Personal Idols Thread

Who do you look up to, Jow Forums?
Elon musk
>Went from being a bullied smart kid to an early online entrepreneur to a genius millionaire actually trying to make a positive difference
Holy shit I just realized he's the polar opposite success story to Drumpf

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elons a cutie no homo
also I'll love him forever once he gets us to mars

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Adolf Hitler.
Went from being a depressed autist in an utterly irrelevant backwater country to the charismatic leader of the greatest political movement the world has ever seen. Then had his country repeat the exact same journey he did.

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God damn he was ugly without the stache

Was he attractive with the stache?

I also like elon musk I hope he brings our soceity to the spacial era

Better looking than Trump anyway

how did he go from that ugly little thing to such a handsome man?

Elon is a cia asset, don't be stupid.
Hes a true inspiration to robots everywhere

Stephen hawking

>was a great mind who helped change the way physicists think despite not being able to move or talk.

>Irrelevent backwater country
user, I have something to tell you

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don't have any. maybe that's my problem.

Austria isn't even a country, it's a fictional state, like Ukraine.

Don't argue yet! Lemme grab my popcorn


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Well thanks bud
I leave my thread for a lil bit and this is what I come back to

It went from absolutely nothing to wielding absolute control over, at the time, Europe's greatest country, and inspired a fanatical loyalty in its followers. How weren't they? Nobody else comes close.

Somehow a fictitious country created one of the largest nations of Europe and BTFOd the T*rk on multiple occasions
But please tell me all about the great non fictitious nation you were born in, Burger

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keith richards because that guy gives zero fucks

I was born in Sweden, which indeed is a fictitious nation that could merge with her neighbors without anything of value being lost.

great how the limited economic devolepment was turned into the war economy and they and the axis minors declared war on pretty much every country in europe

He has said some dumb shit, though.

>nmr larper

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>His family originally came from Germany, having migrated to Sweden in the 1360s.
>migrated to Sweden in the 1360s

I've never understood looking up to somebody.

the scandinavian countries have most of its ancestry in recent history from germany
whats your point

>"I felt Hitler was a case of a man who was neither fish, flesh nor fowl, neither fully homosexual nor fully heterosexual ... I had formed the firm conviction that he was impotent, the repressed, masturbating type."

Don't really have any idols. Seems like most people in the tech industry start off with privileged backgrounds.
Any suggestions?

The dubs speak truth. I've never done this nor have I understood it.

Yep. One of us

1990's Marilyn Manson. I wish I could be honest and open with myself, my emotions, and my perversions instead of being a repressed beta all my life. He's a huge faggot now though.

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went from being broke and homeless to being the greatest basketball player of all time

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