before lifting
>preferred girl to have a completely shaven cunt
after lifting
>prefer girl to have a nice full bush maintained enough it can be hidden in a bikini
I don't know why, but a nice bush on an already thin attractive girl just revs me up now. what changed, Jow Forums? is it because I'm high-test now or am I just a degenerate?
Before lifting
High test mate, you left onions boy pedo preferences behind and now lust after fertile women
Had similar experience, but I dont even lift, just run. Think its just an age thing man
too much porn
I used to be all about shaved puss but I've had clean and scruffy puss throughout my life and I can honestly say neither is really worse. Your face gets juicier with some hair down their I've noticed
associating puss with red liquid...oh yeah uh sexy. feel sick
You've never actually eaten pussy and don't know that unshaved feels like licking a sweaty carpet
Pubes are top tier.
>retains scent
>fun to play with
>soft to rub face against
>can pretend to have mustache when eating her out
Literally nothing wrong with that, you fag
The only problem with shaved is that women usually suck at shaving and get all kinds of razor burn/etc which looks way worse than unshaved
If it's like waxed or something without none of the bumps/razor burn then it's nice
Holy fuck that M I L F
mmm when she has a good musk it's the best thing
Same. I tell chicks that and they're shocked.
It's because your individual preferences have changed which have been effected by your lifestyle but in no way related to a specific thing across individuals.
Shaving is bad. There's a reason why hair grows down there and other places your skin rubs, reducing friction.
When you shave you irritate your skin and you leave microscopic cuts, no matter how good you do it.
There are some studies showing that shaving increases risk of catching/spreading STDs by a considerable amount.
So next time when your girl says she shaves because it's cleaner tell her it's the exact oppositve of clean.
>eating cunt
I love biting and tugging the mound
If I don't shave my pubes once a month it becomes a jew fro and it's emberassing