How do we prevent young men from turning gay?
How do we prevent young men from turning gay?
lots of them
That pic makes no sense. It ought to be "then and now"
These little comic Shadman has been doing are really enjoyable and funny. I used to hate his stuff
It implies that there is still some hope left
more like 2018
easy, when they are able to get a boner, buy em a hooker and let them experience sex, then they wont turn gay and it can be a kind of father son right of passage
Hahaha take a look at this
But what if they think women are gross
Why would you stop 2047 from happening? Seems like my dream outcome.
Why would you want to prevent that?
jokes on you i already look like the boy in the 2047 part ;^)
you don't and you cannot
its not your choice or even your concern
No, you look like an ugly dog fucker in a skirt that in all likelihood does not even fit your dog fucking bum.
The society you're raised in effects the type of person you choose to be. If a generation of men are attracted to fucking men (and dogs) then we should fix society.
everyone shits on shadman and i don't think hes particularly a "good artist" but honestly his art turns me on a lot
Shhh, you should let adults speak here.
Post the original
that's not the original
A lot of them kill themselves so it doesn't matter.
Go away
Turn them into women
>make it easier for men to find a female partner(i.e. undo the sexual liberation)
>form a culture that makes it easier for men to receive praise and affection so they do not resort to easier but degenerative ways(homosexuality)
>grant equal opportunity of custody of children to fathers and do away with alimony so men can afford to be with their children
>accept that things like transgenderism are mental illnesses that need to be dealt with in ways that takes the affected back to reality and not agreeing with every delusion so as to not offend them
any Qs?
You are a dog fucking ogre who doesn't know what he's talking about. Don't you claim to be an adult now, a neckbeard living in mummy's house isn't really an adult, now are you Sherk? And stop fucking dogs thx.
oh my my oh my oh my my
Women are as gross as my dad, except they use electric appliances to shave their butt and chest hair off.
Show boipucci pls
>Implying I know who whichever namefag you're talking about even is
I would like to fucc the gayboy
Here's a (you)
Now please, pics or you are lying
>implying this isn't you
First one: You're not entitled to a female partner; if you can't get one then figure out your problem.
Second one: Forming a culture that makes praising men easier would probably result in a more apathetic feeling when receiving praise.
Third: First part is fine, but sometimes alimony is justifiable. For example, the man is at fault for the divorce (cheating, abuse, cases like that) and the woman may not be able to support herself. However, the man should receive alimony if he cannot support himself and if the fault may lay on the woman, same circumstances as the male but in an ideal world.
Fourth: Not much information in the whole transgender situation besides gender dysphoria, which yes is a mental illness but no cure for it besides transitioning. More research needs to be put into it.
All in all, shit doesn't matter. It's none of your business on how people live their lives.
>You're not entitled to a female partner; if you can't get one then figure out your problem.
And because the problem usually lies with society and women figuring it out will just land you here
arab style
unoriginal forgot the image
How do I find a guy like in the bottom pic?
plenty of thirsty gayboys here, and surprisingly enough a lot of them are actually kinda cute. Just chat one of them up, user. I believe in you.
don't fall for this btw
thaaats more like it uwu
Nobody is entitled to intimacy, yes, but intimacy is an integral part to a happy life for 99% of people and it's a societal issue that more and more men are becoming sexless and alone. If we want 50% of the population to not continue killing themselves because of how little worth most of them have on the SMP, we need to make it so men have easier times receiving intimacy.
It might result in men being apathetic to praise, but that's still leagues better than how it is now, men being so desperate for any kind of affection due to lack of male figures and total rejection from women, that they turn to changing their bodies and chasing after the love of people they're disgusted by. It's better to grow tired of something you love than to never have loved at all.
Alimony was justifiable in the past but not now. Everybody has the ability to make money, if you can't support yourself, then you don't deserve to be able to be supported. Alimony today is government approved robbery and any women that currently receives alimony should have her head stuck onto a pike.
I believe transition is the recommended cure to transgenderism because people are too scared to suggest anything else. Post-op trannies have a suicide rate of 47%; that's not cured.
>l'uomo di shad