoria. We're talking about pressuring immasculine men into crossdressing and other homosexual behavior as a solution to their insecurities. This will only make matters worse.

>I'm sure most are just larpers anyhow.
I'm not.

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No they're not. They will reveal themselves or recieve my supreme retribution.

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Well, I have seen enough. This is a very particular fetish to be honest.

What are you saying you are one of the people that feel these urges when you see silly post like mine?
If so I think you might need to talk some stuff out, because it shouldn't cause urges like that to normal people.


fucking Elliot rodg

>tfw 5'3
I will not fall into your fucking degenerations, perv.

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>What are you saying you are one of the people that feel these urges when you see silly post like mine?
No. What in my post led you to believe this?
Is this your default conclusion about people who find your behavior disgusting?

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Come no user it's merely a suggestion. I wont push you but how could you be happy with a life like that?

I'm sorry I though I made it a bit clearer, I meant was that most the people responding twords my suggestions and joke threads are larpers

Thank you supreme gentleman.

But orginionginioli.

Two trip 7 and yet you deny me.
May all smoll guys become girls

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>If so I think you might need to talk some stuff out, because it shouldn't cause urges like that to normal people.
To those who do, be wary of who you talk to. The majority of shrinks, both on the left and right have their own agendas and biases. Don't let them throw pills at you and always think for yourself.
Above all, do not give into this temptation. This solution is short lived and ultimately destructive.

So you think my disbelief that they're larpers is because I feel personally affected by your posts and am projecting these feelings onto others.
No, this is not the case. I just find the opposite more plausible.

Your suggestion is unacceptable and destructive.

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>Ilya pic

He has good taste at least, but he's still a fucking faggot, whats up with all these delusional reiko wannabees?

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Okay user I give you the night , I am tired and must wage in the morning to pay the bills. Have fun.

You deny a holy trip for shame

Typical traplover. Can't even stand by your convictions.

You people are evil scum.

Willing to manipulate and exploit people just because you get a thrill from it.

Don't lie and act as if you truly want to help, you just enjoy the thrill. Slaves to your sick desires with no true consideration of the consequence.

Do not be led so easily by your cocks, weak Robots.

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What state are you from? I might be able to buy you whoremones

Evil manipulative scum. Willing to fuck up someone's biochemistry because it turns you on.

Degenerates only multiply

face it half of r9k are traps/eggs now

Why? Because we need MORE women.
In the future we will be able to make artificial wombs.

Maybe in your deluded fantasy world you mentally ill evil freak

I haven't heard that name in a long time. Next you'll be telling me Reiko is Snacks.

Don't give the edgy underage trolls attention.

wow i thought the frogs turning gay was bad. now they want to turn YOU gay

Relax he's asian, not white, so it's a good thing to fuck his hormones up.

i'm from LA, not los angeles btw.

Aero was Foxworth's last alias and he also apparently became a trap.
He's always been very thin skinned which would lead me to believe he wouldn't be attempting any kind of an offensive operation against Jow Forums.

You'd be surprised. Aero's server is crazy and he wants to turn everyone into traps. He's gone off the deep end.