I seriously fucking hope none of you are 27 year old virgins or worse

I seriously fucking hope none of you are 27 year old virgins or worse.

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She's mostly right. And these same men limit their sexual options "Wah i don't want to pay for escort and have a good time" "Wah I only want the purest of virgins, I don't want to have sex with nonvirgins" "Wah, I don't want to experiment with cute guys, that's gay" "Wah I don't want to lower my standards or date outside my race" When women do all those things and more. This society has men by the balls to only be married wagecuck slaves.

Holy shit, get the fuck out of here you degenerate Jew.

The biggest bait on the fucking planet, she takes her view on diversity policy on women and people of color and forces it as the right one while naming everyone who disagrees with her a virgin/misogynistic. She builds this reasoning about why those guys are virgins at that age just to support her view ("omg you didn't get laid because you are misogynistic or because you have a terrible personality" ) and she frames this lack of romantic life as reason for lack of empathy for women while she demonizes them without a even single drop of empathy for them (ironic), proving dating someone doesn't make you become empathetic to them (if she has ever dated a man in her life) and implies just because you have a not successful dating life, you turn into a horrible coworker, making the famous comparing women and normies like to make (your personal life is directly related to your professional life). Then she attacks isolated cases who had very good reasonings to happen (Google guy made that paper because Google was hiring women just because they were women). This is just a more well thought "omg you are a virgin, stay away from me you creep".

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>based Elliott specifically murdered people because he was a virgin
hmmmmmmmm. who's responsible again?

they didn't even give him a chance. ignored by all and a failure in every way possible.

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He's right, though. Unrealistic standards are a psychic defense. Truth is old virgins shit themselves at the idea of fucking someone, but instead of acknowledging it they prefer to say that they won't fuck a roastie.

Conservative fembot here, I would never have sex with a non virgin male. I don't want to get STDs or some shit like that, so before you fags start to holler shit ass, I'm still a virgin and I want to enjoy the bridal bed. Stay mad roasties.

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he was a real human bean


*Orbit Time*

But seriously, that's a view I've been getting flak for recently.

why did they stop filtering fembot to cumdumpster?

Angry white roastie spotted. That's what you get for losing your virginity at age 16. No hymen, no diamond.

Only 1 in 100,000 men is a virgin over the age of 18 so she is completely right.

I want to worship tranny cock and ass, will you oblige?

no i am a guy and unlike you im not a normalfag so when i hear how says she is pure i automatically know she is a whore because all women are whores

>tfw literally a 27 year old virgin
Who cares what Reddit thinks though

This is kinda true in my experience. When I was in college and a virgin at 20, a girl I was friendly with who lived down the hall literally crawled into my bed one night and had sex with me. If you are nice and don't completely keep to yourself someone will fuck you eventually.

You are right. The psychic defense is born when they are rejected the first times. Think BEFORE inceldom/virgin status, blank slate mind, they are 5/10 and get rejected by a 5/10. The psychic defense kicks in, they come to terms that the girl had high standards, so why shouldn't he have high standards? This snowballs real hard until we end up with "only virgin no roastie"

i was raised by a religious cult called the Jehovah's Witnesses. my mom was molested and left home at 16.
i'm a virgin at 29.

i think that article is 100% "internet tales". the person is thinking of neckbeards behind a screen while writing that, it's pretty obvious. they aren't seeing real people anymore, they definitely aren't imagining people like me.
spending all your time in the internet goes both ways: just because you aren't a neckbeard doesn't mean you're putting forth sound opinions or know what you're talking about. you spend all your time on a phone rather than the computer, there's barely a difference, it's all 100% selective bullshit "how can i judge and criticize them for the shit I also do, while being immune to it?"

I managed to get laid once 10 years ago, have been unable to repeat success and honestly feel worse now since I know what I'm missing.

I guess what I'm saying is that it's better to give up if you don't think you'll be successful long term. Better to let your sex drive atrophy and gain wizard powers than obsess over reconstructing the circumstances that let you pull off a fluke lay in 2008.

Pic related: the absolute minimum robots believe they deserve

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Yeah, I must agree as well. Virgins in their late teens happen for two reasons: either profoundly maladjusted or they don't put themselves in situations where getting laid could happen. A woman is not gonna fall out of the sky and want to have sex with you.

She is not wrong. Trouble is, her solution isn't productive. No woman in this world wants to help incels. Leaving virgins to figure it out led to the Incel, leaving the Incel to figure it out is going to create an even bigger monster.
Give it 5 to 10 years from now, I guarantee the trajectory of the incel is serial killers and real misogyny, not this trivial misogyny that is cried out today. I'm talking about a brutal treatment of women the world has never seen. If a upstanding gentleman can exist so can his opposite given the conditions.

This is why youre going to die alone. Your parents are ashamed of you and youre letting the white race down. Nobody will miss you when you die, likely from suicide.

Its not too late to grow the hell up.

Make that virgins in their late twenties.

Show boipussi if you wax it,

>tales of a non autistic, average/attractive male

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It's a problem all right. You don't need to look far here on Jow Forums to see some of the insanity. It would be comedic if you weren't sure that these anons were deadly serious in their views. But what's the solution here? Demand women spend time on people they don't want to? Surely not. Besides, many anons here need professional help more than they need a woman who'll suffer their social ineptitude.

Is it just me or are women really unsympathetic when they really have no right to be? Itd be one thing if this was written by a male, but women don't know the struggle. They don't have to work to get a boyfriend. Guys on the other hand are the ones who always have to take initiative

>all women are whores?

You tried every woman in the world user? Sounds like you are a man whore to me.

>women are in their right to stay away from dangerous people

I don't think we are there yet. When true monsters start brewing people are going to pay attention and start thinking of a way to cap the hatred. When incels begin eating women alive and torturing their faces society is going to really question itself: how could this sickness happen right under our noses?
I don't think women are responsible, no woman should feel guilty for incels, but also I do not think shunning, poking, and locking incels in the incel factory is a good idea either.
One day all these incels are going to forget how to be affectionate, how to love, it is the moment torrents of hatred will flow freely. I know it is nobodies business, we can all be spectators. What fascinates me is how women globally are accelerating evolution of the incel. Hell, nobody has to do anything or give a shit, but these women are actively seeking out incels to intentionally inject more venom into the wound.

I understand completely what you are saying, but this "they will strike back" stuff sounds to much edgy 14 y.o emo gamer teen/gamers rise up

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why the fuck is the font like that, not reading that shit lad

Whats there not to understand ? If your fuck-up who is simply afraid of ALL THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU including women it's pretty easy to stay single and isolated.
It's just a natural state.

Would she lump me in the same category if my only sexual experience was with an escort? It wasn't even a good time.

Our lord wasn't totally at fault, he could done things better, he was dealt a bad hand. Society+ being a autist + unhelpful father/family really screwed him.

Anyone else smell that? It's smells like a lying little tramp.

>This society has men by the balls to only be married wagecuck slaves.
Lot of salt in this thread but no one has proven this wrong yet.

Bump. When I was in college I fucked 7 women with my tiny dick that doesn't even come close to passing the "toilet paper tube" test.
Now I'm bald and fatter but the point is that if look halfway decent and aren't poor, there will be some woman who will jump on your dick.

If I don't get what I want, I'll take nothing at all. Fuck 'settling' for someone. That's an insult to both me, and her. I'm not wasting my time and money on settling with the sewer cause I got barred from the fountain, bitch.

I got two loyal hands. That's all I NEED.

no thanks, her face is not attractive. I'd rather stay single.

this shit is false flag drivel written by incels to fuel the rage of other incels in some kind of pathetic misanthropic spiral

Id commend you if it wasnt obviously false

>"Wah, I don't want to experiment with cute guys, that's gay"
Don't just slip that one in there.




Hey that's the chick who got a guy fired for being a virgin.

Yes, the fire rises, the time for fear is coming.

i wonder about you, the poster. what sort of person do you have to be to come here and say something like that? you hate yourself as much as you say you hate him

robo girls are on the way im sad i wont see it happen since im already old as fuck but some user is going to advance the technology, the fucked up part is normies can never let people like us be so they will try to shame and ridicule any effort but it will come let them have their real girls let us have our dolls.

its weird how these "kick the dog when their down" anons are always around. you can never have nice things as real robots, it angers the normies

>if you look halfway decent and aren't poor
You do realise that you are excluding a huge portion of the population, right?

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Honestly, if you haven't been in an orgy by the age of 14, you're basically not a human

My father would've been unironically proud of me if I was.

well, the greek shooter in burgerland was an incel who just got rejected, and there was that van attack in canada by some armenian dude who literally made a post about being an incel soldier or some shit just before doing it.

The armenian was also a literal retard, but that detail is conveniently glossed over by the media. It doesn't take much to figure out what angle they're playing at here.

>lol just fuck a whore
>lol just accept some nonloyal 30+ used goods
>lol just be gay
>lol just racemix
>lol women do it its fine
watcha doin there rabbi?

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Harper Mercer also praised the supreme gentleman.

I like how you got all the conjecture and strawman loaded and ready to fire.

I don't get the whole "male virgins must be lunatics" thing, yeah its unusual to be a virgin past a certain age, but what about all the obviously crazy, abusive assholes who still get laid? Being fucked up never stopped anyone from getting laid, if anything we are just to shy and meek.

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It's all in the face and they fucking know it, they just want to justify it so they feel better about themselves.

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>Be 27 year old virgin
>"how empathetic do you think a socially awkward man who hasn't been in a relationship with a woman in his whole life is going to be?

Top kek, the main part of my job is to appear empathetic and no one has ever had a problem with me since I started. You don't know shit random ledditor.

Women want Chad. Period.
It doesn't matter if you're a 27 year old virgin or not, if your good looking enough she'll be willing to sleep with you.
Hell, she might even think it's "cute" to take a good looking guy's virginity.


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You need to return to your homeland.

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I did anal wit a passable 6/10 tranny escort am i still a virgin? I really dgaf either way i just wanna kno

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the OP is talking about STEM nerds. If they got /fit or gymceled then they'd have halfway decent looks and with that STEM salary wouldn't be poor.
Yeah i realize there are lots of people who can't do this but I wasn't off topic.
Bottom line: never tell a woman you are a virgin.

>tfw i'm literally a 27 year old khv STEM grad student who has never had a girl attracted to me in my entire life
Don't be born with bad facial genetics lads. Height, money, etc. don't help.

>thousands of sexual assault and violence cases becoming public

Wtf, what do those have to do with incles? And also good job lady, you brought up two crazed virgin maniacs from years apart as if they're evidence of some trend of crazed virgin maniacs. The google memo guy? He had a valid fucking point of not giving freebies for the sake of political correctness of ""diversity"", which could arguably be comparable to the point many people make about incels and how the world does not owe them sex.
Feminist intentionally misunderstanding the world.

>Wah i don't want to pay for escort and have a good time

You're a dumbass if you think women will fuck you if they know you fucked a hooker

>talking about socially inept men that get no pussy manages to roll into misogyny and racism
>if they're awkward autists stay away from them and assume they're evil
>let's isolate people that we know are troubled because that will make them not become spree shooters

You know it could just be that they're autists that never had any friends and everyone bullied them. Don't even know why I am replying to gay cunt reddit drama posts.

I'm a kissless virgin in my mid twenties because I have asperger's syndrome, I grew up in countryside with religious parents, and I'm into STEM fields. Growing up girls thought I was icky and weird and I got bullied a lot. It wasn't easy being already super awkward and shy and then having fear of people on top of that. When I got to the age where dating was relevant, I was already living beyond the edges of normal society, hiding in my room playing vidya all day long. Nowadays I'm in fit shape, okay looking, good plans for the future, but I just never got even close of having a girlfriend.
Recently I've been looking for a gf from online because I have no realistic chances to meet girls in person, but it hasn't been very successful and I believe it's because of my inexperience in dating.

One of these days I will meet a nice fembot who thinks I'm nice and we will fall in love, and it will be the story we share to our grandchildren. I'm still looking though.

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i hope you dont truly believe this

>it's a good things only happen to good people, bad things only happen to bad people episode
>it's the just world plotline

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I know there are fembots, I have talked to some of them and they can be just as lovely and disgusting as male robots. I know the amount of fembots is much lower than malebots, but they do exist. I have my own standards of what it means to be a robot, so I'm really talking about social outcast loners, not just women who use Jow Forums.

>a girl I was friendly with who lived down the hall literally crawled into my bed one night and had sex with me.
>A woman is not gonna fall out of the sky and want to have sex with you.

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what retard thought light grey text on a white background was a good idea

Trying to have sex with women is too hard just become a girl and have sex with men

It's not going to make virgins disappear, but wouldn't it be much easier to fit in even as an outcast if you weren't bullied for being different? What this lady is advocating is just straight out ableism, not everyone can be a social butterfly. How did she even manage to shoehorn all those sjw talking points to that word salad and think that makes good sense? Why does she want to kick men who are already down?

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>get bullied all my life
>grow up being afraid of people which obviously also includes women
>never harmed anyone, don't hold any grudges against society, don't hate anyone, I'm just afraid of people
>mfw some shitmongler lumps me with mass killers and rapists because I'm too scared to approach girls

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Just world fallacy, 'someone who's had bad or undesirable things happen to him deserved them'. It becomes even more obvious that incels aren't (necessarily) incels just because they're 'bad people' when you think of all the bad people who consistently get laid, guys with legitimately misogynistic views get laid all the time, wife beaters wouldn't be wife beaters if someone hadn't gotten married to them, how did these bad people slip through the women's judgement filter that calculates whether a person is good enough to get laid or not? Incels are usually that way because of lack of socialization, extreme shyness, possibly some sort of developmental disorder such as aspergers, getting bullied as a kid etc.

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Shes right. As a 28 year old virgin even if I woke up tomorrow in a Chad's body and had girls crawling over me like a super slayer I'd still be bitter and distrustful of them because of all the years of them treating me like scum.

I don't hate them for rejecting me, just for treating me like I don't have the right to live.

Isn't it funny how every women who complains about incels has the power to end their incel status?

Just become a a girl and have sex with men so much easier

30yrs kissless virgin.

I've been thinking about this and the whole feminist theory of "toxic masculinity". How is it that despite them raving about how toxic masculinity is bad for men, they still go for those masculine macho men who are supposedly bad example for the rest of the men. Of course women and feminists come in many form and not all of them think alike, but I think it's pretty safe to say a macho masculine guy is going to have way more attention from women than soiboi.

>dude kick them while they're down lmao
Why are normies so heartless

This is the real reason behind us being bitter and distrustful and "misogynistic".
Anything else is a false flagging normie.

It's wrong for people to have standards?

>tfw when asexual

i literally don't give a fuck

If you become a girl and has sex with men you'll never be a virgin

No. I'm a 26 yo virgin. Initially I was volcel. My first and only GF and childhood sweetheart died in HS before we had actual sex and I just didn't really have much of any romatic interest in anyone for years after that. It kind of fucked up my perceptions of loss and being hurt so I didn't want to get involved with anyone for a long time.
I got over it eventually but I was like 23 by then. At this point the only thing keeping me a virgin is the fact I'm a virgin. I've gotten more than a couple of girls as far as into the bedroom with me only for precisely the faulty mentality in the OP image scared them away. None of them had an issues with me and were fully willing until they knew about my V status.

This defense is ironic in nature because, in the end, the rejectee does not up his standart out of experience or because he is trying to find someone who suits him best, he mindlessly up his standarts out of pure spite of being rejected.
"A 5/10 rejected me? Then I will reject ALL 5/10 fucking roasties!" "A girl made a passive comnent about male virginity that I took personally? I will reject every non-virgin and openly mock their thot ways!"
In the end, the source is still frustration and anger. It becomes a form of revenge against society even though nobody cares, the effort doesn't improve anything and the only one getting hurt is the guy.
That being said, I lost my virginity at 28. I had TONS of opportunities in the past, but my issues stem from childhood ptsd relating with physical contact and fucking was one of my greatest struggle. Took me 10 years to overcome this by myself. Luckily enough, the girl didn't mind at all and we dated for a year. I just wanna say that more girls than you think don't mind.. depending on your character of course and if your character is the base problem, virginity has nothing to do with it. The girl in OP is a fucking phobic bitch. She fell for the rape fear psyops and became the typical kind of overly terrified sheep who sees the source of her fear everywhere and carry bear grade pepper spray in her purse with a finger on the trigger at ALL time. She is a bitch and no virgin ITT should take this opinion as a norm. There are many girls who share her view or some dumb thot who will laugh at you, but nobody should want to even give the time of day to these assholes.

I attracted a gf but crippling depression made me too anxious to actually seal the deal. I dont blame her for dumping me. Looking back I wish I had gone to the doctor and got my Jew pills earlier to treat it. Being trapped in depression for years and barely leaving my room really fucked my life up. But I don't blame other people. Its all my fault. Its my fault I am a failure.
Of course, its not like that dumb whore can empathize with something like that. She's a sociopath, just like the whiny faggots she derides.

>criticizes others for lack of empathy
>makes sweeping generalizations about virgins and calls them all pieces of shit

The world has become a culture driven on hate and fear again and when the slime that drive the world into that state for his own profit does, something inevitably explode.
The thing is there is not a singular problem and a singular fear campaign. Everything and everyone is portrayed as an enemy. It's gonna be all out civil war out there.

This is not exactly true. While women want good lookings, they really don't want virgins.

60% of women on okcupid say "probably would not" or "definitely would not" when asked if they would date a virgin. Maybe they might change mind when see him, but they don't have any reason to. 40% of women say they have broken up with someone because they were "sexually incompatible", which is a nice way of saying bad at sex. Most people over age 23 or so are not looking for the awkwardness that comes along with virgins. There are so many other people out there to choose from who know what they are doing.

You'll regret those words when i finally reach wizard status normans.

Attractiveness is an inherited condition much the same way inherited wealth is. Most people are going to stay in the spot they were destined for when they were born. So basically it is the argument of feminists and incel critics that people who are unattractive should either just work harder to obtain a mate that may not exist due to the futility of their efforts or accept the position they have been dealt in life and just fucking give up. So in essence these people are about as fucking Randian as it gets with regards to the economics of fucking. They place all responsibility on the individual for success despite the impossibility of this success for many to attain as an individual. So how can feminists, which are staunchly leftist in economic policy believe in such extreme financial right wing policy in the economy of looks? Simple. This hypocrisy benefits them the most. Marxism for looks would be reduction of value of their capital, and so it is in their nature to ensure it is as valuable as possible. This is why they denigrate the hapless uggos for social gain.