Prove you are a robot

Prove you are a robot.

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Chad reporting.

Sup bros?

>Your total: 54
>Your class: Robot

Im a normie according to this

You know what to do....GET OUT!!

ima wizard xd xd xdx xd x d fun thread dude lmao
make more of these

60 point cyborg reporting in

I've already done these too mamy times. Based off other ones I'm in the 40-50 range but I honestly can't be bothered to do it again.

>mfw get a result slightly strange
Im still robot's right?


why the hell am i still here

>score: 106

>Unattractive face, fat, manlet, weak

Oh shit maybe this test is dumb

No, you are dumb & also a normie

>go from robot to slightly strange because I convinced a girl to date me for 2 weeks when I was 13
>not even a hand hold in the 20 years following

Gee whiz

34 wizard life here i come

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Wizard. I need help but I'm too lazy and comfy

6. Grand Wizard. I'm just going to blame it on the questions.

Cyborg. I can talk to normies and can talk for maybe 5 minutes before starting to sound autistic. I relate to robot so because I feel like I can achieve everything except getting a gf.

Your total: 50
Your class: Robot

Wizard, answered generously

pretty good 2bh lads

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maybe one day I'll escape

>score: 68
Cyborg. The description is dead on.

I took the same test last year and still the same score or in simpler words am Robot forever.

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According to this meme test, in about a month when I move out of my parent's house, I'll already be "successful". I haven't even had sex, though that's because I'm religious.

Feels good, lads. But irl I'm kind of just a sub-chad if I'm being really honest with myself. Not quite a normie, not quite a chad. Quite a predicament.

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58 bs im definitely not a robofag

>slightly strange
I'd say that's accurate. I missed out on a lot of points in the social category

Do I not belong here?

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17, when do i get my price?

Every time I take this it seems to go down a couple of points

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not necessarily. i'm not a virgin and had multiple girlfriends, i don't belong here but i got robot. i wish i was a robot, i'm just a genuine piece of shit, someone with actual chances that they pissed away. and yet i'll still complain here with the real unfortunates...

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It's actually getting worse
Save me

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>Your score: 124.

this test is bullshit. Robots don't do drugs drugs are for lowlife hobos and normies.

you ain't foolin no one, OP. Trying to subtly integrate normie culture i see what you are doing.

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52. I thought I would get higher.

I counted work colleagues as "socializing" though.

Is music a productive tallent?
What does the screen time question mean?

77 cyborg. Accurate. Still a KV though

Do you spend more than 4 hours a day staring at a screen. That's how I answering it anyway.

You think you would lose points for that. Most social people dont spend 4+ hours looking at a screen for entertainment

It's so you spend up to 4 hours a day. So if you spend more, you can't check the box.

what about alcoholic robots? where i live i don't need to know people to get weed i just go to the store and buy it like groceries. test is bullshit tho, all your robo tests are. they all put me well into robot despite having sex, if a robot has to be a virgin make not being a virgin worth like 50 points damn.

Wizard apprentice


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23, when i came onto this site i was around 40 ish. fuck my life

29, wizard apprentice
what now?

14, but as a youngfag I still have potential(that's what I tell myselve to avoid too strong depression)

and most of them were because I can't do drugs because of mental illness, or else somehow if I wasn't mentally ill, I would be more of a wizard because I really enjoy doing drugs. however I do have a drinking problem


I dont do drugs


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"Slightly Strange"
Normally I'm squarely cyborgian, did the values change for some things?

>118 points
l8r nerds. getting laid.

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durg and alcohol problems are normie problems

Cyborg here. Just fuck my shit up famalam

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Execute order... cyborg

Grand Wizard here, bow before me

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I got the same thing
you shouldn't be happy about it, user
you can fix yourself, I believe in you :)

36 point robot.

Your total: 114
Your class: Normalfag

The irony is that it's entirely possible for social people to spend 4+ hours a day just checking social media alone.

Cyborg right here

I belong here
Orginale lolele

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Shitty test, i got majority of points in physicsl section and only 3 points in social section. Since when does not drinking or smoking a normalfag thing? That's what literally every normalfag does.

this test has always been discriminatory towards /monk/s

Got a 76. The thing that drags me down so much is being a 21 yo kissless handholdless virgin. I know I should at least be slightly strange and not a cyborg

13 pts, I feel good

38 after half a year of trying to be normie
I thought that I'm on my way to become a normie. But I'm so far. Fuck this existence. I wasn't on r9k for over a 6 months but nothing really changed. I want to die. But not really. I'm pussy. Fuck

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I wanna get off this fucking ride where did it all go wrong

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I should leave while I still can

>37 Im barely a robot and everyone thinks Im so normal

23 Wizard
pretty much all my points came from being relatively physically healthy/no drugs or alchol.

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>hurr dur if you don't smoke/drink you're not a robot
what the fuck, fuck off norm

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ok please shut up and be my gf now

65 meh... not ugly or nothing but not mentally there either, what's the word?

>as if i could ever be anything else

I honestly didn't expect this. I knew myself as decent tho

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Would it help to mention i am a ENTP?

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22. i thought i would score way higher but the way these questions are presented are making me anxious

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proved it with the captcha fagget

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>29 points wizard apprentice
I only checked the stuff about autism / depression because I was never diagnosed, but I suspect I have both, so that would take me to 23
Also, about the people who recently texted me... It was all work stuff

make sure you ask your oneitis how good my dick was

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>healthy view of opposite sex
that's gonna vary widely depending on how sexually redpilled you are...


Thanks for the advice user, my main strongpoint is intelligence, im working to improve other aspects of me

Hell yeah 39... yay..

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wew guess that means im out of here

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58 robot. Can I swap with one of you normal fags please, my life is miserable.

Whadda ya know?!

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ha, hilarous.
This test is dumb

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>79 - cyborg
i feel more like a plain old degenerate than a risen robot or a fallen normie

I can bump it up to 130+ within a year or two if I work on myself some more

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Forgot to add - I've lost a bunch of points (disposable income, independent life, vacation/traveling, no car etc) because I'm still in uni. After I graduate and get a job, those points are guaranteed

nice one lads

Your total: 14
Your class: Wizard
Nothing I didn't already know.

robot, 47 total.

Oreganili Oregano

>Your total: 42
>Your class: Robot

wizard apprentice
Im 20 yrs old too, to be an apprentice at this age is great progress. By 22 i hope to be a qualified wizard and at 24 i may be one of the greats.

How tf do you people score so low
I'm a shy lazy unmotivated chubby shitlord and I still got chad

24 point Wizard
what did I win?

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that means you need get the fuck off my board

Fuck me I am a cyborg worst thing possible

It's nice to know where you stand, either on one side or another

I already knew this and it's horrible being around the normies loving gore and being around edgelords attempting to have a normal conversation without them sperging out.

Really the duality of man

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trip to gulag, comrade