What are the best ways to get high test? I think if i was horny like a bull all the time...

What are the best ways to get high test? I think if i was horny like a bull all the time, I would finally get a gf instead of walking around trying to be their friend smiling all the time and just be more alpha.

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nofap zinc+copper and train for strength. or just get on a cycle

nofap 7 days
repeat until vagine

Oh my god, this forum is such fucking garbage.

It's tragic watching how many Mini-Elliot Rodger types there are running around, internalizing these asinine ontologies about sex and affection. Have you ever noticed guys running around talking about "WHO IS ALFAH" are usually fucking fedora wearing faggots who never get any actual pussy?

It's not hard. Lift weight, take care of yourself, eat a healthy diet, don't watch porn all fucking day, get a good job, stop making your life about video games, have something interesting about yourself like a hobby or something take a few good pictures, don't have the personality of an old gym sock, and get on a dating site.

It's literally that fucking easy. You losers over-complicate this shit and it's your fucking fault.

I hate coming onto this site and watching you cheese-dicks talk about how it's an accomplishment to not wank it to porn for like 19 hours a day or how taking cold showers / injecting onions up your ass is somehow going to be a shortcut instead of dieting and exercising.

Seriously, just strap on your big girl panties and do stuff. You seriously don't even have to move out of your parents' house anymore.


Not sure if this is a pasta or not, but it's right none-the-less

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all true.. but move out of your parents and fuck dating sites.. its actually a *new* thing for girls to be approached in real life.. everybody hides behind their computers these days.

>its actually a *new* thing for girls to be approached in real life..

FUCKING THIS and some of them act re about it, almost like “why didn’t you follow me before you talked to me”

but for the most part they get surprised when you talk to them face to face with confidence

shutup virgin

those are good advices but no good if you want to fuck a girl or girls.
If you want to be attractive to females you just have indeed to be just Alpha. Nothing more.
Being Alpha is
Being cool, grounded, being able to handle and step into Tension, being decisive, leading, dont be afraid of upseting somebody, dont be afraid of being sexual, being sexual, passionate, having Goals, a life, ambitions, stepping onto uncomfortable situations.

Call the mods someone is posting actual advice on Jow Forums

You smile all the time because you are afraid
The way one would do to a bully that might hit him
Stop trying to fuck them and talk to them like an adult equal
It is really that easy

I don't get why guys in the western world would want a girlfriend in 2018. It makes you really vulnerable. Literally just go to out to any nightclub enough times and you'll find a slut that's down to have sex eventually.

Because not every guy is into the "I want to stick my dick in every piece of STD-riddled pussy I can find" thing. How does having a gf make you vulnerable?

Guarantee he's going to insinuate getting a gf is a one way ticket to cuckoldry.

this is absolutely true

>spoken like a true rapist

stay away from me, creep

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Thanks for letting everyone know how little you know about girls. They're all sluts and they love to be treated as such. Let me guess - you're saving your virginity for marriage?

Just fucking inject u high inhibition cuck. 200mg/week and you will have higher test than 99.99% of population. You probably won't do this because you are high inhibition low test cuck but someone else reading this might consider taking their destiny in their own hands and improving their shitty lives.

Order test E online and inject 200mg every week. Do it you cuck

The best way is to have sex but dominate the female. Not even joking.

>What are the best ways to get high test?
Winning in competitive sports or video games.
Testosterone levels rise in men each time they win.

But be careful they plummet if you lose even once.

I've tried the one-night stand stuff before...multiple times with great success. Just not my thing.

Let me guess - some thundercunt hurt you and now you "don't trust girls anymore" so you resort to degrading them and calling them sluts on turkish weasel-scrubbing boards? It's okay, user. There's plenty of time to turn yourself around and not be so much of a faggot.

Instead of reading those silly studies you should start injecting.

Instead of reading those silly comments you should start killing yourself.

I'm on 200mg a week right now and my test is right around the 1000 mark

This, I'll be going now...

>inb4 see you next week

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Good post, I have to agree. Although to some extent I also feel like doing what you enjoy is not necessarily a waste of time. Perhaps there's a balance to be had.

That's pretty accurate, yeah. I just don't see the appeal of wanting to have a girlfriend that has been plowed through by thirty guys by the age of 23. No thanks. Every girl is like this, it's in their nature. I feel bad for the poor bastard that'll one day down on one knee and ask the girl that sucked my dick in the bathroom stall 30 minutes after i met her to marry him. I'd rather be the one a girl cheats with than the one getting cheated on.


I'm not coming back

Do you plan to ever settle down? Because if you do, their number is going to keep going up and up the longer you wait.

Also, what's the difference between you pounding 30 different women and a woman sleeping with 30 different guys? We congratulate the guy and degrade the girl. There's a double-standard there whether we like it or not.

>inb4 feminist

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If you can't tell why that double standard exists you might be an autist. As in an actual autist, in the medical sense of the word.
(It's either that or a feminist, but you'd have to be retarded to adopt feminism in 2018. You're not retarded, right?)

I'll probably settle down eventually, yeah. But I don't plan to marry and start a family. Of course I wish I had a girl by my side from time to time but having seen how bad things really are that thought quickly goes away.
>A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock.

seeya tomorrow!

>turkish weasel-scrubbing boards


Being sucked by a 18 yo twink.

eh, sometimes I feel like I at the very least get motivation from this board, esp all the fph and self-improvement threads
that's from v tho, which has just seemed like pure concentrated cynicism to me


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tfw when he's absolutely 100 % right

beating other men into submission.
not necessarily phisically, can also be social/psicological submission.
all losers can be horny, that's not a mark of high test

Even talking is something I struggle with on a daily basis. So what's an interesting hobby and how can I get a petter personality?

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why are you so obsessed with made up standards that grills don’t understand just bbbbbbb urself;)

Better personality = read books so you have shit to talk about beyond Jow Forums. Interesting hobby is ideally any group activity which attracts the females. Mostly things like running, dance, martial arts, yoga, etc.

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Tell me how injecting test improves your life (other than more gains of course)

Have been reading fantasy since I was a child and still can't talk about shit. What book should I read to get social gains?

maybe pick a girl who isn’t a massive slut? you act like they don’t exist but they definitely do lol. if you wife up a slutty hoe it’s your own fault that it doesn’t work out. find someone compatible and worthwhile. you sound too bitter for a relationship rn though. maybe take some time to work on yourself and find the right girl when you really know what you want. human beings are meant to have companionship and the longer you spend fucking around with hoes the harder it will be for you to find it

>any year
>coming to Jow Forums for anything but shitposting
If you don't like this site, then leave already.

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>reddit spacing

>mfw common sense is considered amazing advice on Jow Forums

We’re fucked

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You have to go back

>Also, what's the difference between you pounding 30 different women and a woman sleeping with 30 different guys? We congratulate the guy and degrade the girl. There's a double-standard there whether we like it or not.

Lmao check out this fem-

>inb4 feminist

Oh, beat me too it.

Sauce on pic? Image search turns up nothing.

fairly accurate but lol @ using misogyny as an insult

>not hard
>fucking easy
>Lift weight, take care of yourself, eat a healthy diet, don't watch porn all fucking day, get a good job, stop making your life about video games, have something interesting about yourself like a hobby or something take a few good pictures, don't have the personality of an old gym sock, and get on a dating site.
Are you my mom? Everything is 'easy' for her.

>or how taking cold showers / injecting onions up your ass is somehow going to be a shortcut instead of dieting and exercising.
No one here is making that argument you fucking faggot, most just want that extra edge. You're coming on a fitness forum and complaining people are making other suggestments besides typical exercise to improve test, its ridiculous

>Better personality = read books so you have shit to talk about beyond Jow Forums
Horrible advice - no normie reads. If you want to relate to normies you can try picking up the latest kendrick lamar album, going to parties, or conversating about how drunk/high you got. I'm not saying you should read, however. I'm just conjecturing you'd get much more stimulating opinions about books from other autist online. If you read fantasy you'll come off as a dork, history/science/ phil, a nerd.

>*I'm not saying you shouldn't*

Wow you have no sense of humor. I live life lightly. I see the positive in every negative. And vice versa. Im a social worker and drug counselor. im a public servant and I'm too humble to say that i am a hero, however many have said I saved their lives. It is incredibly insulting that you seem to express that you know me from just 2 messages. Lol.

I had no intentions to rub you the wrong way. Im having a wonderfully, grateful and inspiring day... im not letting your negativity ween me into a negative realm. I am very experienced in Buddhist meditation and so i will send you off with, "may you enjoy happiness and its causes. May you be free from suffering and its causes." Have a wonderful day. As-salamu 'alaykum!

>It's very simple, bro. Lift weight, take care of yourself, eat a healthy diet, don't watch porn all fucking day, get a good job, stop making your life about video games, have something interesting about yourself like a hobby or something take a few good pictures, don't have the personality of an old gym sock, and get on a dating site.
Even then you still need to be the one making everything for a relationship to work.
All a woman has to do is exist. And she'll reject me anyways, even though I'm a supreme gentleman

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I'm not pursuing girls at the moment and am improving myself by lifting heavy things and eating a lot of food. The girls you find in the library are the same girls that come up grinding on you in the club. After being more invested in a girl than I thought I was I realize how great it is to have a girl by your side, mut all these girls are unloyal. Where can I find a girl that isn't a massive slut?

>Stop gaming passionately even though it's what I like the most, stop watching porn, force myself to be Mr. Interesting like I'm selling an image of myself that isn't real, force myself to take on shit hobbies that I don't enjoy, and ofcourse muh personality as if I can magically be a witty, talkative guy when I'm a shy introvert with speech impediments IRL
wew laddie

Modern Marcus Aurelius


Killer reddit spacing bro