Why is the concept of not marrying gaining traction among young people. Do you realize it is dangerous for men...

Why is the concept of not marrying gaining traction among young people. Do you realize it is dangerous for men? Men who aren't in relationships live shorter, unhappier lives than those who are. Because it's not easy being a man. Men need someone to confide in. They need someone to trust. They need someone to have and to hold. They need someone to love and create something beautiful with.

Don't be fooled by these individualist movements like MGTOW, they are bad for men just as runaway feminism is bad for women. Men and women need each other.

Attached: naruhina.jpg (1610x1610, 1.86M)

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Women have been ruined and men are realizing it. There's almost nothing to be gained from a relationship with a woman now.

nice goal post shifting roastie

>Men who aren't in relationships live shorter, unhappier lives than those who are. Because it's not easy being a man. Men need someone to confide in. They need someone to trust. They need someone to have and to hold. They need someone to love and create something beautiful with.
Yeah but if your only options are women who sleep around and act bitchy it's only going to make your life worse. Being alone isn't optimal but it's a better option than dating women in current society.

>Men need someone to confide in. They need someone to trust. They need someone to have and to hold. They need someone to love and create something beautiful with.

And you will never find any of those things in a modern woman. All you'll get are whores who will never love you and cheat on you.

because the old system is out, which includes marriage. women and men still interact plenty, but financial gender roles are gone.

You think robots are choosing to stay single? We could never get a woman to WANT to marry us.

is this loss?

>not bothering to date or anything because I have things I want to do with my life that would be ridiculously hard if I had a boyfriend
>also incredibly introverted and enjoy my privacy
>don't want kids so whatever
>have 2d husbando, play out romantic fantasies with him, we have passionate sex almost every night
>it's been fine this way
>reading book today, has a cute detective, messy hair and absentminded look, super sweet personality
>get feels
>start wanting a boyfriend really badly
>realize I don't even know where to get one
A lot of guys like me. I just want to fall in love with someone and marry them, a nice quick affair and have it all wrapped up in like 6 months. Guys mess around too much, drag it on too long. What do? There's a cute bank teller who dropped spaghetti over me, should I just walk up and ask him out? I don't want to spend years and years just dating a guy. I hate dating, it's so awkward. But I don't think I'll ever love a 3d the way I love my husbando. Is love even real? 3d are usually evil and will cheat on you or toy with you.

>shorter [...] lives
I'm alright with this.

This is the cutest pic i have ever seen in my life.

Marriage meant you had a sex slave you could rape anytime you wanted, but now thanks to beta fucks and muh romance you have to deal with your wife's shit test rather than just rape her anytime you get horny. Most men dont want to deal with shit test thats the entire reason they got married so they could avoid the shit test little did they know IT NEVER FUCKING STOPS.

Fake or you actually have autism or schizoid. If you are not serious dont bother but not having any dating experience be the time you are 30 will probably be disasterous.

The majority do not care about the well being of men or children. The left loves putting children down (abortion and fatherless households), the left loves putting men down, the left love putting whites down.

What are the statistical outcomes for divorced men?

>have autism
Well, check your address bar.
>no dating experience
I've been on dates with over 100 guys unironically. I never liked a single one. I only end up falling in love with 2D. But sometimes I think it would be nice to have a 3d, IF it's just like a 2d. I'm just skeptical that 3d can actually love anyone. Men are dogs, they only like me because I'm pretty, they're shallow. I just want a 3d version of my husbando who loves me truly and earnestly. I don't think 3d are capable of love.
Tell me why I can feel love for 2D and I cannot for any 3D I try dating?

I don't even know how to respond so I'll just tell you to fuck off.

All animals and humans are selfish pigs. Including you. Get over it. Love and life isn't supposed to be a fun and easy activity. Having children is not supposed to be fulfilling or beneficial to the individual. It is all supposed to be tough, and only the weak cannot handle the struggle of reality.

>men are all players, i want a guy who really loves me
>i don't want a guy who loves me, i just want a fling
You're lazy, entitled, and have ridiculous standards. That's the real reason you ought to stick to 2d.

I'd agree with you if there were girls like Hinata out there. But there aren't, not one out them is wife material. And also
>implying robots are lonely by choice
We're genetic trash, do you think any women would want us anyway?

maybe because marriage is a trap againt men, with only disadvantages for men and absolutely no safety in any way for men ?

>he proudly identifies as a faggot
this place has changed a lot

>Men who aren't in relationships live shorter, unhappier lives than those who are
Factually incorrect, OP is in fact a butthurt roastie and a faggot.

Attached: e2f.png (600x811, 475K)

>makes this joke unironically when there are now daily /r9gay/ threads that get 300+ replies
You misunderstand. I want to fall madly in love and get married. I don't want a long drawn out thing. I just want /comfy/ lovey dovey cuddles and romantic sex, and to be settled and not worried about it. But I hate dating, it takes so long and always fizzles out, nothing worse than going on some limp date every other weekend to kill my interest.
>not supposed to be fulfilling or beneficial
You're not making a good case for it.

It's half right. People in GOOD marriages may live longer. Being in a bad marriage may, surprise, be worse for your health than being single.

Women have become whores due to great material abundance.
Men have become weak for the same reason as there's no longer a need for independence as everyone depends on someone else's work to survive.
At the same time the bare minimum resources are given to us to survive as individual, but not to form basic human communities such as a family, this makes children a great expense, while in the past they were valued as more work hands rather than an expense of resources..