Mexican girls are the answer to robots problems. They're loyal, family oriented, Catholic...

Mexican girls are the answer to robots problems. They're loyal, family oriented, Catholic, hard working women who aren't as stuck up as white women

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im mexican and can get a mex girl. it just feels like i have no control over my life if i get with one. this is cause my entire family got with a mex girl

You just generalized both Mexican women and white women, it's very unlikely that a man's experience with either will match your descriptions perfectly.

Why would I want a catholic wife?

as a beaner american in a highly populated hispanic area they are just as stuck up as white women, and if you aren't chadito you have no chance

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hispanic women are weird

>Not as stuck up as white women
>Implying they aren't worse

Women are bullies

They find happiness in the torment and ridicule of the lesser man

Ironically the lesser man in certain situations turns out to be the better man

Mexican women like asian women and white women find joy in the torment of men

Taming of the shrew is required reading for a reason

Cause they're the only good women left, along with orthodox women as well

Estoy triste.

>stupid and superstitious

they age like milk though. just walk through any hispanic area and a lot of them are practically midgets and look like shit. horrible genes.

This. I say just go from young qt to qt pumping and dumping once they hit the wall.

I agree, if you want a non-shallow woman and a wife who cares for you, you can do worse than hitching up with a Catholic woman.

>implying there are women who are smart

I know lots of Catholic thots, many such cases, very sad.

no thanks

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If you want Manlet children the yes

> aren't as stuck up as white women
fucking lol. Show me and I'll pay you a $1000 for finding me one

Where are all these smart women you crave then? fuck outta here

Take courage. Always believe and never doubt. You are the Master of your destiny. Always remember, that despite your idealistic, naive and adolescent ideals of women, they are shallower than you can possibly imagine.

find an atheist one

mission accomplished

Athiests women are whores who just want to whore around guilt free

Why user, let it out

She's pretty, I'm up for her.

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christfag spotted

good god atheism is just left wing 'I'm smarter than you' bs

Estoy triste porque no tengo novia.

user half of the anons share that same feel.