Absolutely disgusting. What do you roasties have to say for yourselves? I find these numbers disturbing.
Absolutely disgusting. What do you roasties have to say for yourselves? I find these numbers disturbing
then having sex with a single man before marriage is disturbing
Did you know?
The average incel will have wasted 1000 litres of cum before he reaches the age of 30.
That number seems pretty low.
It's an average of two men per week.
You're disgusting. Get over it. Stop trying to turn this around.
this sounds like bullshit to me i think the number is more like 300-500. I knew a complete whore who admitted to fucking 200 dudes by the time she was 24 and she was an extreme roaster.
It's the average. Many of them will have had sex with many more than 1000 men
If women are having so much sex with so many guys you think I'd have a chance of getting laid once in my life but noooo
Why not be one of the 1000 different men, OP? I mean, if the average woman in America is having sex with 1000 different men then surely you can find SOMEONE to have sex with you, right?
I'm disgusting? I hate roastie whores who have sex out of wedlock. A single time is disgusting you nincompoop
Unless you can show me the source of the study, I call bullshit on this one.
I've been with about 14 women. I have no desire to have sex with 1000 people
Did you know you had no link to this or even website name?
It's a scientific study and you can't argue with the numbers
t. roastie
where is the study?
>there are people here who actually believe 1000 man before 30 is an average
holy shit you guys have fucked yourselves by coming here that often
behind a paywall unfortunately
Fuck off and let us discuss how repugnant you sluts are in peace
Is 1000 too low or is 30 too old?
This is fake, the real statistical average is 25,000 by 30 with around 95% of those men being big strong black males. Just give up on white women, goyim
That seems unlikely and more of "women in porn".
Seriously though, as long as she's legitimately clean, what is the difference between being fucked by 1k guys or being fucked by a single bf/fiance/husband 5k times over several years?
i guess way below average then
>waah stop trying to prove me wrong!
>what is the difference between being fucked by 1k guys or being fucked by a single bf/fiance/husband 5k times over several years?
Her loyalty and personality
I sometimes wonder how much of my semen has been wasted. I have jacked off 1-5 times a day for 365 days a year for the past 7 years now. Let's say I fapped on average 3 times a day. That's 1 teaspoon, or 0.167 ounces per ejaculation. At least according to google that is the amount you ejaculate per fap, but I would say I often ejaculated more. I'll just round up to 0.17, multiply that by 3 to get 0.51 ounces a day. 0.51 * (365 * 7) = 1,328.6 = 39.291 liters in total, give or take. Men ejaculate 40 million - 1.2 billion sperm cells per ejaculation. So 306,600,000,000 sperm cells have been wasted if I ejaculated the minimum amount per ejaculate, or 9,198 billion maximum.
It's the same 1000 guys having sex with all of them
No. The study is focused on normal everyday women. Not porn stars.
Yeah this is defo bullshit, I'd realistically say the number would be around 100
I know which is the fucked up thing too. Plus you know women underreport their numbers, so the study could be inaccurate and the number is much higher than 1000.
That's bullshit. Assuming she starts at 16 that is nearly two guys a week for 14 years.
Yeah it does seem a little low doesn't it? I'd have guessed 3 or 4 a week at least.
Damn you're right, 1000 is probably way too low
Is that last question for real?
Sanitary reasons, dude.
Again, the 1000 is just the average. Many of the women in the study have been with far far more than 1000 men
Zozzle desu