Are you a lonely socially crippled neet without a single IRL acquaintance?

are you a lonely socially crippled neet without a single IRL acquaintance?

do you like cute stuff and/or technology?

How many registers does the zilog z80 have?

do you have questioning thoughts about your sexuality and gender!?!?

well shit user, you've found the right place!


Come on down to Aero's harem and hang out with us! owowowowo


Attached: unknown-8-1.png (480x480, 364K)

Other urls found in this thread:

r9k is the right place, you don't need to go anywhere else

come onnnnnnnnnnnnnn afshgdghyj

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yes yes but you can fuck right the fuck off you jewish freak sure i look half decent but this illness is a curse i wouldn't want anyone else to have to put up with

it actually is a very good, and active server

d-don't you wannabe cute user!?? like me aero uwu

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no its not you're a cancerous mentally ill fruitloop sure I've got dysphoria and I'm a freak but atleast I'm not as far gone as you

Kill yourself you mentally ill freak

Manipulative evil scum

I'm pretty fucking gay, but this shit looks like it'd beat me on my best day.

Not aero. Pic related is aero.

Attached: DbB3LadWAAAwcGp.jpg (420x361, 17K)

Friendly reminder that this channel is a scam

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You're wrong user, this is aero

Attached: 45c059c4225a5389535fbaffde2cee6ff7a12555b440cf6fd748664d59cc8c94.jpg (1290x1136, 257K)

im not manipulating anyone, were pretty transparent

if you can find the lowcow thread about him it explains everything about this manipulative little freak i can't post it because of the spam filter but yeah

no, this is aero

Attached: 1325296931209.jpg (600x741, 61K)

Why are anime fans here gays and trannies?

Actually end your existence, the greatest day of my life will be to see you rotting in hell alongside me.

because programmers like anime

not gonna lie, i would aero

No aero is a twitter tranny

Attached: aer.jpg (800x600, 51K)

yes. kinda. don't know what that is. no.

You know Jow Forums is filled with mentally vulnerable people

So you seek to exploit them because it gives you a thrill

If you actually gave a shit you'd tell them to get therapy, rather than try to rope them into some discord server and get them to take hormones with no professional help

You are evil selfish scum

try and find the lowcow thread about him

Attached: Screenshot_123.png (1041x623, 536K)

>join server
>instantly banned
I knew trannies couldnt handle the bants.
Dead server, shit server
+ Sage

sorry you feel that way user. but were doing more to help them than you ever would

>didnt make it past vetting
looks like someone cant even read.. sorry :(

Like a retard choking a baby to stop it from coughing

yes helping hordes of people who you know wouldn't pass but you try pushing them into it anyway

Different user here.

I'm a huge fag and I normally like these servers, but the fact that there's vetting is a huge red flag.

I made a post about peeing and was banned
7/10 too much retard juice.

What do you expect from mentally ill men who've fucked up their brains with hormones

O- okay I'll try maybe facing you guys head on will help stop these degenerate thoughts.

Shut up shill

Nobody is falling for your retarded shit

other user here. servers without vetting fill up with shit tier people and get spammed way too hard

Nicholas, this is your father!
I need you to lob off your cock!

I absolutely guarantee that this server is filled up with nothing but shit tier people. Vetting or not.

you'd rather be a pathetic faggot instead of a cute female?

holy shit r9k is filled with human garbage, literally biological wastes, hope you all go the same way as that retarded paki kid

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its also a red flag of the server have a cult like atmosphere :^)

Not just shit, but also evil and manipulative. Wouldn't be surprised if there were a few pedos.

What a wretched hive of villainy.

Kiwifarms has a decent thread on him too, but it's kinda dead at the moment.
Feel free to keep contributing though. Lord knows he needs to put his life into prespective at some point.

It didn't say in the rules I couldn't post doujinshi... Bye forever

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Kill yourself you pedophile piece of shit

You are evil scum, the world would be better without you

Never will I ever actually be biologically female and have a womb, even if I take HRT that will never happen. So fuck off.

Why the hell should I join this discord loser?

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"hurhur anyone i don't like is pathetic!!!!111
that's literally the cope of a 13 yr old again you're lying to these people do you have any idea how fucking absurd you sound? "OMG user JUST TAKE HRT! HAHA all of your problems WILL DISAPPEAR user I PROMISE UwU magically you'l be desired by everyone and suddenly your life will be normal!
that sounds pretty fucking stupid doesn't it?

So you can hang out with mentally ill scum who prey on vulnerable children

>you'd rather be a pathetic faggot instead of a cute female?

I know this is r9k



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You're among good company, you won't ever be biologically female too!

it's just cute girls doing cute things

well, what do I search?

It's just ugly mentally ill men wearing dresses who get kicks out of exploiting people for their hrt fetish

In other words

A wretched hive of scum and villainy

try 8ch lowcow

>It's just ugly mentally ill men wearing dresses who get kicks out of exploiting people for their hrt fetish

This is how it happens
They catch mentally ill people
Convert them to transgenders
Give them the wrong idea about sexuality
Make them cut off their dicks

Once they get the surgery, they will now fight for you politically for transgender ""rights""

The idea of gender gets hurt as a result.

It's all a big scam to actual transgenders
Read this thread, it covers everything you need to know.

Search "Nicholas Federov/Foxworth/Stimp/Aeromatic"
That's how I found it.

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>implying i want to be female

all i want is as many cute boys on hrt as possible, even if it ruins their lifes, it is still fun to manipulate weak fags

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>f looks like a p
heh, fitting.

Take your seroquel hon.

"8ch net/cow/res/458842.html"
With a "." after 8ch

Case in point you loner predator

Pathetic piece of shit has no real life sex life so he lives in fantasy with a bunch of ugly mentally ill tranny retards and gets kicks from convincing ugly fucks into becoming ugly fucks in dresses

why are you posting a girl in your picture if you are interested in guys?

Attached: BLAZING IT.png (355x310, 96K)

A lovely screenshot for your next thread, thanks~

Fuck, haven't seen those memes in like half a decade.

atleast you're honest about it unlike how reiko was

>this entire thread


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you literal actual degenerate, in every sense of the word. for anyone genuinely considering this, it will only make things work. Go to Jow Forums and get some testosterone in your body.

Took you about 9 posts to get it right, L It's me, you're a mega retard.

>he became a tranny
Shame. He was actually pretty hot.

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>It has BPD and it took HRT
This explains everything, OP is a fucking retard. HRT is documented to make personality disorders far worse. I blame the doctors who didn't catch that. Unironically this

Wait, Federov could've been on Fun Church? He makes music?
This is a damn shame man, I'm gonna keep posting in these threads til you get better Federov.

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>are you a lonely socially crippled neet without a single IRL acquaintance?
Well I'm not a NEET; I'm a PhD student.

>do you like cute stuff and/or technology?
I suppose

>How many registers does the zilog z80 have?
Eight 8-bit registers, which can be paired up into four 16-bit registers. I can't remember their names. AB, HL, and two other pairs I think.

>do you have questioning thoughts about your sexuality and gender!?!?
Not really, no.

>Come on down to Aero's harem and hang out with us! owowowowo
No thank you.

Discord trannies forever btfo.

Thank you based user.

He's actually a piano wizard. Shame he doesn't make albums.

And I got it wrong. Fuck it's been a while.


A is the accumulator
F is the flag register.
There are also four 16-bit registers that are not general purpose, including the program counter (PC) and stack pointer (SP). But then, I am not sure if you count the non general purpose registers for a question of how many registers an ISA has.

NICHOLAS FEDOROV is "Aeromatic" and is behind these threads and server.
He shouldn't be hard to find

This is the same person but a very old pic of him.
Here's a Jan-Feb 2018 picture of him without the mask. Note the shorter haircut seen in the later picture. I think that's the most recent picture of his face we have

I joined an got instantly banned cool best server 10/10

He still uses a flip phone? Crazy.

I wish he had a bandcamp, I'd pay for albums if he switched the estrogen out for testosterone

This poster is James
He's basically second in command to Aero/Fedorov and more active than Reiko.

Here's a screencap of James from the server, interpret it however you want:

Attached: kids.png (471x156, 17K)


Not just trannies.

They are pedophile scum.

For a while he had friends were helping him keep on track and get his life together.
He had a Job for a little while and even a Girlfriend for a short amount of time.

Eventually he snapped against the friends who were helping him, surrounded himself with enablers/orbiters and reverted into NEET trannydom. A sad case really

I don't like it when Jameses make other Jameses look bad by association.

>I think that's the most recent picture of his face we have

I think this is more recent than that one.

Attached: 6.jpg (506x468, 29K)

All trannies tend to do this, it is sad really.


Doesn't pass at all

What a hon

He needs to come back to Fun Church

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I think that's pre-HRT. I got that picture from his server 3 months ago and he only started HRT 2 months ago.

wait, there's a hierarchy?

Most grooming gangs have a hierarchy

why is he even grooming him? weird sex shit?

We need Christian grooming discords

His Mom taught him Piano and was a Piano teacher for a while apparently.

He doesn't even talk to his own mother anymore because she didn't support him when he came out as "trans" to her.
So he just sits in his room taking HRT, eating junk food, and receiving praise from orbiters on discord, while making these threads all day.
The remainder of her money that she makes from teaching piano lessons is funneled into funding Fedorov's shut-in tranny lifestyle.

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yikes guys


Attached: _20180614_045225.jpg (82x85, 4K)

Lowteir bait and garbage discord. Season 2 is beginning fuckers.


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Fuck, from now on people need to start using these threads to make him a better pianoman.

Or piano girl(male) :^)

There's no "official" hierarchy, but JAMES 'contributes' more to the HRT shilling than anyone else second to Aero himself even though he holds no special role.
James is not being groomed.
Look at his posts in this thread.
James is one of the predators, who wants to lure these lonely, depressed and possibly underageb& neets in for his own pleasure.

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thanks for the info dude

Trust me, I won't correct my enemies when they make mistakes user.
I'm just going to say that these faggots are being very, very, sloppy..
and even if they fixed their mistakes now it would still bite them in the ass hard later on.

You better believe that there are some devilish deeds ready to happen once the rest of Jow Forums hears about this.

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Foxworth's talents belong in Fun Church!

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