>put on aggressive music with a long build up (metal or rap) >start visualisation exercise. Imagine someone who pisses you off or someone who you have unresolved feelings towards is watching you at that moment >open your phone >start writing a text message to this person, don't hold back and don't stop writing until you feel your whole body become energised with emotion >lift and Break your PR >delete text message before you accidentally send it
Op here, Ive cried in the gym before while attempting a 70kg ohp. Have no shame brother
Aiden Ward
I think about my fatass.
I remember when I was unhappy. I think about the first time I picked up a bar to do a shitty deadlift. I think about how my black shirt couldn't hide my rolls of fat. I think about that guy. Who one day decided to put on his running shoes and follow that couch to 5k infographic.
I do it to honor him. He would tell me to keep going.
So I lift
Kayden Campbell
That's beautiful brother. Stay strong
Matthew Perry
Strength, Honor, Victory
Evan Clark
This. When I have a decent meal, coffee, and listen to the Bugez before a lift, it's always a good fucking workout.
Connor Taylor
You guys know that raising your cortisol levels lowers gainz? You will tire your CNS much quicker going 100% hyphy mode when lifting, lowering your reps/sets/volume. Intensity is good but in moderation. Try one workout in monk mode, slow controlled breathing and minimal psyching.
>think of epic scenes from video games >listen to classical and video game music >think of epic scenes from book I want to write >workout partner hates my music
I think it's easier to motivate myself than have some one yell "push!" In my ear
Mason Kelly
I remind myself of the people I see outside that I forget about because they'll amount to nothing.
Lifting heavy is necessary for gains. Deep breathing before a big lift will lower your cortisol production. You can save the slow, measured pace for your hypertrophy days.
Christopher Morales
As long as i'm forgotten last user, that's all I want.
Step 1.) youtube.com/watch?v=M9udAirjw3U&t=90s Step 2.) Slap face Step 3.) Get "addressed" to the lift (under a squat or bench, in the starting position of a deadlift, etc) Step 4.) Big old mean deep breath Step 5.) Lift
Carson Mitchell
>sole surviving sentient beings at the finale of the heat death of the universe >"remember that user faggot on Jow Forums?" good luck
James Gutierrez
>How does Jow Forums get hyped for a lift? Do some warm ups. Lift.
Then again, I'm not mentally ill.
Joshua Gonzalez
You will never have the vitality that comes with using your emotions to Push through hard moments. You will never understand the full human experience if you don't use your emotions as a tool.
listen to this master piece, if it doesn't get you pumped the fuck up, there is something seriously wrong with you tbqfh
Gavin Reyes
Isaiah James
> not benching pretending its a fallen tree on yor chest > not pretend deadlifting the front end of a 3 ton american chevy shitbox > not holding up the indiana jones style slowly falling ceiling for squats
Its like you guys aren’t autistic and don’t want to make it
Josiah Martin
I like lifting in silence in my garage, just hearing the plates move and rattle and shit. I don't hype up before lifts but I totally get why people might. I train weightlifting though not bodybuilding/powerlifting so idk if that makes a difference.
i never hype for a gym lift. save the psychup for the platform.
Eli Harris
i read a newspaper article then get under the bar and lift desu only the weak willed need excessive "hype ups" for lifts
Jayden Baker
I think while I'm busting my ass in here, everyones out drinking and enjoying their ignorant lives then I think about all the ugly people getting laid while I'm not