Anybody here go to bars alone?
If so what is your usual experience like?
I always felt very uncomfortable and 'out of place' (even with a few drinks). Now I just drink alone in my room.
Anybody here go to bars alone?
they are so expensive
how about going to bars during sport events?
I like the atmosphere of hole in the wall bars. Sometimes I'll strike up a conversation with a random person but most of the time I just sit at the end of the bar drinking beer and watching people.
I went to my local bar for the Mayweather/Mcgregor fight and left early. Too many loud obnoxious assholes. I wish there was a low-key piano or jazz bar by me.
I've gone a couple of times. Its not that bad, but going with friends is generally more fun
Unfortunately I don't have that luxury
i went alone few times
i am not that ugly so girls sometimes approach me
but i prefer drinking early when there is very few people
it's kind of a meditation for me
I often go to bars alone.
It's easy, I just start up a comfy conversation with people, it's very fun. Much better than with friends actually, because you get to meet new people.
Oftentimes it goes something like this:
I go to a bar with friends,
then my friends leave one by one,
someone people from different groups start mixing,
Then only people I don't really know are left,
Strike up a conversation with them,
Go to a different bar with new group,
Group dissolves, mix into different new groups,
It's 5am bars close,
get invited to their fraternity house for more party,
go there party until 12:00 on the next day.
Good times.
This also works if you start out alone. Best thing is to strike up a conversation with random people.
Easy mode: Go outside for a smoke
Also, of course, you need to be a hard drinker and an interesting person otherwise people won't bite.
Soccer seems like a nice pub sitting game. drown-out periods of nothing interrupted by intense emotional moments. The former facilitate talking to people in a pub, the latter gives the interaction fuel.
>Oi! Did you see that ludicrous display laast noite?
better at home alone being around peoplr and being incapable of mantaning a normal conversation only deepens my depression
what's so interesting about you? no offense, just curious
Going out for a smoke was my favorite part of going to bars. Unfortunately I sperg out during conversation.
The thing about arsenal, is they always try walk it in
I know a lot of things, and I can hold a conversation about any topic that is not about cars and soccer.
Let me give you a few examples:
I once talked to a guy in a bar, turned out he was a chemist.
So we talked about chemistry and what he is doing at his job, he later told me that I always asked all the right questions and that he was amazed that I didn't major in the subject. I told him what I do at my job, etc. After that, we went to a different bar. That was a fun night.
Another example, I once met a guy at a bar who could speak 10 Languages, I told him that I can speak German, English, Russian and French and can understand a bit of Turkish and Japanese. Then we talked about how difficult it is to learn languages, what his favourite language is(it was German) and how different words have different meanings in different languages, and how grammar is different, and most interestingly how some things are inexpressible in some languages. He offered to teach me after that Arabic, as I showed interest in that during the conversation. It was fun.
Many times I talked to people about politics. Sometimes people will tell you they study social sciences or something like that. Then it's already won because I will ask them what interests them about it, and 90% of the time it's because they are leftists, so I will calmly disagree with some of their positions. This always results in a conversation and then joining their group.
If someone is a businessperson, I will tell them about some of my business ideas, this also always works.
I have travelled a lot, I speak a lot of languages, I know a lot about philosophy, I have a very thought through political opinion, I have finished many projects, I have many hobbies, that's what makes me interesting.
Oh, and I'm always nice, energetic, upbeat and eager to drink some shots, that's also interesting in its own way.
Granted, I can't talk about cars, and soccer, because I'm not interested in that.
not to be an ass, but what exactly are you doing on r9k? you seem like a normal human
I did all the time when I was in uni. I felt like a creep and never talked to anybody but kept forcing myself to endure it.
It's too expensive and got sick of being DUI (never arrested, but was getting paranoid) on the way home. But I've met some cool people when I used to drink at bars. I met an 80-something Russian immigrant with a crazy accent who went on about a bunch of stories, some were pretty funny. He knew most of the workers there and the owner. Another time a guy gave me an internship offer (I was in college and it was during the semester so I couldn't take him up on it) just for chatting with him.
I know a good business plan you can tell the chemist.
I grew rather fond of the place and I have my own set of issues:
I'm a virgin because I have the worst case of gynophobia that you would ever see. I even reject girls that hit on me because of qualities mentioned above and my look which are above average. Basically, I act like an anime-harem-protagonist IRL.
But I have no problems interacting with guys, getting jobs or anything like that.
All you have to know about cars is that pushrods=pushgods, and you're set
I only do that when I /trv/. Usually just speak to locals, especially middle age guys love chatting to strangers. I don't travel to get my dick wet since I can get laid anytime I want at home.
I knew a guy who wasn't a Chad, but he was a cocky douchebag, and he was able to pick up girls at bars when he went alone. Wasn't even some really handsome guy, but he wasn't ugly either. I'm really surprised that he didn't get rejected for going to the bar alone. In a females eyes, that's a total redflag. He'd also fuck girls who work at fast food places, I don't know how he does it.
i occassionally go with the wife and her cousin during sports events. Other than that never alone. Not my favorite kind of place to be