25+ General

Hump day edition. Here's to never humping

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Recently turned 29. Realized that far-off age of 30 I thought I would never hit is right around the corner.
I remember thinking when I was 21 that there'd be no way I'd be like the other two 30+ guys at work - stuck without a degree, working way past what was reasonable for a part time job, wasting away.
Turns out, I couldn't even be them - both are now in their mid to late 30's with a wife, a degree, and a real job. I couldn't even accomplish that.

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29-year-old here. I ran out of the psychostimulant Adderall a few days back. I feel like complete and utter shit. I mean, sure, the antidepressant Remeron and antipsychotic Abilify do an okay job at minimizing my depression and anxiety, but, still. Adderall would give me energy and motivation to do things. And so now without Adderall I feel so helpless. I am seeing my psychiatrist tomorrow but, shit, man. I thought that I would function kind of okay without Adderall, but I just cannot. I feel awful. This whole situation has made me wonder how I would function if I were homeless. Would they still prescribe to me these same medications if I were homeless? I think I would probably kill myself if they told me that they would never prescribe Adderall to me ever again. I should really try getting medical insurance but I do not think that I would be able to since my brother and mother are using my name and social security number for tax purposes for the illegitimate and morally dubious business of my brother.

This is now a Baba Yetu thread.


not using lucid dreams to escape goverment grammar control

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>tfw looking through old friends facebooks and see that theyre doing much better off than you are
wish i hadn't of done that.

27 here, full time dish washer. I'll be 30 before I know it and I regret throwing my wizard status away on a hooker.

34 years old, wife is 32. Promised her we would try for kids at 35. Thought for sure I would have everything sorted by then, still feel the same as when I was 24.

Going to fuck this up bad

27 next month
>Live with parents
>Got into a fight with my old man a few days ago
>All because I told him to shut up when I needed to sleep for work
>He decided to be a dick and blast his 80s stuff loud
>Unplug his sound system
>He goes apeshit
>Wasn't really a fight, more like a shovefest
>He shouts "Swing at me Motherfucker!"
>Shove him hard for distance then swing behind the neck
>Doesn't even feel like I did much, but he falls face first to the ground
>He's breathing so nothing to worry about
>Ask him "You done?"
>Nods his head
>Head off to work tired out
>He's doing the silent/ I don't need you treatment

I need to move out, but money is always the issue. Not worried about the cops being called since I guess pride is still a thing for both of us.

do you have a job?

fuck man, I may need to go back to dishwashing too. I did it for 3 years in my early 20's and I hated it. Then I went to retail for 3 years and i hated the shit out of that. so much so to the point that I'm now considering going back to dishwashing. idk man. I've always felt that working at a restaurant was something that you could never be too old to do.

Im not that guy.

Did you even read the flipping post?

>All because I told him to shut up when I needed to sleep for work
>I needed to sleep for work
>for work

I do overnight maintenance. Pay is $11.50, Commiefornia's minimum. Don't pay rent, but I do pay the internet bill and some of the cell phone as well do some car maintenance, so it's not like I don't help out around the house.

I'm 25 and have three kids, three cars/one house all paid for, and a wife. Can I post here?

there is nothing stopping you, but i wonder what reason you have to stop by and gloat

bump for the true bots out there

sounds like the addys have got you friend. Is this roughly how you felt before you were prescribed the adderall?

to the bot out there that recommended using dph when I'm unable to sleep after boozing: thanks brah! Tried it yesterday and it worked wonders. I'd usually get 5-6hrs of shit sleep after drinking as much as I did, but I popped 50mg dph before bed and I was out for 10hrs straight. Wasn't even hungover so bad the next day because I properly hydrated and got a solid amount of sleep.

Thanks again!

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I know your feel. I'm 28, have a decent IT job, live with both of my parents and i feel like i have so many unnecessary small conflicts with father recently. I don't know why. There is things i don't like about him, but i know he did and now trying to do his best for me.
And i started working at 27, so there is still things i would like to buy before switching to "normal" mode, when significant part of your salary goes to bills, food and mortgage or rent.

I used to think that getting a normal job and improving myself will help me to have better life. But i still feel like socially inadequate shit most of the days (although i now can hide it successfully). I feel like even if i suddenly get "ideal" gf/wife on top of that - i still gonna feel like shit.
Maybe that his case. Or maybe he one of those "like just stop being depressed and become happy and successful brah" guys.

I woke up again last night and semi-consciously sleepwalked in my apartment. All I remember was that I got up and walked to the kitchen door. This is probably from the stress I'm experiencing at work.
Yesterday I also had a dream where I was bullied at work. For the first time I said something back and slapped my boss in the face. Then I ran away and hanged myself next to a river.

I also started thinking about my only GF. I've seen her online status again and I just can't shake off the thoughts how she's having someone new now and talking to him, just like she did with me.

Im 26, Masters in CS and unemployed.

If I knew I couldnt get a job better than mcdonalds with a CS degree I would of coded on my free time and worked at mcdonalds. Now Im overqualified for minimum wage jobs and not getting any interviews for tech jobs

I have been scammed. College and university is a lie to get you to be a good boye in debt to society

How did you pay off the house?

I did a degree in CS and now have a job making 40k english plus bonuses, you have to move for work, thats the problem of it. You won't get a job as a programmer in your shithole small hometown

25 next month. Failed out of college twice so far, on attempt three(bad learning disability, and other medical issues). Stuck at a retail job making barely above minium. I qualified for assistance from my state's vocational rehab program. Even though I was trying my best, after a year they dropped me as a client and told me to just give up and go on disability. Haven't been on a date since high school. Just waitin for death at this point. Would kill myself, but with my luck I'd fail at that too.

insomnia sucks

28 almost

>I have been scammed. College and university is a lie to get you to be a good boye in debt to society

I think it's more you should have been networking in uni, it's what I've realised 7 years later.

Lucid dreaming is the SHlT

That's true, l hear that one a Iot

Yeah, when I see people I know with thirds and bare passes in good positions, most seemed have got there through networking and some experience (sometimes even without experience).

>decide to jerk off
>next day feel absolutely drained of energy
Is this what being old feels like?

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>haven't had cellphone for almost 10 months now
>mom hasn't asked me about any kind of job stuff in almost a month in a half
>know her finances still and can't enjoy being NEET
everything sucks
how am i supposed to get a job with no cellphone or house phone, no ride to work, no where near me that's within walking distance?
i just wish my mom made more money so i could actually enjoy NEETdom but I know she's hitting below $50 every payday cause of me and my younger brother being NEET and not contributing

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> Jerk off, feel terrible and tired.
> NoFap, feel terrible and tired.

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drink more water
eat more plants

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27 kv neet. i should be trying for my drivers exam cause i take it on the 19th, but alas im a lazy jew and ive barely been practising at all

i plan on applying for security guard jobs once i get my drivers license and my security guard license. been a neet for 7 years in a row now

i cant wait until its all over

>losing wizard status to a hooker
Are you me? I'm almost 28 just a few more months and I hate that a threw my shit away to some craigslist whore a few years ago. Though getting my dick sucked by them a few times was ok, I have since given up on trying to find a actual women, my social skills have gotten worse and worse it seems and all I do is go to work and then sit in my room and get drunk/high and play games and shit post. Also still live with parents and my job is a joke I'm lucky if I bring home $400 on Friday. I have to lie to people about my life thank god people at work probably know I'm a total loser with no experience with women and take pity on me and never ask questions about past relationships or girlfriends.

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Has anyone been losing the ability to speak properly as of late? Over the last few years my speech has gotten faster and more mumbled, and I've frequently been mixing up my words. It makes conversation that much more difficult when people have no idea what I'm trying to say.

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lose weight, stop taking any (((psychiatrist))) pills that (((they))) push on you, maybe exercise maybe even fast

that should help your cognitive abilities

I'm pretty sure isolation has that effect on you.

Time to buy some ginger ale for my tender tummy.

also consume breast milk

3 weeks since my job interview. Woohoo!

>new job
>the questions are starting again
>"do you have kids?"
>"you're really not married?"
>"no partner at all?"
>"what do you do for fun user?"

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do companies really care about this? legit question.

Not him but I know from experience that it's coworkers asking these questions. It's fucking lame. Coworkers are my least favorite part of having a job.

>"what do you do for fun user?"
This is probably the question that makes me want to kill myself the most. How the fuck are you supposed to answer that if you do absolutely N O T H I N G in your "free" time?

i see, must be a nuisance

It's my female coworkers asking, it only gets worse as you get older. It's reaching the point where people think you're lying or gay.

They're not bad questions persay. It's just that it reaffirms what a black hole of a life you have.

They're just trying to understand you. If you don't give them a good story they will make up their own stories about you.

>27 soon
>ok payed job if compared to average pay, but lower than any job in the same field
>no growth perspective, no desire to change jobs anyway
>life didn't change a bit for 3 years now since I got a degree
>when people ask me about my plans I just answer "I am just waiting for an end"
Somehow like that.

26 years old here

>my $11,000 savings dipped into $9,900 territory
>i got a pancreatitis attack
>5 day hospitalization
>gallbalder removed
>have to finish my college class in summer

on the bright side, i've been accepted at a tier 1 university for september. i hope to leave the country in a few years

i feel a little lucky. when other people my age are starting to settle down and find their groove, it feels like i haven't even hit my stride yet

Why can't they fuck off and mind their own business
No, everything has to be part of this stupid social hierarchy. It's all a big social dick measuring contest. And I always end up on the bottom.

They're just trying to be nice (most of them anyway, you'll recognise the dickheads quite quickly most of the time)

Well, at least Jow Forums will recapture some of it's former glory while World Cup matches happen. If only for a moment.

worked at cuckmart for like a year and a half, my roastie co workers who had kids at 19 would ask if I had a gf or if I was gay.

Hope their kids get cancer tbqh

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Price Is Right in 5 minutes

yea I fuck up speaking all the time now, it sounds perfect in my head but gets mumbled up when I try and talk. Almost positive its from lack of social interaction I wasnt this much of a social retard in highschool.

Gonna be 27 next month

There's a really cute girl. I've chickened out of asking her out a few times now, and now she's out of town for at least a week. I'm scared partially because I just have anxiety that prevents me from acting, but partially I'm scared because I've never been in a real relationship. I'm so afraid that she'll say yes and that we'll start dating but I'll terribly fuck it up and ruin everything. I feel like I have a chance to finally reclaim my life but my anxiety is making me not act

I told my roommate that if I don't ask her out the next time I see her, he should publicly shame me for it. I'm hoping that the fear of being called out will be greater than that of asking her out. Who knows man.

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>asking her out
What does that even mean? I know what it means but I can't visualise it.

Actual ADHDfag here. I feel your pain user. I got off addys in middle school and it's been downhill since then. A friend left me a baggie of 15 addys and that two weeks were the most productive of my life. I have no insurance though and it'd be incredibly hard to get prescribed addys since it's college candy and being promoted by rappers now. Fuck Normans stigmatizing my miracle drug.

I've been running it through in my head for over a week trying to figure out what to say and how to say it, but basically I want to grab dinner with her just one on one. If that goes well then maybe a movie at my place for the 2nd date?

>no cellphone(can't afford it)
>no insurance(can't afford it)
>no social life(can't afford it)
>health and teeth in decline(can't afford it)
>haven't bought new clothes in years(can't afford it)
>same low paying job(too scared of not getting hired anywhere else to quit)

Being a poorfag with zero motivation is just above bottom of the barrel and I'm still sinking

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>no cellphone(can't afford it)
Buy a cheap one with a pay-as-you-go sim.

You're supposed to get hired first THEN quit.

27 NEET K/V, I generally gave up on finding any sort of relationship with a woman about 4-5 years ago. It's been smooth sailing until recently. There's this really cute girl working cashier at the gas station minimart closest to my apartment. She appears to be a few years younger than me(I would guess in the 20-24 range). She dresses super simple and modest, long skirts(ankle length), hoodies or sweaters, and little to no makeup. I've seen her 1-2 times per week for the past few months. I swear she has kicked up the flirtation in the past couple weeks. She and I were the only ones in the store and she was absolutely beaming a smile at me the entire time I was in the store yesterday. She spilled spaghetti in front of me when i was checking out too. She clumsily knocked something over on the counter and then got me the wrong can of tobacco. She looked visibly embarrassed as I left.

This is an odd feeling. I have never in my life actually seen these signs from a girl. What do guys?

How are you still sinking if you are already at the bottom of the barrel? What's the barrel constructed out of? Wood? Are you sinking into the wood?

Also, post pics of your resume (redacted pii of course) and I'll help you get a better job. With how poor you are, you can't afford to quit before you find something new.

>tfw 30 something khv and have a long-distance gf from America who offered to pay for my trip to where she lives when she's stable enough financially.

I even thought about becoming a mail-order bride but that would be immoral and she'd probably dump my autistic ass the second we meet anyway. Don't think I look cute enough to compensate for my social retardation.

Still, that validation from the opposite sex... Feelsgoodman. Probably better than anything else. I feel sorry for robots who never experience this.

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>I even thought about becoming a mail-order bride
Gee more lesbians. As if I didn't have enough competition.

Bumperino bhmp

turning 25 in a few months, but i'll post in here anyway

>got a min wage service job to pay for university
>but i'm entering my second year of uni in september despite being in school since 21
>i actually had a gf about a year ago like a normie but she cheated once the magic wore off
>all my social interactions are painfully shallow, never extending past the moment
>all hopes of having a wife and kids dissapeared ages ago
>music is my strongest passion, but even the teenage dreams of writing a good album are wearing off.
>been on Jow Forums since I was 15, hoping I could come back here and inspire people to do better once i made it
>still sadposting to this day

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Based on this pic, would you say that you are Gen X, Y, or Z, oldbros?

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Early Millennial.

I think most of the older anons are composed of Early/Core millennials. The rest have killed themselves.

In the pic, is there anything after 1996 you liked, or does it all viscerally disgust you?

To be honest I don't even know what I like anymore.

I'm actually envious of people born into Gen Z. They got to be nerds with everyone and I hid my powerlevel and ended up with nothing.

Holy shit I thought it was Thursday but this OP made me think it was still Wednesday and I nearly had a fucking heart attack at work

Early/core millennial(born '88)

26 here
I have been talking to a girl online for about 2 years now...i think everything is over for us, i think she's trying to forget about me, for various reasons like the way she answers (short stuff, not like before), the words she uses to hurt me, and more things.
I have only put upp with it because she's pretty cute and i still see her as the girl i liked a few years ago, but i don't know anymore.

I want to get de-attached from her, because everyday we don't talk or how long it takes her to respond it's killing me.
Why am i so attached? well, because there's nothing going on for me in life.
>Finished college around 3 years now
>no friends
>no passions, goals or hobbies (i dont even like movies or video games anymore, also stopped reading.
>no will or desire to do something

I'm rotting away and it is only my fault.
Oh by the way, i got diagnosed with Schizoid personality disorder, whatever, i don't mind, i'll just take my medication...I just want to know when all of this gets better? does it get better for people like us?

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Well at least you're.not getting shot in school school allthe time like gen z

26 here.

life's good but i want to work hard to make it better.

i want to get married and buy a house so bad

>turned 25 yesterday
I made it, bros.

I am now at a point where I feel so terrible and tired that I don't even want to fap anymore.
I don't know what happened.

I'm trying to make my life better, I want to find friends and maybe even a girlfriend but I don't know how to escape this isolation.

I just got home from work and I'm already fucked up, about to roll a joint and smoke in the backyard. My boss left early today so I decided to start drinking at work around noon since I was alone in the warehouse, just me and the office girls, so Ive been keeping this buzz going for a few hours now. Right now I'm nursing a blue moon as I try and roll this shit. the past 2 days Ive started drinking at drinking at work instead of after, probably not the best idea but I don't really give a fuck and I don't really care about my job since I cant get fired anyway. I have excepted the fact that I will most likely end up an alcoholic just like mom, if I'm not one already, I already went to rehab twice for opiates a few years back so I know what I'm in for as far as how shit life is when your a dope fiend. I wish these threads got more replies I feel all the oldbots left, will check back in when I'm done smoking, I love all you old faggots I hope your day want too shitty.

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>ese sentido cuando no novia


>28 years old
>working but have nothing to save for (Biggest housing bubble in the world right now)
>overqualified for job but it is very easy and there isn't that much out there in my field
>enjoy gym but not as strong as when I was in my mid 20s and due to having to work don't think I can get back to how athletic I use to be
>seem to have ridiculously bad luck with girls whenever I try
>no friends as everyone in my field is 50+ and I basically live in a retirement village suburb surrounded by ghettos

it's not a bad life but it sure is boring

I am currently sitting here in the waiting room at the office of my psychiatrist. Bored out of my mind. God how I hate this part. This guy always makes me wait out here so damn long. My appointment is for 4:30 PM but I bet that he will keep me waiting out here until 6 PM like he usually does. And the worst part of all this is is that it is hot as fuck outside today. So I cannot just go out to some nearby park drinking coffee, just chilling out for a couple of hours. It is way too hot out today for that shit.

>Is this roughly how you felt before you were prescribed the adderall?

Not really. Before I started taking Adderall (I first started taking it in January of 2015) I could still function fairly well. But, man, these last few days have been hell. I do not know what it is. I have just wanted to stay in bed for days.

This whole year has been hell for me. Not sure why. I have felt so horribly depressed, even with all of these different meds that I am taking. I keep thinking that maybe if I had a girlfriend, I would not feel depressed. But I sincerely doubt that getting a girlfriend will cure me of major depressive disorder overnight. My older brother tells me that I need to get laid, and while I do not doubt that getting laid will feel good at the moment, I just know that the moment will pass and that I will be right back where I started.

>usually spend hours 6-9 of work being miserable and wretched, then get home exhausted and grumpy
>came home energetic and happy today, enjoyed my day at work
Dunno, is my body adapting or something?
Also keep thinking about my future. Thinking I'll do this job and accumulate some money for 2-3 years, then bounce somewhere else. Got to thinking maybe if I had a job I could like it wouldn't be bad to work. Was reading the book "red team" at work today, basically about consultants who play devil's advocate for clients to improve their plans or procedures. Was thinking it sounded like the perfect job for me. But man I don't know how to get there. They say guys with eccentric, brilliant personalities are suited for it, but most of the guys have military backgrounds. CIA is a major employer for example. That would be absolutely fantastic. Two years ago I was a stuttering mess who could barely get hired at a starbucks. I have a college degree, but I think my ambition is exceeding my grasp. How the hell can you go for a job like that? They don't even advertise for jobs like that, you need to hunt them down using connections. I've been thinking for a while, I know on Jow Forums we generally are enemies of glow in the darks, but I've been thinking I need a job I can exercise my full mental capacity. It's the only time I'm pleased, and it's this sensation like you can fly, it's delightful. But not only do you have to wriggle into consideration for such a thing but you have to prove to someone else in 10 minutes that you're brilliant, and I'm a retard in interviews. May as well be on the moon.
Someone stop me. I want to LARP to the max by working for glow in the darks. Either that or some sort of detective work. I read a lot of books on the subjects related to those types of work and I'm terribly drawn to it. 2 years ago I couldn't even pour coffee without being self conscious, now I want to unironically do this shit and be some high profile operator. Sorry if rambling.

I found ground crew or security guard are both really good jobs for robots. First is too loud too work and you're busy all the time to dwell on things and latter is pleasant spooky isolation if you're lucky.

I lost my wizard status the week before it would have been cemented. Have I lost anything?

gen z isn't getting shot in school all the time either.

Late millennial, 26.

Life fuggin sucks and it just keeps getting worse. My computer is dying and my home life is increasingly stressful.
Desu I'm thinking of ending it. Thinking whether or not to leave a spiteful letter.
Have the gun and booze ready.

i'm 25. I'd say core/late millennial

29 vizard in making
I think I've fallen in love again. Well I guess she doesn't realize how much of a failure I am, so things seems to be quite good right now. But I've been here before and always ended up lying on the floor in my room crying.

I just don't want to go through all this shit again. It always hurts so much.

Only months till 30, and after that I give up on everything.

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Do it.

Ask her what time she gets off work. Ask her what she does when she's not working. Just let her know your interested. Don't say anything that might come across as desperate, though.

My script ran out almost two weeks ago. Yeah there's some withdrawal at play but you feel awful mostly because you're returning to your baseline which is awful in itself, as least for me.

Funnily I actually have more motivation to do things since I've been off it... I've been battling depression lately and the addy simply made me content doing nothing all day long, no fucks given about cleaning up or anything. A break has been nice

That's fucked up dude. Mas dad was deadbeat but nowadays he is gonna help me big time. Like, in a way that's gonna change everything in my life.

what sort of job are you working friend? How exactly do you have no opportunities for moving up?

Hoping the best for you.

At least you have something positive to look forward too, despite your current pains.

>If I was gay

much, roasties needle hard. That some bullshit desu. I've had to put up with similar, obv. Shows how little respect people have for me asking such a question

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