Meet girl on the internet

>meet girl on the internet
>she asks me for my height
>reluctantly tell her that I'm a manlet
>she actually says she's short and she's asking because she'd feel weird standing next to a tall as fuck guy
Is she the one?

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*spits on your shoes*

Not a fan of you people.... orz

please don't parade your successes?

okay? :(

Did she say how short she was? Is she midget tier?

I'm just asking because this shit seems almost unreal to be honest.

Not midget but really short. 158 cm

You have found your wife, user. There are no other possibilities.

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She also claims she's been through depression and has cut herself... Red flags I'm scared of desu

>Not midget

Oh no, I feel bad for you OP, she's gonna be quite a handful if you go for it.

This is every woman. You must support her, and endure the times when she cries. Why not give it a shot and see what happens? If she's a insufferable bitch who cries all the time, she's not worth the effort, but maybe you can help her learn to see the good things in herself. You never know unless you try.

>cut herself

BPD warning sign dude

Prepare for extermination

that will never work do not listen to this guy, IGNORE HER

>OP gives me great idea to amuse self by catfishing manlets
>Pretend to be chicklet who likes short guys
>Ghost and laugh

There is no reason for any woman to be taller than 5' 2".

That qualifies as short stature syndrome. Physicians and pediatricians prescribe testosterone/dihydrotestosterone or androstenol+HGH to adolescent boys with the syndrome. I am sorry your parents were retards and doomed you.

Lmao this nigger is toasty. Who hurt you?

Sometimes good things happen when you put good into the world. I say in OP's situation there is a chance at a good outcome, so he ought to give it a shot.

>she actually says she's short and she's asking because she'd feel weird standing next to a tall as fuck guy
Nah that was just damage control to save your feelings, at least she is kind though.

When a girl asks your height it is because they are hoping you are tall and have high status. If you told her you were 6'4 she would have said she loves tall guys.

He was talking about the girl silly.

I feel the same, if I dated someone a lot taller than me I'd feel insecure and small, not the best feel.
Not a girl tho Xdddd.

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>You must support her, and endure the times when she cries.

Fucking cringe. You just want him to die alone. Just keep doing whatever you were doing before Op but definitely don't do this nice guy shit.

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>meet girl on the internet
>she asks me for my height
>reluctantly tell her that I'm a manlet
>she actually says that she is an inch taller than me, but it's okay
I think this one is a keeper, lads

>be stuck in a water-filled room
>water reaches 5'2" level
>she dies

take care of her, maybe her height is perfect for both of you, you can hug her and feel her heart alongside yours

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You could literally just swim to keep yourself afloat.

roastie disinfo detected. go away please