>tfw I get my heart broken by a robot
Why are you guys like this?
Tfw I get my heart broken by a robot
> he was a robot
Robots are terrible at sex anyway. You missed nothing.
And I got my heart broken by 4 fem"bots" so far. I really liked talking to them and I was researching what I should say next instead of just chatting as usual. I decide to say 'hi' just to learn I've been removed. They didn't even say if it's something I said or did, or if they simply got bored, or anything else.
It's especially hard since there are so few people in my area, so organizing a meetup will be a task in and of itself.
Oh shut up you probably have a fembot on the back burner
I am still talking to two fembots, that's true. I'm just as clueless as ever as to how to proceed conversationally and my paranoia is telling me that one of them, who hasn't responded for the first time today, is going to ghost me
>oh no only two fembots
>proves my point
Kill yourself
Robots can be horrible people user
I don't see your point. I try so hard and go so far but in the end it doesn't even matter. I just get ghosted. I am left always clueless to what I did wrong. My best guess is that I haven't been sending dick pics, but I don't yet want to believe this is what I need to do to keep a girl interested. But you tell me: is it what I need to do? Should I stop trying to know each other and just unleash a barrage of sexual remarks day 1? Is that what girls like you want? I don't want girls that expect that myself, though. That's not what I'm looking for.
Everything is going great, lots of back and forth. I start a conversation, she starts a conversation. It's two-ways.
We wish each other good night.
Next thing I know, the account was deleted.
I actually cared about these people and their lives but I was simply thrown aside without so much as a thought.
I'm the one who wants to know: why are you girls like this? I have not once ghosted anyone. There are people with whom I had nothing in common. So I told them and we mutually decided to go our own ways. Because I actually care. Is that so wrong? Should I stop caring about the people who add me on discord? Should I treat them like mere text on a screen?
Tell me, fembot. Why do you do this to me? I have always believed in self-improvement. I have always listened to the feedback I have received. But I haven't received any feedback in a long time. I'm trying my best to be the best person I can be for the people I interact with. So how can I be this person if you don't tell me anything?
You mean you got played a failed normie.
>complains about having women to talk to
Protip: you're not a robot, you're a failed normie.
A lot of us are bitter, so are the very few fembots that I can theoretically perceive existing. It's hard to break through that kind of shell.
>still has fembots to spare
Why are you so greedy?
How are you all communicating? I want to meet fembots. I'm fairly attractive, but I'm a real /out/ist and healthy positive person. So they may not like me.
I believe you, I wish I knew what he was
What happened OP?
The only people I have to talk to at all are people I added from Jow Forums. Some of them are women. I usually just believe the claim and rarely get sufficient proof. Some of them are grossly underaged. Almost always they ghost me within exactly 3 days.
I have no friends in real life. Although I can get acquaintances easily, I have never been able to go further than that in any situation (be it online or offline).
Social situations cause me stress which turns into panic if there are too many of them in time or in space.
How am I a failed normie? I'm not necessarily saying I'm not. I'm saying that I'm trying to understand your criteria so I can label myself accurately.
I'd share them all with you but I will not share anyone's info without their consent, even those that have hurt me.
Do you hear yourself? You are literally complaining about some femanons ghosting you even though you still have one or two left talking to you. Sounds like you are waiting for a prime stacey
Ha jokes on you op. Women universally find me unattractive and Ill never be in the position to break any hearts.
>muh failed normie
This is a completely useless term for brainlets who can only think in black and white
Years of neglect and isolation has left me uncaring, and I have no reason to think that things will ever be different, so there is no motivation to change.
whats it like msging girls from here? do they pull the fembot act and self loathe onto you?
I had a fembot from here, the only fembot I've ever talked to, tell me she doesn't talk to other men. Of course she was talking to several of them. Don't pretend fembots don't do the same thing.
Is she crying about being ghosted like that user?
I've got to agree with this user.
I am not waiting for anything. I have no standards except someone who will love me and understand me.
It's not that there are 2 fembots leftover so much as that I found 2 more fembots after each of the previous ones ghosted me.
Until I got that lucky, I always focused on a single one at a time because I believed it was the right thing to do.
I am aware of how it sounds from your perspective.
The reason why I am posting all this and why I'm responding to you and trying to get you to understand what I am saying is because I have always been very serious with every fembot I have ever talked to. But being ghosted after 2 or 3 days tells me that they obviously weren't. This hurts me a lot.
The reason why I actually relaxed my 1-on-1 constraint is because I don't want to have my heart broken anymore. I am trying a different strategy where, maybe if I have two, if one leaves, I won't feel the pain the same way.
To resolve the conflict of being serious with two girls at once, meaning if neither ghost me, I have no choice but to break one's heart, is to use a first-past-the-post system. Why? Because I'm serious about both. I am not looking for Stacey. I'm looking for a companion and lover.
I am fully aware of what I'm doing to the other. And I will take responsibility for it. And maybe both will ghost me and I will decide never to use this strategy again.
But I've tried everything in real life and nothing worked. I tried a lot of things online and nothing worked. I'm not going to give up - but that means using every such strategies I can.
I hope this can perhaps answer a small part of OP's question, and help you understand better where I stand. I understand your perspective and I'm sorry that my posts have angered you (because I know full well that you're justified in being angry at them).
All I can say is: good luck. I hope you never reach the state I am in right now.
Ghosting is almost always unjustified, I would never do it. She ghosted me though.
She isn't telling us why she's unhappy, which suggests that her thread is literally a cry about being ghosted.
OP here, how can you be serious about two fembots/women?
>first past the post
You will have people vote for who you will keep?
See for yourself, there are a lot of fembots here
Bump. More robots should answer this
i dont even have contact info, but i wouldnt want to get ghosted once a girl is done using me as an emotional tampon
What is there to answer?
Some people don't work together and giving someone affection isnt going heal their trauma and mental issues right away
They both live far from me. I am ready to pay their trips and to host them (if needed, to pay their accommodation) if we ever reach that stage. The first one who is ready to commit to this extent is it.
>how can you be serious about two fembots/women?
My model of intimate relationships is:
acquaintanceship -> friendship -> intimate friendship -| cutoff |> intimate relationship -> love relationship.
Intimate friendship is when both parties are willing to share secrets or more important details about their life that would be risky to share even with a friend. With that as a point of reference, it is the cutoff for relationships that can be pursued in parallel without escalations. So while the relationships are built up to this level, there is no conflict of interest. The goals in each stage is different: for acquaintanceship, seeing if we enjoy chatting at all. For friendship, seeing if we share common ground and compatible personalities. For intimate friendship, whether we can obtain moral and emotional support from one another. Intimate relationship graduates to physical comfort and interactions (this does not necessarily have sexual connotations). In a love relationship, the goal is full companionship. Love, trust and understand one another. The last stage is to be compatible enough to share a life together (not illustrated here).
This is my best attempt at understanding social relationships and how I define the objectives above, the first past the post criterion, the progression, our relative standings, etc.
Serious means that I am pursuing these goals to the best of my capability. It means I'm not pretending to enjoy the things she enjoys if that is not the case. It means I try out her suggestions for activities and see if we can share that and somehow indulge in these activities together despite the distance. It means I don't pretend I'm interested in her if I'm not. It also means that I communicate each of these things to the best of my ability.
It's way past my bedtime so I'm going now, but I truly want to know your response OP (or anyone else in this thread).
I want to improve and be worthy, if there is something that I'm missing and that can be improved.
If I'm making a mistake then I want to know it.
I'm pretty much ready to move mountains and seas to make it happen.
I just want love and I have always hoped that perhaps there is someone out there who feels the same way.
i dont talk to anyone but family
so go fuck yourself
I never bothered to try and talk to "fembots" because most of them are white and I am not.
what does your race have to do with it