This is (You)

>this is (You)

Explain yourself.

Attached: (You).jpg (960x913, 129K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Please leave this board and never post anything again in your life.
Might as well just kill yourself

Didn't watch any of E3, don't care about video games whatsoever

See , my OG m8lad.

this retard is posting this on every thread

he found this on facebook I guess

not worth of a )you(

Make sure to preorder your favorite E3 games, just $599 for the ultimate gold edition* ** with a 3 centimeter plastic figure of an NPC from the game and also 3 stickers of the game logo!

*Does not contain game, game must be purchased from the gold base edition
**Does not contain the exclusive Walmart DLC package

I like playing female characters on Vidya
I actually don't enjoy games that force me to play as a male character

I'm addicted to the big black cock.

I like female characters
I dislike ugly female characters

most western games shoe horn in ugly female characters
japanese games add attractive female characters

Notice how nobody complains when japan does it? theres the reason

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And yes this is an original post

No it's not.
Some of my favorite games of all time feature main female cast or give you the possibility to play as a grill.

It's because the western devs want their female characters to look like their female staff. That's why they all look like trannies with Down Syndrome and severe FAS

guys have logical minds, so when people do illogical shit, it bothers them. not much to explain.

that shit doesn't bother me because i learned how to not care about anything on a whim.

women can have everything, but we aren't ever going to equal due to or via unanimity. other people will always see feminine men as freaks.

What is it with leftists and intellectual dishonesty?

>all major characters deliberately female and getting all of the screen time
>get called out on it
fuckin pathetic

What's weird about the battlefield trailer is the actual game doesn't have any of that shit in it
It's like they made that trailer specifically to antagonise white male gaymers

Not me, bro. If there is an option to play a female character I usually go for it.

>Assblasted incel tears flow
>im not triggurd YOURE triggurd
>lol fuckin gotem libcucks XD

Western developers don't understand escapism, so they attempt make thier characters "realistic" or "relatable" but it's usually all surface and the finished product is like a shitty SYfy miniseries

There is very little actual controversy over female characters in the games, it is a marketing tactic by EA to increase sales and bump up review scores.

>oh man this game is just more of the same
>but if I give it a bad review people might accuse me of being sexist because of all the drama
>better just give it a good rating

I mean for gods sake, half the people on this site want to be a little girls

I've noticed this too. Even in fantasy or sci-fi, they always have to give the characters really human and typical traits and personalities. There's not much creativity and it seems like they're just trying to pander to normalfags who want to self-insert.

Yeah, this whole "XDDDD YOU'RE UGLY SO YOUR OPINION IS INVALID" thing is annoying.

Really tells you what's on the female mind. Their whole basis for a good argument is dependent on whether the guy looks like Chad or not. Fucking shallow whores don't have an ounce of logic or reasoning in their underdeveloped brains.

>everything has to be like dragonball z

Full retard. Relatable characters that make sense are a good thing. Go back to .

at this point, i think memeing is actually more fun than playing the games for these people.

i think there is an entire class of people who don't even play these games, they just meme on them online.
the world is in a sad state.

My guess is that you're describing the smash pikachu libre announcement
If that's the case I haven't seen anybody here thinking that the fact that pikalibre is a girl is SJW pandering
10/10 bait

>nothing is allowed to be like dragonball z
Full retard. fun characters that are enjoyable to watch are a good thing. Go back to >>>/facebook/.

>This is you
Bitch now that's a serious presumption
I don't give a fuck if the main character is a woman
The problem is I don't want the developers political beliefs beat into my head as I play.

Don't care about E3, but I'm more pissed Dice only has Germany and Britain as the two playable base countries in a game about fucking WW2. No Eastern Front or anything else really pisses me off more than Dice putting wahmen everywhere. Good to see they don't care though.

no? At leasts in RPGs I love playing as female, and being able to marry females in-game is a big plus too.

The left can't originally meme.

lmao you got me bruv

the only thing I cared about in e3 was cyberpunk2077

>muh liberals
>muh left can't meme

Attached: 1527549497387.gif (575x420, 507K)

I don't care about E3 or Women in video games. I play only 2 games and both games don't even have a single female character

The left can't even use memes properly.

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>implying i'm a lefty
also why make such a big deal about all this? video games have never been historically accurate, imagine being such a manchild that you care about having a woman in your vidya so much you throw a tantrum online

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You sure ascribe a lot to me even though I've only made fun of you.

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this shit is an absolute hyper-commercialized cringefest. video game culture is a vile toxic cancer that has gotten far too much attention from whatever industry is pandering to it so they can cash in on the mental illness of all lonely, isolated and degenerate """"nerds"""".

Just play the games you like and shut the fuck up. I just pretend that E3 doesn't exist all year.

you also posted this on /v/, fuck off you retard

The term "triggered" started being used by leftists who wanted to censor stuff on college campuses and social media. It's your word.

And disagreeing with you doesn't mean being triggered. Being triggered means having the: "OH MY GOD THIS IS OFFENSIVE I LITERALLY CAN'T EVEN THE WHOLE WORLD'S GONNA END YOU'RE LITERALLY HITLER" response that leftists have:

>video games have never been historically accurate

Video games have never been 100% accurate. So let's put a woman with a mechanical arm and war paint on the frontlines in the trailer. Also let's dress the Germans up as clowns and have them fight on the moon.

If you showed me the Battlefield 5 trailer and didn't say: "This is World War II" I'd have a hard time knowing what the game was set in.

>imagine being such a manchild that you care about having a woman in your vidya so much you throw a tantrum online

Disagreeing with you doesn't make someone a manchild nor does it mean they're having a tantrum. Laws, HR policies, and a culture of political correctness are toxic. And that's not enough. These same leftists want ALL media forms filled with forced identity politics. Then they'll push get games they don't like banned and pressure platforms like Steam into banning things they don't like.


>utterly assblasted
you showed them libruls who's right

Attached: la creatura.jpg (1171x1081, 111K)

>Tfw good looking
>Redpilled a bunch of chicks in high school
Fuck I miss those times

>making a game about specific historic event
>change everything about the historic event to fit your agenda
why are they upset? i really dont understand. i just made a game about a historic event? they sure are some salty virgins

I have nothing against females and other races in video games but the problem is that most of the time they are doing it in the name of diversity. These characters are soulless shells that are only crammed in to fill a quota.

Glad to see summer has officially arrived

I have no fucking clue what was announced at e3... i just don't give a shit

I dont think I've ever picked a male character when I had a choice

this orororrogk

being a 75 year old ultra socially conservative guy is the new fad amongst worthless neckbeards who never had a real life interaction in their life

it's like they score brownie points by complaining about a video game having a female lead or something, it's weird

Jow Forums should have been deleted a long time ago

Video games are a source of Media, I just don't like when they put females in places they weren't or people of colour in places they weren't.. Don't care if females or Nibbas are in video games just don't want them in places/roles that they were never in at the time if its meant to be a historic game.

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You are the worst kind of person. You are worse than a Jow Forumsfag who outright admits his disdain for things. Battlefield V is not a historic game. CoD WWII is not a historic game. They are shooting games with drop boxes and weird outfits and guns that make no sense. If any world war 2 expert examined them he could probably point out 1001 historical inaccuracies. But because you're such a bandwagon jackass you need to point it out and make it your mission in life to complain about it.

>Battlefield V or CoD WWII
>Implying I was talking about these game
I am talking about games which claim to be historic..

Attached: reverse banana.gif (415x268, 1.91M)

hypothetical situation: i am a cartoon with a thinly veiled partisan message.
explaining myself: somebody has a political axe to grind and is willing to waste their time on this earth misrepresenting a minor but symbolic dispute

>Hi this is a shitty battle royale game that deviates from what fans have been asking for and from what our games have been like in the past
>trailer for some other game features ugly troglodyte that's barely recognizable as female
>chat:"Xbox BestBox 6 teraflops *DAB*"
ftfy and saged :^)

There's nothing wrong with this picture other than le ugly guy meme.
I don't like women in significant roles, whether it's in a video game or otherwise, and I'm not required to play games that have them.

Attached: 1529059515531.jpg (715x1073, 132K)

>also why make such a big deal about all this?
Because I dislike women.

>imagine being such a manchild that you care about having a woman in your vidya so much you throw a tantrum online
Is expressing your disdain for games featuring prominent female characters "throwing a trantrum" in your eyes?

>being a 75 year old ultra socially conservative guy is the new fad amongst worthless neckbeards who never had a real life interaction in their life
So in your mind everyone who disagrees with you on this matter is a worthless neckbeard.
Pic coincidentally related.

>Battlefield V is not a historic game. CoD WWII is not a historic game.
They're based around historic events, therefore they're historic games.

>But because you're such a bandwagon jackass you need to point it out and make it your mission in life to complain about it.
It's not a bandwagon because I came to these opinions on my own. I don't like women and minorities in the media I consume.

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>Pic coincidentally related.
Wrong pic

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Woah, just skipping straight to the "I AM SILLY" panel. They're becoming exceedingly efficient at these straw men comics.

people making the games should take a look at the crowds they were showing the games at e3. those are the people spending money on their shit.
i would boycott these companies in sjw crusades but i stopped playing games years ago

>They're based around historic events, therefore they're historic games.
Ok so the dynasty warriors games are 100% historically accurate. Wolfenstein is 100% a historically accurate game. The nazi totally had robot dogs. Good to know. You absolute fucking braindead maggot.

I never claimed they're 100% historically accurate. I claimed that they're historic games.
Do you have a response to this?

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How can a game like that be historic when the majority of it is fictional? How can wolfenstein be a historic game when it features robot dogs, nazi cyborgs, the war going a totally different way, etc? do you know the definition of the word historic?

the only example of this that i've ever heard is from battlefield V and any semi-rational human being can figure out why.

i never saw any complaining about women in fortnight, pubg, battlefield 4, gears of war, the last of us, overwatch, destiny, or literally any other game ever

maybe low IQ leftists need to start thinking for once in their life.

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Battlefield V is a fictional game that takes place in a hyper fantastic and over the top WWII world. Futhermore female soldiers did exist in WWII. You are objectively wrong in everything you spout and actively looking for something to get offended at. If you could get away with getting offended at all of those games, I guarantee you would.

>How can a game like that be historic when the majority of it is fictional?
Because it is based on historic events, as I just said.

>Futhermore female soldiers did exist in WWII.
Not enough to justify their inclusion.

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Will we see that crazy russian female sniper?
Will we play as some women in the French resistance?
No, we get women shoehorned in even though they had places in the war.
Battlefield was always a little more grounded than cod (except for maybe bad company) and seeing them take the lazy route instead of somthing new is just frustrating.

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>Because it is based on historic events
Can you come up with a more braindead argument?

>It's based on historic events
>therefore it needs to be 100% historic at all times no matter what
>those examples don't count

I'm asking you is Wolfenstein a historic game? Why/why not?

>Not enough to justify their inclusion.
Why not? We just established it's a fictional game. Why can't they tell the story of one of the few females soldiers?

>states that it is a fantasy version of WWII
>tries to justify inaccuracies in a historical context anyways

We can all see who's the most upset lmao

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>it's okay for women to demand women characters
>when men do it they're pathetic incels who should fuck off

Attached: 66777.png (485x443, 64K)

>there was this one french women who planted a bomb in a building in ww2 so 50% of the british army needs to be 5 foot tall asian girls

lol. thanks for announcing to the world how low your IQ is. good show.

>devs promoted the game as "the most authentic ww2 shooter ever created" for months and months before release
lol. it actually astonishes me how dumb some 4channers have become. maybe im crazy or misremembering but the average IQ of a typical Jow Forums poster didn't used to be this low.

tl dr stop posting

I'm actually amazed this is original

You can play as a female sniper can't you? Isn't the point of Battlefield to give you as many options for creating large scale battles as possible? What's wrong with letting players recreate the russian female sniper?

They're either baiting, or tumblr, or legit brain dead faggots.
Any way you slice it, they're wrong.

>gets btfo
>let me hugbox instead

you are the most pathetic faggot in this thread

Will it be in the campaign?
Will there be a scripted level with you playing as Lyudmila Mikhailovna?
I don't think they even have a French part in the campaign.

I was agreeing with you.
Are you legit austictic?

How the fuck should I know? My point is you what is your objection to it? The multiplayer of battlefield is supposed to be a big military simulation right? What is the problem with giving players the ability to play as female soldiers?

I'm 100% sure the campaign is entirely based on fictional scenarios anyway as it's always been the case.

oh dear

>Can you come up with a more braindead argument?
Can you counter this supposedly braindead argument?

>It's based on historic events
>therefore it needs to be 100% historic at all times no matter what
I'm not saying it should be 100% historically accurate. I'm saying it should aim to be far more accurate than it is.
Including femoids isn't helpful.

>Why can't they tell the story of one of the few females soldiers?
Because women don't belong in such roles.

Attached: IMG_1668.jpg (480x640, 79K)

Best FPBP i seen in a while.

>I'm not saying it should be 100% historically accurate
That's literally what you're saying.

>I'm saying it should aim to be far more accurate than it is.
Why? Why shouldn't it be as historically accurate as Wolfenstein, or Dynasty Warriors, any fucking fictional video game?

>Including femoids isn't helpful.
Lmao incel sperh

>Because women don't belong in such roles.
So you're admitting you have no argument for it and it's 100% based on your spergy feels?

Because you could play as a female in a historically accurate way.
French resistance.
Women faking being male to get into the army.
The aforementioned sniper
My point is, there were accurate ways to portray military women, and they took the easy way out.
As for multiplayer, who cares?

Wait you play battlefield games for the singleplayer?

Get the fuck off this board retard

This isn't your safe space, dickhead. If you post irrational bullshit I will call you out on it. Stop getting so emotional over video games.

>Defending women
>Defending games companies
>Defending SJWs
>Defending (((journalism)))
>In 2018


I want there to be a single player campaign and good online
I'm sick of online only games I have to pay for.

It's only a problem if they try to go for realism.

>That's literally what you're saying.
I never said that.

>Why? Why shouldn't it be as historically accurate as Wolfenstein, or Dynasty Warriors, any fucking fictional video game?
No, it should be more historically accurate, since Battlefield is meant to be grounded more in history than those other series.

>So you're admitting you have no argument for it and it's 100% based on your spergy feels?
My argument is that women don't belong in such roles. Calling me a sperg or an incel doesn't help your rebuttal.

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>I never said that.
Not directly, but that's what your whole argument is based on.

>No, it should be more historically accurate, since Battlefield is meant to be grounded more in history than those other series.
Wasn't one of the Battlefield games literally science fiction?

Attached: 222585-battlefield-2142-macintosh-front-cover.jpg (800x1144, 127K)

>This isn't your safe space, dickhead.
R9k is our safe space. You don't belong here.

>If you post irrational bullshit I will call you out on it.
It's neither irrational nor bulkshit.

>Stop getting so emotional over video games.
Why? Video games matter to me.

Attached: image.jpg (570x761, 148K)

>SJWs, lefties, and tumblristas claiming gamers are just mad about females being in vidya games
>meanwhile: Samus, Lara Croft, half the cast of every RE game, half the MK roster, all the FF games, Parasite Eve, you see where I'm going

How stupid are they?

>Not directly, but that's what your whole argument is based on.
My entire argument is based on:
1) Enforcing gender roles
2) Striving for historical accuracy.

>Wasn't one of the Battlefield games literally science fiction?
What does that have to do with this Battlefield?

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it's more about the complaints there are more of them in video games now and looking for any excuse to go into SJW hysteria

you can see the reaction on /v/ about Gears 5 having a female character, the lesbian kiss in Last of us 2, etc. They are very clearly bothered by it.

Are you talking about battlefield?
World war 3 didn't have boots on the ground females
Your argument is invalid
Kill yourself OP

>What does that have to do with this Battlefield?

You were talking in the context of the series as a whole and making the argument that it should be more historically accurate because previous games were. Battlefield 1 also had female soldiers. Battlefield as a series at one point was also a fucking cartoon free to play game too if i recall. Really seems like you are basing your argument on fucking nothing.

>The Soviet Union mobilized women at an early stage of the war, integrating them into the main army units, and not using the "auxiliary" status. More than 800,000 women served in the Soviet Armed Forces during the war, which is roughly 3 percent of total military personnel, mostly as medics.[15][16] About 300,000 served in anti-aircraft units and performed all functions in the batteries-including firing the guns.[17][18] A small number were combat flyers in the Air Force,[19] forming three bomber wings and joining into other wings. Women also saw combat in infantry and armored units, and female snipers became famous after commander Lyudmila Pavlichenko made a record killing 309 Germans (mostly officers and enemy snipers).

Gawd you asshats are so uninformed.