Would you an active duty gf?

would you an active duty gf?

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not if she has groce nails like that

Ketchum has ass cancer from too much ass fucking.

you try having manicured nails after handling guns and machinery all day
cannot do too much ass fucking

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>Search Google for image

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isn't that the active duty trap?

Someone on Jow Forums knew Ketchum from the Army and said he was like a real life Buffalo Bill, self-loathing and deep voiced and always on the verge of starting to build a skin suit.

Ketchum's penis is small and shriveled and a weird purplish color. Not an attractive feminine penis at all.

Specialist Ketchum is a female

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imagine the crazy sex after parachute training

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but their are pics of his winkie online, user.

>implying girls cant have feminine penii

she has good taste in movies

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>tfw my recruiter is a cute blonde stacey
>wont stop talking about her bf

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>active duty

like in the military? pretty sure women in the military fuck around all the time since they're around chads all the time.

Establish Dominance
wut do

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>active duty
(s)he's likely been fucked by the entire division, run away for your own health

squad anyway

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>all the guys pass him around as some kind of sex toy

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user pls don't be lewd

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i look like just as much of a fag as him. should i kill myself

you should cute yourself

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but i look so pathetic

yes user
is there a problem?

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Not him but she/he/it is the poster child of androgyny

No. On top of the military being an unwomanly career choice, it would ruin her ability to properly fulfill her role as a wife, mother, and homemaker. If she isn't mature enough to step up to those responsibilities, she's not worth keeping around.

Moreover, military women are disease-ridden skanks.

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that looks cute, a proper motherly physique not some celery stick or titcow

The girl I'm talking to right now is seriously considering active duty. She comes from a military family so it's almost expected, but I still don't know how I should feel about it.

tell her about the rape culture

The most disgusting thing about Ketchum...and there are MANY...is the huge scar on his neck where he had a cut rate Korean surgeon hack out his Adam's apple.