>that 21 year old boomer that refuses to download discord because he "never fits in with all the kids"
That 21 year old boomer that refuses to download discord because he "never fits in with all the kids"
>that 30 year old boomer who isn't even sure what Discord is exactly
>that 41 year old boomer who uses anime profile pictures to seem more approachable
>tfw chuckled when it was monster
>tfw feel personally attacked now that its budlight
>bud light
its miller time is the best choice
27 yr old here. Discord is for faggots. If you need that much attention, you're no worse than the roasties on Instagram and tinder.
No better* couple of drinks.
>27 yr old here. Discord is for faggots. If you need that much attention, you're no worse than the roasties on Instagram and tinder. *cracks open cold bud light while sitting on plastic chair on porch*
It's full of meme-spouting underage. They spam "their" discord "servers" here constantly without even putting effort in to make them stand out from the billion others doing the same. I don't see any good come from it so I don't feel the need to associate with it.
IRC and Email are adequate for me.
25 here. I agree.
The most I ever used back in the day was IRC, and even that was a bit too gay. Discord is high school tier drama and faggotry.
Thrifty lifestyle makes mortgage payments easy. Add a firm handshake to that and you're set for life.
>that 23 year old boomer who thinks hes an adult when hes just only realized how shitty life is.
>calling someone who's under 21 a boomer
Fucking kek summerfag.
>t. young blood boomer that cant keep up with the latest trends
>tfw 21 and have no discord
I recently asked my mother what a boomer is. She said it's the generation born right after WW2 ended. So my grandmother is a boomer. This means this boomer meme is a load of crap becuase you had to have been born in the 50's to be one,you can't be 14 and be a boomer. I also googled it,same results. Ethier i'm retarded or this is just a really shitty meme.
I think the joke is that you aged so fast you are basically a boomer now and boomer just represents an old person. I'm not sure but maybe the fact I don't get it makes me a boomer.
the OP really got to me this time, this shit is hurting my feelings
only faggots use discord
I'll be honest I got invited to a discord and I barely understand it. It makes me feel old. When did everybody leave phpBB? Is there a decent tutorial for discord out there?
>that 96 year old millenial unable to pay their medical bills
Literally just go down to the steel mill and ask for a job you lazy entitled cunt, back in my day I could live a whole year off a penny and still have money to spend on upper class housing.
i dont know, when i hit 20, having internet friends died for me. i just cant do it anymore, just to think you dont actually even know them and if were thrown in an IRL situation with them, it would probably be the most awkward thing ever.
discord is also cancerous as fuck. i dont know why it cringes me out, seeing manchildren with anime girl avatars and being part of 15 year old kids dramas.
I don't understand the point of light beer. If you want some cheap swill go for Raineer or Icehouse.
>manchildren with anime girl avatars and being part of 15 year old kids dramas.
it's so bad, we need to put these people in gas chambers
yeah honestly. ever since discord came out, this place has declined expotentially
>21 y boomer
This shows this board is full of under age edge cunts saged
I got a Discord you all should check out. /drn9wmK
Kill yourself fucking unironic retard
A light beer is great if you work manual labor(although i personally dislike bud light, prefer coors). There's no better feeling after a long day of work than cracking open an ice cold light beer out of the cooler in your truck with your boys. People bitch and complain that it tastes like water, but that's the entire point of light beer. It's supposed to be easy to drink.
>That 14 year old boomer who's way too young to post on Jow Forums and desperately tries to fit in by parroting memes and board culture but is ultimately a dead giveaway due to his immaturity
This definitely isn't describing me circa 7 years ago or anything, b-baka
that's me but I still have long hair
>that 17 year old boomer who thinks Jow Forums is a platform to advertise discord
That 24 year old loser who doesn't even get invited into the discord
>that boomer who's not chilling with us on this comfy server yet
Discord is for retarded normalfags. Steam is the only way to go if you're not double digit IQ.
The term is echo boomer
and somehow they are worse then actual boomers.
>underaged retard calling other people old for not liking anime related internet drama and not being good at socializing on Jow Forums
Noice, I'm glad the quality of this board improved so much in the past years.
It's meant to make people insecure about their age you disgusting fag.
>that 23 year old boomer who doesn't get meemz
It's making fun of you, the joke is you don't get it because you are as clueless as boomers about he world in general. You're getting old, granpa. Go take a nap before you break a hip or something.