I skipped work and college today. I just laid in bed all day. How was your day?

I skipped work and college today. I just laid in bed all day. How was your day?

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I did that for last three days, gotta get back to normal life

I didnt have work, it's the summer so I'm not in college, but I'm probably not going back so that doesn't matter. Played some souls and now I'm just sitting on my roof because I have nothing to do and I hate living in the city

An autistic guy who bullies autistic people but does not yet accept he himself is autistic (closet case) tried it on with me today. If you have to take adderall to feel smart, I have some bad news my guy. Other than that, I had a lovely day in the sunshine.

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I skipped school today

I did that for last five years, gotta get back to normal life

A closet autist would be a clotist

I find the thought of chilling on some roof in a big city pretty comfy tho

I'm on the outskirts in a shitty college kid area. Like a 5-10 minute walk to the city though. It's pretty ugly here

Meant to reply to this, I'm original robit

On vacation in japan, a little bummed out because I've officially passed the middle point of my time here this morning, so now it feels like my vacation is ending eventhough I still have a couple weeks left.

Dollar stores here are awesome, I've bought so many gifts. Just woke up so i think I'll have some coffee and keep watching Japanese horror movies, I rented a bunch but theres no subtitles so I'm just guessing the dialogue from context and typical horror tropes, then reading the wikipedia plot summary to see how close I was.

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Damn, that's a bummer. I wish I could chill on my roof, but I only have a filthy balcony I never use because it looks like it'll fall apart when I step on it

It's starting to rain now, is a bit comfier I'll admit

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Been ignoring work. I have money saved for like three months but I should be searching for another job. They booked me today for renewing a certificate that they tried calling me for but just ended expecting me to show up anyway. Well I didn't. It's not like I didn't do anything today though. I've been trying to practise driving every morning with my mom (26yr old now) but I'm really fucking bad at it I'm not even sure how I'm going to pass the test, it seems so impossible because I'm so retarded. I don't want to waste $80 on a test when I'm purposely ignoring work either but I've been practising everyday morning for two weeks and have today was like day one. I don't know why I can't get this down pat.

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I went straight to uni from.work, im.here till 9:30 pm.
I talked to him.today bots, it was great

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Talked to who originially?

Tho this very robot looking dude in my classes who is always alone

went to my office job, didn't talk to anyone again, these people don't want to talk to me anyways and they likely think I'm weird

Fuck reading that back to myself just cements how retarded I am.

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Dont sweat it so hard man. It's all about putting hours behind the wheel. You can learn all the rules and speed limits in less than an hour, but to pass the test you gotta show confidence in your control over the machine, and that just comes from hours of driving, getting familiar with the brakes, steering wheel, etc. Focus on controlling the car in slow streets, then when you are "one" with the vehicle then go into busier roads and focus on navigating traffic without having to worry about what's going on inside the car.

The car is an extension of yourself, dont focus on the machine itself. Focus on what you are both doing togrther.

I'm teaching my sister right now too, shes 30, never had to learn until now that she had a baby and doesnt lume the idea of being house grounded if theres nobody around to drive her, and she is also taking her time to learn. Nobody learns in just a week, they can be comfy with it but they aren't street ready that early, you need at least 30 hours, one hour a day without breaks, to really feel like you are in control of everything. Keep it up.

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I had a nice conversation with a gal in my college class (she's cute but a single mother so nope) and I asked this other gal on a date and she said yes. We're going out this weekend. I feel Chaddy as fuck. I used to be so scared to talk to women but now I find it easy because they're usually way more nervous than I am, so that makes me feel confident. I also just fapped for the first time in like 4 or 5 days and I blew such a huge load that it actually scared me. I seriously shot out enough nut to fill a shot glass.

What's a robot look like? Asking for a friend

What kind of office job?

I always felt like the quiet ones at office work are just professional, and made me respect them and want to befriend them harder than the rest.

Thanks user. I feel like I haven't achieved much in a long time and this is something that if I can finally pass i know I'll feel really really good about.

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Its more than just a physical thing, this guy for example is lanky and pale, quiet, doesnt ask anything in class, doeant sit with anyone.
Ive been trying to get himto sit near me but if im in the room first where he usually sits, he sits somewhere else. That kinda thing.
I kinda missed the opportunity to have a better conversation with him though, sadly. Maybe tomorrow

Got a haircut for the job interview tomorrow, I'm feeling fucking anxious. I might half-ass it so I can tell my parents I tried and enjoy neetdom for a little longer.

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I worked from 6:30 - 3 PM just got home 10 minutes ago. Now I'm waiting until midnight to pick up my hydrocodone prescription so I can be superman at work tomorrow.

Nice man good job on making friends. What's the single mother like? I always liked married women company because they are kinda easy to turn into fwb since they are too busy with kids and chores to get any action at home, but also too busy for anything more serious than a casual duck. Plus they tend to have cute friends too.

However single mothers remain a mystery to me since I feel like they would be so dependent on me if I tried to be anything more than just an acquaintance.

The only time I tried was when I was in college and she was cute. Before I knew it she had me watch over her year old kid in study hall while she took 4 hours worth of tests at the computer lab. Didnt even score. Then she invited me to her place to help her study a subject we didnt even study together, but when I arrived her mom was there babysitting and she really wanted me to help her study, so I just made up an excuse to leave and ended up dropping the class we shared (biology). Kinda swore off single mothers since then eventhough looking back I dont think she was unreasonable at all and I was just being a hornet little dingaling.