This is my girlfriend Muffy. Please say something nice about her.
This is my girlfriend Muffy. Please say something nice about her
I can say plenty of nice things about her but not many about you, fucking normalfag
This isn't muffy
Also the real muffy (@cadaverqt) privated her Instagram :(
its probably a woman so you have that going for you
this is kennedi. plz dont post her here, she doesnt like it. thanks.
Thats not muffy!
kys cuck
>dressing like a hipster
and here all this time i thought she wasnt a normie. thanks for proving me wrong.
She has smooth, clear skin and I like her bangs
Nice pins.
Love the skirt.
you guys fucked up. Now its archived and she'll know if she checks them
And why would I give a fuck?
Because then shell go the muffy route which is bad end
For me that's a great end
The chick's pretty ugly, OP. But it's better than nothing, good job.
i want to beat the shit out of kennedi!
Who's kennedi?
Read the thread you sub 90 IQ mong
Reading is for losers. Real niggas keep their nose in a brap hog, not a book
are u enjoying your first day on Jow Forums?
What's bad about the "muffy route"?
yeah i noticed i ws gonna get that
She killed herself newfag
I hope you get cucked by niggers
Why is Muffy so based?
She literally didn't retard. KYS newfag
>women in porn are being abused
>when they literally choose that lifestyle
She's a radfem. Ew.
She's not even a feminist
Go the Muffy route fag
it literally happened today
It must have happened in the last 20 minutes considering thats when she was last on curiouscat.
>Go the Muffy route
Dress up as a Gothic lolita and take selfies in the cemetery?
No, by being buried in the cemetery.
>Muffy just deleted her old tumblr because some retard posted it on 8ch
I fucking hate them.
>everyone has sex at some point of their life
oh muffy, if only you knew
I looked at it before she deleted, you're not missing much. Just a bunch of anime and video game sperging.
>Muffy answered curiouscat questions in the last 40 minutes
Wow, must have been the quickest death + funeral ever. A world record.
I know, I enjoyed looking at it once in a while, though. She used her real name too. She seems like such a sweet girl.
She is smart, cute and nice
I luv kennedi
Did you save any of her posts? Any rare pics?
wtf i love muffy now
check the image again, she didn't say that. it was part of user's question to her
>She is smart, cute and nice
>I luv kennedi
Do you mean Muffy?
switching around their names is the hot new meme for some reason, i don't really understand it. people (or probably just one person) are doing it on purpose
I prefer Crispy, personally.
I meant it as a joke, because Muffy is also smart, cute and nice.
Don't really care for Kennedi, desu.
>don't really care for kennedi
Why not?
I feel like Muffy is the lovechild of Kennedi and Crispy
What a transphobic cunt
>being trans
She's ugly without her makeup. lol she'll get a lot of compliments from her orbiters anyways
>self hating tranny
niggers can be racist against their own race, what makes you think trans can't do the same
Holy shit he's trans?
No, you faggot. Literally zero proof of this and even proof that she's not and yet people keep spreading this bullshit.
I thought that was originally obvious
Yeah he is. One of the more convincing traps ive ever seen desu.
nah muffy's not trans
Go the FUCK back to 8ch, troll.
Trap != Trans
Proof she is a trap?
she's not a trap, she's a legit girl(female)
She wears diapers --- and that's a good thing
I want to violate muffy
I thought that was sunny
Outta the way plebians, superior e-girl coming through
Probably the worst slut to be posted here.
Sunny-jew also wears diapers
(and that's a good thing)
>best girl
>not ukrainianvampire
Can you stop forcing this autistic diaper shit
patrician taste
how old is she anyway?
I want Muffy to brutally dom me.
Idk at least 18, probably in her 20s I guess. She is friends w/ muffy
Why are all of these girls friends with each other?
Low resolution photographs are your girlfriends?
That's a new one for me. Guess it always go deeper.
Because robots find them on girl's IG comments
I mean kennedi
Being an orbiter is for niggers. Have a little self respect.
cause that's how they're found, via each other comments on their instagrams
i doubt they all go beyond that though
funny you're claiming the same bitch i'm penetrating
She's not in her 20's. Don't want to post her personal info but she is definitely younger
i have a feeling that she's barely 16
SHE is a HE - get your pronouns correct nigger.
Nah m8y you're wrong
Everybody's a trap I guess!
I'm right, which is why you're the only person who posts her.
That's ok, ukraine is a lawless shithole and 15/16 is legal in most of Europe anyhwo
Nah there's way worse girls, she's not that bad. I'm not the only one either
here's the proof
(the proof that he's male, is what i meant btw)
Good taste. Maripoza, yes?
The proof she has good taste in vidya?
Awesome chiseled jawline. What a cute boy
yeah i mean i aint gay or nothin but i'd deffo suck muffy's cock
Fucking ugly bitch. Even with makeup. She looks disgusting
She's been doxxed before actually. Lurk more
Wow those are actually intelligent answers. I'm going with the trap route, no female would be that rational.
No she wasn't. Someone just asked for a dox but there wasn't actually one.