Been on generic Lexapro for 5 years hoping it would help my depression...

Been on generic Lexapro for 5 years hoping it would help my depression. It didn't but j kept taking it hoping it'd help and also I fear withdrawal. Been taking 5mg for years and the past 2 months been taking every other day. Now I'm on day 3 without it and still feel like my same depression shitty self. When does the withdrawal hell kick in. I'm scared.

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Because it's not hard to get off that pussy drug. Real niggas take anti psychotics..

>gets prescribed 10mg lexapro right off the bat
>see this thread
Higher dosage fampai

Holy shit you ever try to come off them at all? It's fucking hell for 2 weeks. You can't stop thinking and you have to force yourself to eat and sleep. Stayed up 5 days without effort last time I tried. My system was running completely on coffee and no food.

OP here. What drug and what dose did you come off of. I'm thinking about taking another pill...

I was dosed with 120mg duloxatine after only a few weeks of being on it and now body twitches and my brain zaps and I'm still crying all dayv

It takes about a week for it to kick in for me but I've been on 20mg for years.

jesus fuck. so it's been about 3 days and I could still feel withdrawal? I am such a pussy but my anxiety is getting the better of me. I am about to go take another 5mg pill....

Kek. Doc started me at 20 mg. I only really feel good if I take it at 40 though.

Withdrawal will come, it's inevitable. With the low dose you're on there's no telling on how bad it might get. It could be as bad as it is for someone like me, or it might just be a mild annoyance. The head zaps are what stopped me from going cold turkey, they fucking suck.

Plus, the half life of lexapro is 48 hours so your body is just starting to react now.

It was just a low dose of Risperidone for a long period of time. 4 mg.

OP here.
I am freaking myself out. I don't want to go through with withdrawals. I took a 5mg pill and I feel like such a pussy. This website made me even more scared to stop taking them. My FUCKING DOCTOR told me it's ok to quit cold turkey as I wouldn't experience withdrawal. I am never going back to her.

I might be on SSRI or lexapro for life.

The withdrawals aren't that bad, at least for me they weren't. Some brain zaps..shitty mood..depression came back eventually so i went back on ssri's again. i was on 5mg lexapro for 2 years.
It helped with my depression

Also the first 5 days of taking my lexapro felt fucking euphoric for me. Felt like i was taking weak E pills..dilated pupils and all that.

Calm down. When people are being tapered off ssris they gradually go down to the dose you're taking now and eventually stop. Don't take Jow Forums's word for it on medical advice. The worst thing that can happen here is you'll maybe feel a few minor sharp zingy feelings in your head that literally last a second. If you get one, take a pill and you'll be fine. Chill out user, with the dose you're on you should be able to stop taking it. Your doctor wasn't wrong.

Shave a bit off the pill every week or fornite. Slowly taper off if you are scared of quitting cold turkey.

The first 2 doses of 10mg I took made my pupils dilated, made me feel insanely anxious, and euphoric. What dat mean. I stopped taking that shit. It's poison

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This is nice to hear. But still shitty as our experiences will probably differ a lot. I never had ANY feeling while being on lexapro. Nothing good or bad (that I noticed). I was still and am still very very depressed.

I am tempted to switch to a new SSRI but I keep reading how bad they are for you so I just give up hope

I have been taking 20 mg for about 2 years and I quit cold turkey with little to no withdrawal. Honestly, it's just rebound depression and the Lexapro never really helped me.

I am feeling more calm but also disapointed I took another pill. It's been 5 fucking years and 3 months of wasted time being on a drug that I haven't had any benefits from all because I was too scared to try a new SSRI or quit generic lexapro. I am 26 and I feel like my life is ending soon. I feel old and missed experiences that makes me feel suicidal knowing all the fun I missed out on. I want to kill myself, I truly do but I would just pussy out

Is doing 5mg every other day a dumb idea? Should I just use my pill cutter on the 5mg instead and take a little bit every day?

wtf I felt NOTHING. EVER!!!

I'm going to be 28 soon and I can relate to feeling like I've missed out on a lot. Still, I know there's still a lot of fun to be had out there and a lot of life left to live. Going forward and actually enjoying life is something I'm going to have to do for myself. There are all these obstacles I have to get past first, but it's nothing insurmountable. We'll get there eventually. Life is worth living even if it doesn't feel that way all the time. Have you ever done CBT user?

You're positive comment really made me feel better. I am almost always thinking negatively and it's fucking me up even more. I feel anxious whenever I think about how I am only 3 and a half years away from being 30 YEARS OLD. I feel like a child and I haven't even begun to live life and have fun. I just want human touch man...
but I don't do anything to seek it.

Also, no I have no not tried CBT. Maybe I should but man therapist are expensive. I have tried therapy though and its just a woman listening to me complain

Personally i would just stop taking them only because it is such a low dose.
But if it helps you psychologically to keep them on hand just cut the 5mg in half. So you are taking 2mg for a week/fortnite and be done with it once that week is over be done with them.

I live in a country with socialized medicine, so that's how I've accessed it. I found pic related really helpful while I was on a waiting list waiting to be seen. First link here is working:

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are you retarded? it did all those things because its adjusting chemicals in your brain. That doesn't make them inherently bad or evil.

side effects usually go away within 2 weeks. I'm on 15mg currently and haven't had a panic attack or suicidal thought since.

smooth sailing.

The problem is that once you're adjusted to those pills if you ever stop taking them there can be serious issues. Strange behavior and such. Like I said earlier I'm on risperidone and the low dose of 4 mg constantly has me hooked on them now. I dunno what would have happened to me if I had not got back on them. Like I said I stayed for 5 days without effort.

Taking 450mg Moclobemide

Why isn't this approved in the US?

It's anxiolytic not antidepressant you dumb fuck

so it was never meant to even help my fucking depression!?

It is, dont listen to that poster. It helps with both anxiety and depression. I went from having a ton of suicidal and depressed thoughts + panic attacks and generalized anxiety to almost none.

I find it so hard to believe that SSRIs have helped people feel truly not depressed anymore. I guess lexapro generic was my only attempt and i havent tried anything since. Now I keep reading how bad it is for you to take SSRI and all the side effects so im scared to try another

maybe 10mg wasnt enough and it would have helped me feel less suicidal and maybe...happy?

Its all about brain chemistry. I had a horrible time with everything else I tried up until I finally got on lexapro.

heres an interesting read on some of the myths of ssris, interesting read if you're weary about taking them.

Ssri's aren't a very good anxiolytic for me.

They make me "feel good" but i still get anxious as fuck when i need to do something that triggers my anxiety and fkr those situations im goimg to be eating other shit like vals, xanax, klonopin, oxy, codeine or even booze to feel anxious free.