What is causing this epidemic?

What is causing this epidemic?

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Women, oreganoli, of course

Pandora's box has opened

and how much has the population gone up?

eIIeventy seven

70% of suicides in the United States are white males, considering they chose to picture a woman who accounts for less than 30% I think it's clear why it's going up. Nobody actually cares or gives even a single shit about the people who are actually committing suicide.

Source: afsp.org/about-suicide/suicide-statistics/

Income inequality, prison-industrial complex, no end in sight to America's wars, the coming tech bubble burst, lack of jobs. Could go on, but we already all know this, don't we? We're on Jow Forums...

The birthrate has also declined, as has life expectancy in the US

Nothing goyim, now take your paxil and birth control

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n'oh my god

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>meme reason 1
>meme reason 2
>meme reason 3
>meme reason 4

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>What is causing this epidemic?
life is getting shittier for americans in general
wages aren't keeping up with inflation, for a large portion of the country there was no economic recovery from the long depression of 07/08

>suicide rate
since when is suicide a disease? hmmmm...


Suicide -> Death -> Salvation

And women are becoming more and more Chad hungry, leaving millions of men without any form of affection or love in their lives.

No its TRUMP

Life is sucking more each year

I think the fact that most people blame women is pretty telling about who is at fault.

An increasingly soft younger populace that hasn't been taught how to cope with hardships in life due to rampant bad parenting.
A generation being thrown into a technological revolution before we actually knew anything about it, with them and their parents being utterly clueless as to the negatives.
Outrage culture and alarmist journalism causing people to perceive things as worse than they are.
The "woe is me" commiseration that the internet offers.
The increased isolation of individuals from society at large that technology allows for.
Societal expectations not lining up with those of previous generations due to the changes being made, resulting in many feeling that they're "behind" and giving up hope.
Victim culture and demonization giving rise to extremism.
I could go on forever, honestly.

What a well thought out response from an intelligent poster

Sounds like a bunch of things cause by women.

>tfw we have known for decades what the solution to these problems is but we can't apply it because muh nazis

My fucking sides. You're like the poster child for millennial indoctrinated defeatism. Do you have a USSR flag on your wall yet, or are you still too poor to afford one?

Stupid question with an obvious answer: Onions.

I know that you're meme-ing, but I would say that sexual liberation and career women do play a huge role in terms of creating individuals "left out," in particular as it pertains to undesirable young males.
Family was the linchpin of Western society for many centuries, and women entering the workforce and dating dynamics changing did significantly alter things in a way that society couldn't address. We still haven't quite figured things out in terms of finding the right balance, if we ever will.

millennial women hitting the wall at full speed without a family and no husband.

niggers, most likely.

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wow so glib and snarky, much epic xD

I was not memeing. I genuinely believe 90% of social problems are caused by women.


Money 100% does indeed buy happiness. Anyone that tells you differently is someone that has a shit ton of money.

Nice projecting. Feel free to offer a real response. Btw I make way more money than you

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This includes sexual poverty aswell. Many men are completely left out of the sexual marketplace nowadays

so do you just parrot everything you're told like an autistic retard or...?

Probably the internet. Definitely the internet.

Did my comment make you upset? We can talk about it if you like, there's no need to get mad

American family values are fucked and the amount of time people spend at work is pretty insane compared to other countries. Need that new iphone and macbook and new car! gotta buy buy buy consumerism!

You left out how much women are becoming uncaring selfish whores.

normies seem hypercompetitive nowadays, like everyone hates each other's guts and no one makes friends anymore beyond simple acquaintances

what the fuck is causing this i don't know, it's some kind of narcissism

Im not even materialistic, i only work so many hours because the cost of living in the US is fucking insane.

stop living in new york / LA

>Btw I make way more money than you
Keep telling yourself that, BernieBro. Also, your lack of an answer to the question is my answer.
>Income inequality
"America gets a raise: Wage growth fastest since 2009"
>prison-industrial complex
"U.S. Adult Incarceration Rate Declines 13% in 8 Years"
>no end in sight to America's wars
Wars that we have very little invested in, and would experience very few negative consequences from withdrawing from in terms of our homefront? They're not exactly World War II.
>the coming tech bubble burst
You're speculating, number one. Number two, you're assuming that the masses are mindful of such a thing. Both are quite the stretch to attribute to a vastly increased suicide rate.
>lack of jobs
"US unemployment rate hits 18-year low of 3.8%"
Genuinely kill yourself, you fucking mindless condescending faggot. Your defeatist nonsense is completely in your own fucking head. You're yet another pussy who latches on to alarmist nonsense and never considers that things might not be as you perceive them.

Nah money doesn't buy happiness but not having any definitely makes you miserable. It's one of those things that people definitely take for granted, like that pyramid of human needs, Money is really the foundation of that. Got no money? Well suddenly you've lost your home, stability, comfort etc. Scraping to maintain even a mediocre existence can wear you down to the point where you want to give up.

this unironically unoriginally original

Finding out the truth.

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I don't get your post, what are you implying here?

lol okay roastie

hard to argue against considering that whenever a woman gets horny men start diying.

I'm trying to implying that those people are right and it's all womens fault user

How do men die when women get horny?

how much are you paid to shill here?

men are so weak they kill each other over women. All the problems that are "created" by women is actually mens fault for being weak

>how to unironically spot a virgin

some men get very violent if their girlfriend cheats.

shit s-sorry bud

Nice comment after begging for a real response, you fucking pussy. You have no answer so you pull out the "OMG UR A SHILL1!1!!" card. I wish that I were a paid shill. As it stands, I have to settle for not being a fucking retard spreading outdated exaggerated defeatist bullshit.

As they should, women should be killed if they cheat

men are weak for not putting women in her place

>average man lives a garbage life of servitude now constantly surrounded by niggers
can't imagine why

I'm not a virgin, but I've only had one (1) sexual partner

>constant life of servitude

except you're not allowed to do that anymore either, ask what you're supposed to do now and you're met with "just accept it and move on when it inevitably happens"

fuck, you're right, i'm still waiting on my white priv check in the mail though, dunno what's taking so long

the fast flow of information nowadays

this, men are expected to accept defeat and not stand up for what is right. the see no evil attitude is propagated by homosexuals and women are their main agents.

at that point men have nothing to lose because they turn suicidal and they have a bloodbath. my friend almost killed his girlfriend after she cheated on him.

This, young males are being entirety overlooked psychologically. Nearly all school shooters are young males but all anyone wants to talk about is guns and upping security on school campuses, entirely ignoring the root of the problem.

It's quite sick actually, we have a group of people literally lashing out at the world and everyone wants to use it for their political game. I may not have the right answers but we're not even looking at the correct problem.

t. Work for a school district

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Of course they have a woman picture. Interestingly enough, female suicide is pretty much the same, male suicide has skyrocketed. Actually more than 75% of all suicides are males.

God, I hate women so much. They make everything about them. I fucking hate them with a passion.

Everything is too confusing because of the LGBT and progressive fags who have broken society down into base pleasures and sexual degeneracy, while also destroying things like gender and masculinity/femininity. Like it or not, tolerance of literally everyone is having negative effects, because it comes paired with intolerance for the normal people. Its past time to tell the fags to shut the fuck up and keep to themselves so society can stabilize and start solving actual problems like global warming.

The scientist who might have devised that miracle to stop global warming probably killed himself because he was born into this deviant shithole of a society, with no values and directio, just a mess of "adults" crying about who is more privileged.

I've been wanting to fucking die since like 2012 why the fuck am I still here? I was really going to go through with it back in 2016 but I pussied out. Then in February of this year I did gothrough with it but I failed. I'm more anxious and irritable than I've ever been in my life and it's only getting worse I need to put an end to this shit dude.

baby boomers created good times, good times have indeed created weak men..
lookin at you gen z.... millennials....

same, im pretty much a walking corpse at this point and I think people can tell. no wonder i never get job offers at my interviews.

>baby boomers created good times
nigga please

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BOomers created the era of decadence and decay retard. America's prime was post-WW1 to Vietnam

>the coming tech bubble burst
How is the tech bubble going to burst when technology is only becoming more and more relevant?

technology is a meme and all of it is being consolidated into a handful of zog companies

>tech bubble burst

you are full of shit tech companies have record beating earnings and growth. bubbles burst if they had no real value to being with.

this desu

enjoy googlenet and facebook.com being the only two websites left in existence in 10 years

baby boomers are the weak generation that caused the hard times

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>if they had no real value to being with

social media companies quite frankly did never have any real value

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>suicide rates increasing
>depression rates have been doubling every generation
>autism at all time high
>average male sperm count us half of what it was 50 years ago. Testosterone levels are also decreasing
>obesity is on the rise with no signs of stopping
>fertility rate below replacement rate
>average IQ has been dropping
What the FUCK is going on?

Social media; the perfect facades and FOMO in particular.

Life just fucking sucks and what do you get out of it? Death. Why not check out sooner? There won't be any consequences

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Right, but I bet that fucking tripcunt Elizabeth will show up shortly to INSIST that psychology is a "science", despite its record of ongoing utter snowballing failure, and to INSIST that the sexual revolution made people happy, even though even statistic we've got says that people are miserable and becoming moreso every year.

This whole board is focused on sex-related FOMO

The rate is a measurement that's proportional to population; you don't need to adjust.

Suicide is usually an outcome of disease


People lack basic control over food shelter women and their own health needs

>lack of jobs.

Kek, the U.S economy is genuinely doing amazing right now, unemployment is extremely low also.

>Wage growth fastest since 2009"
And the rich keep getting richer so it doesn't matter, plus you seem to be ignorant of inflation and how bad the inequality is.
>Wars that we have very little invested in
lol just ignore oil interests and how much money the government gives to private contractors to make their equipment XD
>"US unemployment rate hits 18-year low of 3.8%"
Unemployment figures are misleading and they don't actually count every person not employed. The labor participation rate is abysmal.

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>parroting the exact same government bullshit in a lame attempt quell the growing fire

13 Reasons why coming out and glamorizing the idea of committing suicide to punish the people around them by threat of prison

"I disagree with your reputable sources and objective facts so I'm going to explain them away with unsourced, vague, anecdotal nonsense that line up with my preconceived notions."
Good shit, you fucking brainlet. You can't handle that objective reality doesn't line up with your idiotic middle school political nonsense, so you instead deflect and respond with baseless unsourced bullshit off the top of your head.
You're everything that's wrong with the world. Fucking kill yourself, you'll raise the world's average IQ.
Great anime picture, too, once again showing what a little shrimp-dicked bitch that you are.

>The image is an attractive white woman with a headache

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>kill yourself, you'll raise the world's average IQ.

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you fucking idiot now that stupid whore is gonna come here and bring 100 orbiters to ruin the thread

rule 1 of dealing with elizicunt, dont talk about it

Except that that contradicts money.cnn.com/2018/02/02/news/economy/january-jobs-report-2018/index.html and the objective fact that the tax cut increased the average American's take home pay across the board, you fucking retard.
>he doesn't believe in IQ
I see that I'm arguing with a great fucking mind, here.


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Jobs numbers aren't even the same thing as wages you dunce.

Yes, a fucking source that is decidedly anti-Trump. They would never go out of their way to make Trump look good. Quit being a fucking retard. You're like a fucking child.