Ugly fembots, why dont you take the black pill?
Ugly fembots, why dont you take the black pill?
I have. Might as well end it all
Can someone translate this please
female black pill
>the ugly guys don't really want us even though they'd totally date us, they obviously can't be attracted because they're completely shallow whores just like us
male black pill
>sorry bud your below average, get ready to die alone
your gender is a joke, complain about your amazingly blessed lives somewhere else please.
God please I wish I had an ugly gf. I know in my heart I could only really love a girl if she is ugly, but ugly girls only get with Chad.
they don't get with chad, that's why they come and complain to us about how bad that have it having us for an option and that's it. fucking whores.
Chad pumps and dumps and I know they'd never consider anything less than Chad.
I agree, i could never love a jew
Post your discord bb
Just a jew doesnt what jews do best.
I ain't getting catfished
I prefer less attractive people generally. They are just more down to earth people in my experience.
Jews are the ones behind inceldom. Women really aren't that bad, the Jews just want us divided
>Israelite encourages ugly girls to not date guys who are willing to date them and instead chase after Chads, buying makeup and cosmetic surgeries to please the jew I mean Chad
>femanon offers herself
>robot rejects
Dw baby I got big bewbs and only a small dick! [spoiler/]
Yeah, I actually pretty agly women too.
>pic related
Chances of that being a woman are 0.000001%
Like the man in pic related?
I already have, this is what I tell all "incels" who stupidly insist that all women live life on "easy mode" and don't understand that it's really just Stacey who does.
My brain is literally malfunctioning.
*yeah I actually prefer ugly women too
fuck off faggot go do your work on /soc/ or something
>women dont go on r9k
Pretty sure you just dont actually want an ugly girl
Maybe ugly girls should give average or ugly guys a chance instead of only going for Chad.
No that's just an unrelated image
That picture is definitely not related
Women don't ask for discords on Jow Forums. I want an ugly girl really really bad.
I care almost not at all about looks but I care a lot about personality. I don't want to LDR. I want to be able to meet up, even though I'm far from everyone else. I can host and pay for the plane tickets.
I've added a few people who say they are fembots and we have shared pics, so I'm reasonably sure they're real. I don't know how to go further in the relationship though.
My point is, I exist. And therefore, there must be other robots like me. And therefore, your pic is fake and gay. It's infinitely more likely that we simply don't know how to behave because nobody is helping us with this.
Fembots: don't expect your robot boyfriend to be a perfect match for you. Help each other improve together. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work and so be it. But stop ghosting people without telling them what they did wrong or even giving them the slightest chance.
A lot of people on Jow Forums are plain normalfags, tons are underageb&, and there are people who genuinely deserve to die alone due to how fucked their entire personality is (even they deserve feedback though).
But don't mistake memes for reality. Add someone and talk. Correct him when he makes mistakes. If he doesn't correct himself, go ahead and move on. But if you're not willing to do even that much, your personality is by definition too shitty to bear with.
I'm crushing on an "ugly" girl right now. She has a wonderful personality though.
No you dont, I asked you for your discord awhile ago
So am I. How old is she so I know we are talking to different girls
I think I know the guy catfishing you kek
there will always be an ulterior motive for why they choose to LTR an uggo robot
>they assume you won't betray them because you're ugly
>they can't do any better and have finally decided to settle with their looks match
>they can treat you like crap and beta bux you if you're desperate enough
>they just want someone to raise their kids
theres always going to be a hidden reason. you'll never be chose for simply existing. it will never be based on genuine attraction. they will never genuinely love you. they will never get over their oneitis or stop pining for better looking robots. you will most likely be cheated on many times throughout the relationship. you are nothing more but a placeholder as a subavg robot, if you do happen to get into a LDR
They actually do, surprisingly. But those who say they're ugly usually don't. They seem to be trying to attract board-only orbiters for some reason.
It makes me sad as well. It's the perfect opportunity to help each other and both leave the board forever but the ones who are serious are too timid to take it.
Again I wish you were real, but I'm desperate and lonely but not completely stupid.
But you're a dude though, you have peen
Diff user but I've never seen a true female take the initiative on this board and I've been browsing for 8 years. That guy is just larping for fun.
You will never find a femanon with that attitude then.
I've had 2 who either had a really good collection of material or are real. One of them would have needed access to a live woman to fake what she sent me.
I have met plenty of women over the years, I even had a sex with one and another is still a fwb (but I met her on /soc/). I have lost count of how many ghosted me though, tinder is infinite times better, even for relationships.
Trying to meet a girl on this board is extremely counter-intuitive if you are after a relationship. If you just want friends then more women will be up for it, but they are mostly uninteresting, as you would expect.
It's not an attitude it's just the reality of this place. I don't expect to find a femanon.
Would you
- post proof you're F
- post your own discord
- post another means of communication, such as temporary emails
- conversely, accept temporary emails?
Additionally, how long would you take to prove you are not catfishing and what proof would you be using?
lol why would a femanon who could have any guy want me? dum dum, try to catfish better next time.
I know there are whores here but that's not what that larper is implying. "she" is implying a real relationship with that user.
Is that you brooke you catfishing nigger?
As if that nigger would be able to formulate even 1 short sentence without grammar and syntax errors.
Those I'm talking about weren't whores as far as I'm aware. They haven't been sending any nudes and that has never been discussed yet either.
You should post her nudes then
Actually a good point.
Sorry user, I accused you of being brooke too quickly.
where can I find a real femanon
Get me up to speed on brooke?
/soc/ is full of them. That's where femanons come from. Occasionally they post tits here and people think there are 'fembots'
Female incel, literally too stupid to have sex
me, but im too retarded for a conversation
All those women are really mean and only want Chad.
Nah, /soc/ has half a dozen regular camwhores and a new one appears once in a blue moon. Women with even an ounce of self-respect actually detest that board. I wouldn't be surprised if Jow Forums has the most females nowadays. It's the only board that is interesting to women, since it's about social stuff and human relations. Women are vapid and hardly have any interests, so this board is the closest they can call up their alley.
She posted on here a while back, or another discord drama queen?
There are a lot on /soc/ as said.
I don't go to /soc/ because it's full of deranged whores on one end and anti-robots on the other. They are all normalniggers and actively hate the shit out of anyone that even so much as seem to be robot-like. It's the exact opposite of what I want.
I found the ones I'm in contact in through a 'post your standards' thread (I think I got both from the same thread, too). I didn't have proof they were female at the beginning. I simply held on to my hope.
Probably underaged (16 or so). Literally can't spell 3-letter words correctly. Alws tlks liek dat. Catfishes to add people. Self-advertises to try to get orbiters. Refuses to chat, only wants to videocall. Hates robots and mocks them.
>Women with even an ounce of self-respect actually detest that board
Then why are there hundreds of women posting pictures in rateme threads and such?
And what do you think the women that come here want? Us? Maybe the women here are kind, compassionate girls from the 50s?
It's the same chicks lad. If you lurk long enough you will start to recognize the posters. New chicks are rare.
For instance, rosie is a usual /soc/ whore that shitposts on this board as well, daily. The pale one with the blonde bush is the same deal. The petite asian chick same dealio. There's a huge overlap. Most of the token whores are regular Jow Forums posters.
No there are no girls on Jow Forums
Yeah and that's why we say you might as well just go there. The women here are not 'unique' or 'fembots' they're just the same hoes
True true. It's mostly bored trolls looking to spice up their afternoons.
There's 3-4 chads on /soc/ and only because they lift and attentionwhore daily. And they only get ONS with HPV ridden slags. Everyone else is more or less a failed normie that doesnt get laid but thinks he is hot shit.
You should only feel contempt for those people.
Where can I meet ugly girls then?
They are in porpotionate distributions everywhere there are attractive girls as well. There's no one place where only ugly girls congregate.
There are plenty of ugly girls lurking this very thread right now, but they are too scared, self-conscious, neurotic and timid to do anything about it. Women don't really care as much about relationships until their endocrinology takes over and they frantically look to settle for anything.
Touch luck, they'd literally stay alone than be with you. We are a sexually dimorphic species.
Not on this website if that's what you're asking. Real life is your best chance. Good luck with that. They may be ugly but they're still women they make everything overly complicated and difficult. I've never succeed I've gone farther with hot chicks.
>they'd literally stay alone than be with you
True although that doesn't line up with your " too scared, self-conscious, neurotic and timid to do anything about it" which implies that the ugly girls would be pursuing robots if those things weren't the case when in reality it's because women will not settle for anything less than Chad until their biological clocks force them too, even then they'll always resent the beta male they end up with and look to cheat on him whenever possible with more attractive alpha males. I do understand a woman would rather kill herself than be with me though.
They want to get in a relationship, dont get me wrong. They just dont want it hard enough to exert any effort to overcome their fears and do anything about it. They not like men in that sense, they dont get the insanity-inducing urges to be with someone, to have sex, to suffocate with affection et cetera. It's just how nature is.
Implying I don't already know how beauty is the only thing that matters and am just waiting for genetic engineering, a miracle, or death to catch up to me
I would be fine with a chubby GF if she would resolve to lose weight with me, and is otherwise a good person. I lost a lot of weight during my happiest relationship, enough that it was suddenly the only time other girls would actually go out of their way to approach me. I had a nice face when I was younger.
If if she wasn't, thickness is still kind of nice on girls.
Whew, im so glad I still have this copied on my notes. Here we go again.
A man will never truly love if their partner is not physically attractive.
>Over the four years, each husband and wife were separately asked on up to eight occasions to rate how satisfied they were in their respective marriages
>Husbands across all four studies were more satisfied than their wives at the beginning of each marriage
>Over time, husbands with wives that had been rated as attractive remained more satisfied than their spouses
>The attractive wives in these marriages were also, on average, more satisfied and the researchers attributed this to the fact having a happier husband led to a happier marriage over all
Who said anything about being chubby? This is about being ugly
I know I could only love a woman if she IS ugly.
This. A robot is only talking to me now because he finds me attractive enough even though he claims to not care about looks but it is obvious, like every other man that is what matters. Women are far more loyal
>These posts
Is it opposite day today?? btw pic related is what women think if you try to talk to them.
How ugly is ugly? I haven't seen anything shown here. If I posted the only two girls here that, in my entire life, made me jittery mess, people would probably call them 4 or 5 out of 10.
Loyal to what? Makeup?
Too bad you Iive in Europe.
What makes you think I live there? I'm an American
Oh my bad then. I just assumed you were the same person I was talking to yesterday. You probably arent in the west coast though.
You're right there, I'm stuck in the smelly shadow of New York.
Feels bad knowing I'll never be desired by a woman than.
the less conventionally attractive a girl is, the more personality compatability i think is needed
like for me, a less conventionally attractive girl needs to be like 80+% compatible while the more conventionally attractive girl has to be like 60% or some shit
and what i mean is, id totally date a "less attractive" girl who wasn't a normie, but i could never date an ugly normie girl, that shit would just be too annoying. it's like the rule that if a girl is into niche shit then her attractiveness or smv goes up by like 6 points
>white blond guy probably with blue eyes
>being rejected
I'm a white brown haired buy with green eyes, am I included in your meme response?
Are you somewhat intelligent? If so, you are worth reproduction with.
But that sample is only married couples - which means that the man was attractive enough to the woman for her to marry him.
You can't learn anything useful about robots by studying the relationships of the prom king and queen.
The majority of married men are far from Chads
Which is why they'll never be happy because their wives cannot love any man less than a Chad and they know it.
They're still "marriageable men", which we are repeatedly told are in short supply.
If you're a female and want to be orbited even during your marriage, you should have married an orbiter.
Fembots and femanons, I love you. I am drunk, but instinctively I want you to be happy despite my hate. No one deserves to suffer like I do. I want do rub my cheek against yours affectionately, but that is selfish gratification. I'm dead internally and won't remember this tomorrow so the intense shame I usually feel when leaving the house to go to work won't be present. I've paid my taxes.
Please be kind when a guy is really far gone and needs comfort.
Happily I'd date someone like her assuming she has XX chromosomes.
At the beginning I was right on the fence, leaning toward wanting to date her. Every time I see pictures of her, I am more and more convinced that I do want to date her.
Statistically, all of this is true. Men and women suffer. It is better to have never been born at all. If no one had kids then no one would be here to suffer, the cycle of misery could end. No more murder, no more pain, no more disease, it can all end within a generation.
IDk prolly cause the black pill is only a painted blue pill but your mind witch is being trapped buy how you wanna imagine life when ugly males don't have it as awful as middle eastern femanons hell they rape the ugly ones tooo a male who doesn't rape there is an amazing hot guy who has 15 woman on him on arrival