>low iq
>butt ugly
>socially incompetent
>cant develop a personality
>no hobbies
>terrible at everything
>cant hold a conversation
>clumsy behind the wheel
>dumb for community college
>friendless loser
>locked in my room 24/7
>spend my time browsing Jow Forums, reddit and the internet alike
>sleep up to 12-15 hours everyday
>hate living
Biggest loser thread
Other urls found in this thread:
seriously why
what the fuck
kill yourself
be my dipshit loser gf pls
I'm sorry user, please have this pretzel cat.
He makes everyone feel better.
Most of this applies to me as well, sorry hope things get better
Why is this wojack wearing a wig such a polar OP image?
Post a picture of your butt ugly face then.
You aren't the biggest loser if you cannot at least do that.
You must deliver a proof.
Describes me to the t except I'm a wagecuck
Thats a violation against this boards rules and I want to post on this board as much as I can.
Plus, im too insecure and I dont want to face internet bullies.
Now imagine how bad it would be if you were a guy lol.
My life would be the exact same you moron. Gender is irrelevant if youre both ugly and dumb.
Hahaha, then just violate the board rules for once.
Stop searching for excuses.
You are insecure? So you still care about your reputation.
Go beyond that if you want the title of the biggest loser for yourself.
>be me
>have the best life
>fuck all of you losers
would you date this boy?
Image describes me perfectly, except media consuming, the large eyes and attractiveness. I'm basically a low IQ awkward faggot.
t. khhv intj
You must be really dumb if you can't take advantage of the millions of opportunities you get as a woman.
What's up with all the namefag underageb&? I know it's summer but goddamn.
Kek. KEK.
I can find humor in this because I'm normie and browse this site to laugh at all you beta incels ahahaha
What's up with your faggot ass dick sucking lips, queerface?
Dunno, my lips are not as big as the meme.
>high IQ
>great at everything
>can hold a conversation
>smart enough to get a phd from the top university in my country
>love living
>still can't get a single friend, let alone a girlfriend
All I want is someone who'd love and understand me. I don't need much. I don't need a clown or a trophy or a surgeon. I want love and companionship. I want a girlfriend who will want to meet not too long after we start chatting if we're compatible. That's all I ask. But somehow nobody seems to want to give me a chance. I have given a chance to every alleged fembot who said she was looking for a boyfriend but most never even contacted me at all. It makes me sad. I hope they were real and too shy to try rather than baiting. But further, I hope the shy fembots would successfully manage to put themselves out there and try.
Image describes 99.9% of all robots really.
You're probably intimidating you dumbass. You need to be dating in your league. This is such a fucking pissbaby problem if you can't figure out how to take advantage of the resources and solid mental health you have.
this fits me pretty much perfectly except my illness is diagnosed and im starting to limit my media consumption
my unhealthy addiction is painting
>low iq
>barely literate
>11 year hikki
>no personality
>can't hold a conversation
>a giant fucking retard
>high IQ
>very literate
>reasonably attractive face but undeveloped musculature due to neglect
>a big bundle of wasted potential
>self esteem so incredibly low that I shut out everyone who tries to help me even though i'm desperate for love
>incapable of seeing value in myself
>capable of having incredible conversation and then the next moment i'm an utter autist
>see negatives in everything first and make judgement before understanding anything
>loser on par with tantalus
Mbti personality?
How do I do that, master? Teach me your ways! I can easily get acquaintances and I can force myself to behave reliably in social situations, but they exhaust me and scare me. I have never had a friend and all the girls around me are already taken. I haven't tried online dating yet but nobody on Jow Forums seems interested (which I see as a better option than these hookup sites people peddle, but a much better option than real life since nobody's available).
Where are you from I can be your wife
Visit places you don't typically go to. Unless you live in a really small town, there are assuredly women you've never even seen. Try going to unusual places.
I tried that but there were only men every time. Not to mention that as I said I get anxious in social environments.
I'll keep trying though.
probably a manlet, so none of that shit matters
Of fuck out of here with this manlet meme. Everyone knows you can get a girl at just about any height. Its a confidence thing. Tall men are more likely to be confident, sure. But any height of person can be considered attractive.
I'm from Canada and yes please.
[email protected]
I'm under 6'0'' but I'm over 5'8''. Manlet by Jow Forums standards, but I think it's good enough. Maybe I'm wrong though?
This describes most people here
that's a good thing.
so you're just a manaverage, probably at least 6'1 in shoes. Idk whats wroing with your situation then desu
How old are you? This it original ffs
I'm hoping the other user will send me an email and isn't actually just trolling.
I have tried to understand what was wrong with me but I keep being told that everything about me is fine or even great.
At this point I genuinely think I felt better when I was a mess. At least I could dream of improving myself to turn my life around. Now, not so much.
Fairly young. Im [spoiler 18 spoiler]
You should hook up with the rich guy
Holy shit fuck off. Jesus christ. I get to be sad because I'm 25 and completely isolated. You're still a fucking kid. Fuck off.
Why are you such a whiny faggot
Go and paint, make something of yourself. Do what a lot of us can not.
You're the whiny faggot. You're only 18. Go live your life and be with the normalfags, let their shitty attitude rub off on you so you never have to visit this board unironically. Do you think it's a good thing to be one of us? Do you think we asked for this?
Ive been sad for over a decade. My abominable genes will get me nowhere in life.
Dont let these people invalidate you
You have minimum 7 more years before you get to despair like we do. If you're a girl and unless you have severe mental illness or are a landwhale, basically anyone on Jow Forums would like to date you, including me. If you're not a girl then your situation is more dire, but you don't actually know that until you grow up a few more years.
>basically anyone on Jow Forums would like to date you
until they find a better option
No way. Many Jow Forums men are very loyal and would not even dream of leaving once they got a gf to love.
Not true, I already knew it was over for me at age 16. That said she is a female and is obviously not as hopeless as she thinks
This is a very bad lie
You are confusing the direction of the condition. I said that you can't tell if you're really a robot until you're a certain age. I did not say that if, having reached that certain age, you can be reasonably sure you're a robot, you could not have expected that at a younger age.
You're just projecting. Men don't get better options like fembots do.
How is it a lie? robots dream of comfy emotional love and commitment. Warm summer days holding hands in the park or cold winter nights cuddled up under a blanket close and in love. Women dream of getting pumped and dumped by Chad in smell public restrooms
I apologize, I shouldn't have said "anyone on Jow Forums". What I meant was "robots". I'm aware there are plenty of normalfags and other undesirables here who do not fit that statement.
However robots will not cheat on you, will not desert you, and will not even accept a better option if such a thing was even possible.
If you truly are as you say you are, you should give it a shot. Worst that can happen is that you can prove that you're right. And what if you're wrong? Are you going to really be alone all your life because you didn't have the courage to do the first step?
I could tell I was a robot by that age though. I'd already been a friendless hikikomori for years by that point.
See and reread it as many times as you need. I know you're not the quickest tool in the shed, no need to rush. Take your time.
Now that i have not received any response I'll be said all day tomorrow.
I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for user. Good luck.
>it's a guy acts like a cunt to anyone dumber than him and yet pretends he is not a normalfag and just as irredeemably robotic as everyone else post
typical. I bet you're a college graduate normalfag too. That said I don't even get your point, I already knew it was over at 18 and just because you're a normalfag who had potential back then doesn't mean it wasn't already over for anyone else at that age.
>dumb for community college
What did he mean by this?
I see that you are deeply butt bamboozled by my non-stupid response so allow me to explain. Tons of people thought they were robots at that age, and just a few years later suddenly ended up with friends, girlfriends, and overall a completely changed life. Turning your life around like that becomes significantly harder with every year that passes. This is why wizards are 30+ as well. You need to be a certain age for turning your life around to actually become statistically unlikely, even if you think it's already completely over for you at your point.
>Tons of people thought they were robots at that age, and just a few years later suddenly ended up with friends, girlfriends, and overall a completely changed life
That's because they were all normalfags. Everyone in the 25+ threads pushing this meme of a minimum age to be a robot is a college graduate career-having normalfag just like you. If you're a hikikomori it's already over. The fact that you think anyone can still turn it around at that age tells me you were probably a normalshit at age 18 too.
This is true, the one robot friend I had in the span of 3 months got his first kiss, lost his virginity, first gf, high paying programming Job and moved out into an apartment with her and now ghosts me. What a fucking bitch
I have always struggled quite a bit in high school. I would do poorly on the standardized state tests. My PSAT score was literally a 880/1600. I even had to use cheating tactics and outside tutors to help me maintain a decent gpa. I could never get things done on my own without relying on something. If i had to go through, how would you think I would perform in a community college? Id probably drop out the first month because im not intellectually fit enough.
>That's because they were all normalfags
That's exactly my point.
>Everyone in the 25+ threads
Is a normalfag talking about even being fucking married and with fucking kids and it drives me so fucking mad holy fucking shit.
>pushing this meme
They're not pushing it and it's not a meme. They're not pushing it because they themselves are not robots. It's not a meme precisely because if you're expected to have a career, a house, a car, friends and family, it's infinitely harder to ever integrate society than if you are merely expected to go to college or flip burgers sometimes in the next 365 days. This is also why it's not possible to identify a robot at the age of 18. Being a hikki at 18 is borderline normal. Kids who ended up becoming those normaltards in the 25+ threads often had such phases.
Unlike you, who are obviously a normalnigger, I have never been a normalfag.
>Sleep 12-15 hours
That one seems easily fixable, unless you have another problem where you need to sleep that much. I'm sure you know that you should only sleep 8-10 hrs avg unless you are overworked or have some special condition.
12 hours is fine every once in a while to catch up on sleep or when sick, but very bad all the time. Is it depression doing this?
This is pretty comfy, helped me not be as sad.
If not that, this is a beautiful piece youtube.com
I can only hope your picture is a meme and you're not cross-dressing, fren. The perversion of close friendship among males to be gay is made by Satan himself. It's possible to just have a good friend and not a jerk.
I love you as a good brother would another brother. Any notions of homosexuality are all symptoms of the mental pollution this civilization gives. If I could, I would help you as a brother would another, if I had the time. I guess I'll pray for you, idk about God.... Sufferring too fren.
Tantalus is a retarded asshole thought
Its describes me so accurately that I actually feel very disturbed
borderline deformed face, framecel, short, vitiligo,adult virgin, only hugged a girl in grade 8 and that's my most romantic experience, jobless, live with mom who wants me out, autistic and weird personality, no friends, everyone is rude to me where ever I go so i hide in a house all day, look 45 even though 20, no interests, completely numb, low iq, no diploma, abuse drugs and alcohol to escape reality, lonely and on the verge of anhero
>Act like tyrone
I have some words for god
has god truly abandoned us? every night i beg for just a sign hes still there, and that he could save me from this hell. im slowly losing faith and will to live
Funny thing is that almost every autist I have ever met thinks he is actually handsome, just socially impaired. Ugly losers fancying themselves quiet-type anime characters are just the best.
Maybe but, maybe not fren
Do you stink? Have gross facial/body hair? You can be the nicest dude but i dont wanna talk or even bee near someone who smells like they've been cummin on themselves for a year without bathing once during that whole year.
Don't wanna smell somebodys spicy junk Y'know?
Find the red one & they will gift you a brilliant mind. They are here. They are there. They are everywhere. Mostly here though.
Continue looking, observer.
Post on >You cant be uglier than that woman who 100% looked like a man with breasts. I was there for that and i still cant believe it!
Dang close. Long live lufinky
if the pic is related and you're female(female) then you are not the biggest loser, even with all your issues you're still above the 4/10 male.
I literally got rated a 4 on /b/. Never again will I post my face on here.
>insane and delusional
>unhealing sores and scars from laying on the floor catatonic with psychosis all throughout my childhood
>i smell like a poisonous sperm sandwich
>fucked up posture and body shape from my spine developing wrong and undergoing the effects of puberty without going outside or leaving the floor
>glasses are nearly a decade old and held together with duck tape and glue
>tooth problems out the wazoo, definitely gonna wind up a toothless homeless crackhead
>ghosted every psych who ever tried to help me because i accept my fate
>tons of broken bones from childhood neglect that healed wrong so i can't work tough jobs
>i'm just counting down the days until i'm homeless so i can turn into a trash eating animal
>face is a bloated diseased rotting fish baby
>i look like all the serial killers in the world got put through an oblivion generator and mashed into one big horrid concoction
>have tons of repressed rage from my childhood and there's nothing i can do about it but induce hypnosis to try and defeat god
>bony elbows full of maggots
>talented in the arts but instead of taking it serious or trying to work a job i spend all my time catering to batshit insane indigestible diatribes that make terry davis look like a onions-sucking walmart greeter from planet bigbrain
>i don't consider myself human, when i look in the mirror and stare at my empty lifeless eyes i feel like a dog so i dance around the halls of my house to binaural reverberated jazz waves from alien spaceships while simultaneously conducting mock jail cell interviews with bigbrains and martian niggers from alternate dimensions and imagining my brain as a black hole rift for demons and aliens to travel through
>the other day the only way i could justify life was by dumping a scalding hot bowl of chicken noodle soup all over my head and letting it run down and stain my boxers and the carpet, "AAAAHHH!!!! THAT'S THE SPOT!"
>hair like a horses ass
Childhood schizophrenia is pretty rare. Interesting
This can't possibly be originally real
>Elbows full of maggots
Probably fake and gay
only if he grows a mustache
this is me but i am ugly, so i get an excuse for all of it. hah!