I just wish people would realize how broken i am so i could catch a break for once...

I just wish people would realize how broken i am so i could catch a break for once. Everybody holds me to the standards of a normal functioning human being and i can't live up to those standards

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Ohh buhuhuhu. Me sad boy. Me want pity. Buhuhuhu. Maybe just kys

>Ohh buhuhuhu. Me sad boy. Me want pity. Buhuhuhu. Maybe just kys
...i'm not allowed to vent now?

And where did I say you are not. Am I not allowed to shit on your faggish thread?

This is why you don't vent on Jow Forums OP. You might have a real problem, but people are going to come in and say shit to just make you feel even worse about it, because this place is just one big perpetual space where everyone had a bad day and wants to take it out on somebody else.

dw user i understand and feel the same

Greentext your struggles and expectations from others or why even make a thread at all

Ignore this fag, OP
I understand what you're feeling. I feel the same most of the time.
Do you want to live up to other people's standards? Or are you okay with being the way you are and you just want them to stop nagging?

They know you are broken and they like it that way, what you don't you realize is your brokenness makes you easier to control

This is true. The majority of people will treat you as badly as they think they can get away with

Do you still try to dress and present yourself as normal?
If you dress the part people might understand it a bit more, if not outright think you're a hobo. Just don't shave and wear dirty clothes

I want to live up to my own standars but i feel that i got so many things srewed up in my head i'm incapable of advancing forward

Relax and smoke a doobie brotha

>i feel that i got so many things srewed up in my head i'm incapable of advancing forward
What do you think about starting therapy? Do you think there is a chance you could, somehow, fix all those issues in your brain.

people have problems you insensitive fuck. way to project your fragile masculinity. real helpful.

You're fucking retarded coming to Jow Forums expecting sympathy nigger. Fuck off back to /LGBT/ with your other fag bros.

I don't give a fuck dude. Everyone has problems. And you have no proof that me being a dick and showing to him that self pity won't help him is worse the this whole pity circle jerk that you guys like to organize. This is so pathetic that I can't stand it.

I'm the king of BAAAAAAAAH POOR ME posts and this even made me cringe a little cmon dude have some self respect before posting this shit

By that logic. Everyday I treat my mother with total disrespect and contempt so far as will allow, purely because...
>That's how people are


I fucking hate how reddit is slowly destroying this place

Maybe, maybe not. I think therapy is very helpfull for people who are not sure what exactly is going on in their mind, while i'm fully aware i just don't know how to deal with my issues

I'm not looking for sympathy though, why are you assuming all these things?

It's a doggy dog world user. And my comment is original

hi /b/ edgelord
it's not pity tho it is mutual understanding. you are obviously a normalnigger so you wouldn't get it. hey at least you said something besides "boohoo" and a middle finger (woah you solved mental health dude!). do this next time.