Does anyone else have this dream of doing something great and being remembered in history books and stuff?

Does anyone else have this dream of doing something great and being remembered in history books and stuff?

It's my one goal in life.

Tell me about your dreams and aspirations.

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I always dreamed of winning a world title in boxing. My professional record was 7-0 but while preparing for my next fight i was blinded in my right eye in a sparring session and had to retire.

my dream is to die for a good cause. I think this is the only way to redeem myself

I constantly dream of being a dictator and cleansing the population.

I dream of randomly gaining an enormous amount of money through no effort of my own so that I can fuck off and not have to do anything ever again

TFW when you will never be the Right hand man to Pinochet, Kim Jong Un or Saddam Hussein.

I used to, but becoming remembered for academic achievements requires a lot of intelligence, effort, passion, and luck.
As for politics, being remembered would require charisma, effort, and luck.
The best I can hope to do is somehow make children that could do that, but that's also very unlikely.

>tfw you will never be the second Hitler to cleanse the Modern Western world of non-whites and degeneracy

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i have none


I dream of coming home after a long day and as I step in the door my daughter and son run up and hug me, and I cans smell my wife cooking dinner, and I give her a hug too and we all eat dinner together, talking about our days, and I sit there appreciating my family.

Enlarge my spinal nerve and become a telepathic skinwalker then literally tear the posters I dont like apart especially those underage girls
Just lol if you think it can't happen

its impossible user. shits too expensive, women are too degenerate, we're too autistic. this is hell

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Honestly for my family to be truly proud of me. I know, it's kind of pathetic but i've just never really felt it.

All I wanted to do was be a guy that wore a suit and had a wife that I cucked all the time, and children I barely ever talked to because I was on meeting cucking my wife with my secretaries.

just kill the prez

Nuclear families are a bluepill, most humans throughout history lived in extended families and tribes

oi you gotta do it now OP, that's the rules

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I have dreamed of fighting MMA professionally since i was 16.
When i get depressed i fantasize about putting on an amazing fight and dying in my corner.

diary mode
I grew up with an abusive father, and got bullied a lot in school. I got in really good shape my sophomore year by working out 2-3 hours a day since i didn't want to be home. I made a friend who was really into boxing so we would spar and when i was no longer afraid to get hit I started inviting people who would mess with me to fight in an abandoned house. I'm 24 now still a timid person in everyday life, scared of everything and I have a hard time communicating with people. Fighting sometimes feels like the only way i can express myself.

had a couple of amateur fights but have stopped since fighting for crowds makes me so anxious i threw up a lot the night before.

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teach me how to fight sensei

Get your ass kicked a lot by people who don't like you.
Join a gym
Get your ass kicked by people who like you.

I do too, but i kind of have the means to become rich, it's just a matter of waiting till my parents die so i get the upper class inheritance bux

I just dream of having a girlfriend

I want to write a book, dunno why.

Make a major scientific discovery. Have a scientific law or theory named after me. I fear that I'm a huge narcissist for wanting this.

Becoming a good enough musician and guitarist to become friends with John Dyer Baizley

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