Suggested we get froyo friday, changed my mind to go out and eat, wine and bruschetta place, she gets off at 6 so I suggested 8/9 and she hits me with this.
What should I do from here, I figured I'd be able to get her over after but damn like I feel like this was a "not coming to your place on the first date" subliminal
Tinder Thot
>my friends want to go out Friday
You know for a FACT she's gonna get dicked by some Chad
Literally no way to tell until you meet her in person man. She doesn't sound super interested, but most Tinder girls don't show a lot of interest until after you meet them in real life I find (makes sense considering how many guys chase them on the app).
Sounds like she wants a free meal, or just to meet you to make sure you aren't a pyscho.
using you as the pre-game meal desu
However there is a chance that if you are cool enough she'll cancel her plans with her friends and continue the night with you.
Small chance.
Yeah, I kinda felt that too, all the tinder meet ups I have had, are straight to fucking or a brief meetup before fucking.
Totally shooting to be that CHAD
how the fuck do you ever get laid talking to girls like this
lol thanks for paying for my dinner loser!
>Are you into movies
What kind of question is this.
Wouldn't any regular person consider your a retard?
I did consider that as well, i'm just like fuck idk what to say currently, she can wait for my reply.
Suggest replies
lmao if you pay for a chicks dinner and dont smash you're a fucking loser
so the only way to win is for you to go into it seeing her as a friend and both of you paying for yourselves
btw paid first dates a fucking meme, don't do them. Go for a walk
You text like a beta male
Not OP but...
>meet tinder thot a month ago
>go in balls deep raw dog
>go back for more raw dog balls deep the next day
>2 weeks later it's burning when I pee
>wait 2 weeks hoping it will go away
>went to get and STD test yesterday
RIP game over for me
If that’s her she’s a qt pi
you're a retard for not wearing a condom, glad you got an STD
bruh you have no clue
You idiot
Dinner on a first date are you retarded m8?
that her? You’re fucked user. Don’t pay for her that’s a waste of money
Idk whether to switch it back to froyo so it's quick and she gets the hint i'm not taking her out out, plus its at an outdoor mall so walking around for a bit wouldn't be bad
I know. But. God pussy feels good.
I even ran to the bathroom after everytime we had sex and washed my dick with antibacterial soap. Guess it didn't work.
I feel like I may as well have tried black magic on re-reading that.
>you're her food stamps so she can go out and party
You probably should, but make sure to hint that you intend for her to pay
Okay guys, I'm gonna say "i'm thinking we'll do froyo instead, so it's not drawn out and I can figure out if you're a psycho or not"
why do people even go on dinner dates? Is it an american thing?
>I even ran to the bathroom after everytime we had sex and washed my dick with antibacterial soap
jesus christ that conversation is torture.
do it
good, she’s a thot and using you
Doesn't work that way Tyrone
still gay af, but w/e...
you need to do something fun first with a chick. impress her with your creativity
not dinner, movies, or froyo
you say froyo and you will never touch her pussy
>I even ran to the bathroom after everytime we had sex and washed my dick with antibacterial soap. Guess it didn't work.
LOL, I imagine a frogposter just running with his little dick waggling in the wind to the bathroom and splashing water with his t-rex arms while the girl in the background is watching on in horror
If she seems bad pretend to have forgotten your wallet at some point even if she saw you buy something earlier
Guys are so cute
Pls tell me you live in Tempe
I do lmfao
Dubs decides
You text like a fucking faggot, and she's just using you for a free dinner before she hits the town with her girlfriends and gets some dick.
Now kiss faggots
Yolo bitch
Bet you don't even know who that is you dumb roastie, now post more feet pics.
What gym do you go to
La fitness riverview/scottsdale rd fag here
What’s your number? Let’s get a quick dinner then head back to your place for dessert
Bitch I told you to credit me if you use that line
im at riverview/dobson bro la fitness
My mom never showed me that position when she taught me about sex.
Tell her straight up you were hoping to get some alone time. That you can wait until she's done with them
Fuck people from AZ are on here more than I thought.
Tempe, SDFC/LA Fitness Emerald Drive
Yeah man small world, I did go with the froyo/creep line. Lets see how this goes
>never really been into one night stands
>newly single after 4 years at 26 with a full career
>using tinder and real life simultaneously to meet women
Fuck me, tinder bitches are annoying for anything other than one night stands. But it's unequaled for meeting new women
I'm going to take a stab and say you'd be chocolate.
>some whore on a slut dating app lets a random guy fuck her without a condom immediately after meeting him
>you actually follow through with it instead of running away
what a pathetic faggot. imagine how many disgusting guys raw dicks she's had shooting loads inside her before and after you
easy life chad
dumbass, always wrap it up
Holy shit lol
do it, faggot
>Ahh shit I forgot! I’ve got a friend coming in from out of town and she’s forcing me to hang out with her. Next weekend!!
Wait, so you asked her out on a date way before Friday and she made plans to go out with her friends that night anyways?
Sounds like it was over before it started man
The user talking to the chick should send this to her.
Fuark I’ve probably seen you before. I go to riverview most days
Pls tell me you’re not the Greek god dude who goes every morning from 8-10 am
just ghost her
unless you think its your future wife i guess
You guys should set up a date or something, this is kinda cute
Go out with her and her friends.
Bring some of your broskis.
Get with her, if not get with some other chicks or just hang with your broskies.
Win, win, win. Nothing could go wrong.
>new friends
>new fuckbuddy (possibly)
>catchup with the boys
Unless autismo, then just sit at home and play vidya faggot.
if he doesn't, i'm leaving this thread
m8's why is she ghosting me. we used to talk daily, now it's almost never. I'm about to kms
tell her lets just froyo
finna bouta get noose'd on
dude its no shit she isnt talking to your ass
when she said she was gonna puke. that was peak hours for u to get her to open up. dumbass
>mfw observing this conversation from Tucson
>still uselessly talking
Nigger you’ve got to get in her pants ASAP
This is a lost cause move on
If he’s the Greek god looking guy I would even though I’m a straight white male
I don’t have any friends though and I’m kind of a loser
now you went full on autism. girls dont like solutions
Besides the fact that she's completely nuts, women ghost all the time for no fucking reason.
I have a female roommate whom I talk to about tinder all the time, and the amount of guys they have messaging them is INSANE
hahhaha oh jesus
how do you make it out of highschool like this
nice bait
why do so many girls still use tinder and openly admit it when it's known that only sluts use it
Are you a sperg
I want to take a trip down just to go drink beer at Pueblo vida but don’t have any to take with me
what type of std?
Fuck if I know. Seems the only way to find quality girls is still IRL. Which is doable, just takes alot fucking longer
because if you wasnt a VIRGIN. you would know ppl like sex, its not their fault guys are willingly to fuck them
You can't send pics over tinder. I would do it immediately if I could
Are you a qt?
Who the fuck doesn't get the number within 1 day?
She literally told me she didn't want to talk. And this isn't the first time this has happened either, so I gave up trying anymore
Nigga I've tried. But she doesn't want me to go to her place.
She even recently said she texted her ex and when I asked if she was back with him, she said no and that she told him she's better off single and that she'd still be there if she needed a friend. Don't worry I've already considered the fact he's dicking her already ;_;
we originally met on /b/ 4 years ago
sadly this isn't actual b8. we met 4 years ago. Then we started talking again, and we found out we were semi close to one another now that I've moved.
Girls text each other like this, so it's comfortable for them. As long as you don't act like a faggot in real life, it's easy.
we also live a couple hours away from each other
when girls say that shit. they dont mean it
keep talking
first dubs was here you faggot. Send her the message
nah man i'm like 5'10" 210 ish brown hair beard, big but not super cut up, I don't talk to anyone, go at nights mostly. Always wear adidas tank and UB
Buddy she said no to your first suggestion. She's trying to control this by playing time games to test you. Simply say something in terms of sorry that doesn't work my schedule and see her reply. If she says well that's fine we can do your time, then it was just a shit test.
On the other hand she could say "sorry no, my time works better". Don't back down and give in. From there post more of what she's saying.
>met on /b/
bro you text like a fucking homo, no wonder she ghosted. restrict texting to setting up dates, nothing more.