
anybondy have a drinking problem? like you need to get properly drunk at least twice a week by yourself to feel happy and if you do/did how do you feel about it. I know it cant be healthy but its the one think thats still fun.

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gang gang i have a bunch of bottles hidden in my guitar case rn im gonna drink them later tonight

i always hide empties under my bed and lately my parents have caught on and will come check in the early morning when im asleep, shit sucks

is that pic you? another fellow cutter, yeah i throw mine out the window or just sneak out at night to throw them away

yes its me ,i cannot throw them outside i just goes to the back lawn and they would be seen i usually wait till parents are gone and bin them in a black bag

If you live a social life then alcohol is best for you, but for isolated people like us weed is best. Alcohol is only good for consuming socially, whereas weed can be great on your own.

i have never had alot fun smoking weed ,iv always felt better drinking even unsocially. I have acess to both but alcohol is better for me personally

im tryin to get my hands on heroin and xanax and adderall, but drinkin 'll do for now, till i move to texas

I hope you're doing well today user

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lol wish i could get xanax or something but i dont think people sell or prescribe it where i live. i haven't heard of anybody round here talk about it

Im pretty good today after my weekly bottle shop trip, its all down hill from here till next thursday

while im at it and this is the best anonymous site does my bicep or forearm look infected ,the bicep is kinda pretty red ,not sure if naturally healing red or infection red and the forearm has this weird white thing in it ,im sure its new skin forming ,but none have been covered.

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metal as fuck dude, recently i've just done lil stabs on my forearm so i get tiny lil circular scars, i've really just started and i'd like to build up to something like this, i dont think it looks infected personally but im not a doctor.

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fuck man its weird you get addicted to it i just wanna build like a full sleeve type thing, i love how it looks.

Drank 2 handles of vodka in roughly 5 days. Ive been drinking handle after handle for basically two months. Drinking aint fun but its nice to pretend nothing matters

No, my body does not do well with alcohol. It makes me feel nauseated, but it does help relax me. When I have a night of drinking though, the next day is usually partly a waste.

I think it is fun at parties or with friends a few times a month. I do not think I would survive doing it multiple times a week.

So many people though somehow get addicted to it, and it becomes a habit. Sorry to be the buzz kill, but I suggest trying to find ways to stop. There is so much evidence out there showing how bad it is....I do think alcohol once in awhile can be beneficial, especially high quality wine. It does seem to help rest your mind.

Also please be careful about driving. I know a good deal of people with duis (I live in a shitty rural area). This one kid I know recently hit three parked cars. An uber would have costed him eight dollars, now he will have to pay thousands likely. He lost his brand new Dodge Charger too....

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are you living alone?

Basically. I spend most of my time alone

yea i was just thinking that if you lived with anyone the would usually try make you stop,but it sounds like your living the dream buddy.

i love fighting against the pukr feeling while drunk its like finding the right combination of throat convulsions to hold down the alcohol. also blackin out is fun because i wake up with all sorts of discord messages i dont remember typing

jesus dude
are you cutting straight into fat?

yea see you can avoid the hangover the next day by drinking earlier ,so only rearly i will get like a slight hangover the next day

yes im probably addicted and its probably bad but cigarette packs in my country come with warnings all on the front ,but still has no effect. people can stay oblivious to the facts if they dont care/wont accept them (like cristians or something)

im pretty sure he is that must feel fuckin awesome and it loooks interesting in a way

I'm constantly between 2 shots of liquor. Never really get proper drunk but I'm a way better person with a buzz. Nearly every drink I have daily is some kind of cocktail or beer. So far it feelsgoodman but not on my wallet

lol i used to go hard talking to the girls in town, the were usually pretty nice ,but then the next morning i would never talk to them again, then i would do it all over the next week

yes iam that way it doesnt bleed much and it also never hurts cos it stays numb for months. as long as you have a sharp knife ofc.

op here im loving this i havent talked to people in a couple months and you guys are pretty understanding,ty robots.

ive only ever cut that deep once and i freaked and went to get stitches
but the truth is it didnt really hurt or bleed

thanks man youve inspired me to cut deeper

dude i love that, one time i crashed the bar where the normies typically hang out and i get drunk as fuck and they end up kinda liking me and we can have intelligent conversations and then they completely ignore me after wards

So long as you get your alcohol from your own money, don't resort to theft, and don't get arrested as a result of being drunk you're absolutely okay user. You're an adult and can do what you want. My company works with the police and the amount of wasted resources and time on alcoholic makes me sick. They need putting down imo.

lol no problem man the first one i ever did was with a shard of glass the cut was like 1 inch wide and only bled a tiny bit so iv never been scared of it. like obviously you know where your veins are so you can cause major bleeds if you want but if you just want scars you'll always be fine

im definitely cuttin deeper after this

similar but im the one who ignores them afterward because i dont have that same confidence.

my guy show pics in here :)
if you do i will.

Would it be cheaper just to brew it yourself

buy in bulk save money

My man. You know what I'll crack one open and join you

>at least twice a week
is this fucking amateur hour? I have not spent a night sober since turning 21

yee boi your a good cunt ,get into it.

lol 21 to buy alcohol what a coon ,here you start buying at 18 ,start drinking at 14.

op, keep this shit up. i wanna have a yarn

what do you guys drink? i like to mix absolut vodka with shit i find around the house,

vodka and anythings prtty good aven something like cool aid, i'm a burbon and cola boy myself. but to be honest any alcohol is fine if im tipsy or just need to drink at all.

Cider. Spirits make me wanna vomit. I only drink every couple of months I dunno how you guys do it.

cos its legal ,easily accessible and feels great.

I find the only way to stop is to not buy any alcohol and if I do only buy enough for the 1 night. So buy like a 6 pack instead of a carton of beer(24).

Have to try and stop associating things with alcohol tho its not good.

the best value here is a 12 and i normally just think ,if im going there i may aswell buy 2 boxes so it will last longer ,then i dont need to come back so soon. drinking is fun ,and fun is drinking.

I find it feels great for a bit then towards the end of the night I feel like shit. I always wake up feeling dehydrated despite drinking water. Fun occasionally, but definitely not a daily thing.

throw back to my first cut reeee such a pussy cut

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It makes me sad seeing these sad boys

lol nice going bud but did your cat do that one?

i wish i still had fun getting drunk. i envy you op. the only thing that is still fun for me is heroin. even that lost its initial fun, but i can't just quit i am severely addicted

are you fucking twelve ? worrying about parents finding you drinking ? why the fuck are you even here summerfags

I don't. Hopefully these edgy retards get an infection and die. Cutting is absolutely retarded and pointless.

lol well obviously you don't have parents like mine or you don't live at home.

i thought that too when i was a faggot

ye but cuttin feels good

good cunt

just kinda pull a knifwe in hard and pull down too thats how you get good looking ones, going slow produces 13 emo cuts. like if you want just the felling of pain go ahead , i want good scars so i do it my way then its numb and and it stays longer.

Former addict here, the shit was never fun since it took away every emotion and replaced it with that numb euphoria, it's too bad that the euphoria especially when you slam it can't be beat because other than that it's a shitty fucking drug


do u have long hair op? idk why but i think ik u

i used o the gave in and got the hitller youth to fit in but i had no freinds and nothing changed.

was it an undercut and long

You smoke cigs? Nicotine is nice with alcohol. Good food, too.

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love just sittin in bed drunk as fuck smokin and rantin at my dog about music and shit

*** Iused to have longish hair but i then decided to cut the sides and back off to get the chad haircut now im kinda stuck with it because its gonna take a long time to come back.

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Hell yeah user. What kind of music do you like? Ever listen to boards of canada?

Been there done that. I had to stop because one night I woke up at 4:30 in morning seeing small black fuzzy bugs crawling all over me while I had a small seizure praying to die.

You won't listen, but drinking that much alone with no voice of reason is a dangerous. Stay safe friend and I hope you don't go outside during a binge

how's this familia

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whole lotta rap music, i enjoy a lot of punk rock too, i listen to alot of music, i really enjoy bones, ghostemane, suicide boys, atmosphere, the taxpayers, some fidlar and kill, baby kill,
heres a favorite of mine from them,

Well you're still alive, and youre right i wont listen sadly. Did you go to rehab or did you detox on your own? Tell me your story, if you may.


also same user as whats something from boards of canada that you recommend? i've heard of them but i've never listened to one of their songs

Everytime someone makes a alcohol post I start drinking

Very true, weed helps with introspection, and it's great to sit alone a few times a week and have a few puffs. Your problems literally melt away.

Shit, twice a week? I may be sober twice a week.

That probably needs stitches dude, if you don't get those there is medical glue you can use I think.

In the mean time wash it out daily with rubbing alcohol, cover it with antibiotic cream and wrap it.

It is starting to get infected.

my mom is the sole supplier of my drinking problem

she lays money out every morning on the counter the last 10 years and i pick it up and get myself enough to get wrecked

i get shitfaced 7 days a week never skip a day unless i'm so hungover that i can't get drunk no matter how much i drink, when that happens i take a bunch of her sleeping pills and knock myself out until i can drink again because life is pointless without some poison in my system

got nothing on my mind but suicide

7 days a week? Your tolerance must be pretty low if you dont get hungover every other day. What do you drink? Because were talking about alcoholism here, not "i drink 10 beers before bed".

jesus christ user go see a doctor before you get an infection.

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>he stopped replying

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