Anger management

Hey guys,

How do you deal with anger? Sometimes I get extremly angry without a good reason, most of the times because of other people who annoy me.
It gets to a point when I have desires to beat up people. I dont know what to do.
I used to be a calm person but for the last months I had these anger episodes that even forced me to punch my fist bloody.
Women are not the reason because I've a very decent looking guy but still sometimes their attitude makes me furious, specially the privileged one.
I thought that lifting may help me but it just makes it worse. It does tho give me a benefit at training to lift heavier but it makes me feel like an animal.
I'm 24 and I study Physics so I'm no child.

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Getting through puberty helps. Also not larping as a 24 year old physics student.

You know people like you are even worse. I was kind and just asked for help but you just couldnt let it, you just had to make assumptions, baseless assumptions.
Fuck you man, just fuck you.

>24 (allegedly)
>throwing temper tantrums like a toddler

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Did your frontal lobe not fully develop or what?

so you imply that the only people that get angry are children and teenagers?

Just do it

Get locked up and contained away from civilization you stupid garbage genetic ape

This kinda shit already makes me angry and all I can think off if punshing your face into a bloody heap of meat.

I resolved my anger through therapy. You could also funnel your rage into lifts, fucking, running etc but won't resolve the problem

Few words.

Grow the fuck up.

Buy a heavy bag.

Buy some good gloves.

Hold it all in until you're alone with that heavy bag.

Let shit fly.

That's what I've been doing since HS, works fine. It resulted in a great way to remove most of the "physical" anger and get a bitchin' workout in the process.

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Not OP but the following retards deserve to have their heads chopped off

Quality of posters on this board has really taken a dump in the last few years. We need board eugenics yesterday

This desu

I have the same problem but worse: It's my dad who irritates me for no fault of his. I have no idea why.

It is especually bad when I sense he is trying to "be nice" as it doesn't feel sincere.

Fuck his wife

>Criticizes posts but give no suggestions or encouragement of their own
You are contributing to the problem of posters on here.
I've had anger issues my whole life and what honestly has helped is using extreme personal ownership of things. Realize that the only reason people annoy you is because you allow that. Look inward and question why you allow small things to get to you.
I recommend listening to Jocko Willink's podcast. He touches a lot on personal ownership and responsibility and has helped me out personally.
Keep your head up, we're gonna make it bro.

>no child
try again

I have anger issues too. Sometimes I feel depressed as fuck, other times I'm furious.

What really helped me was start doing kickboxing. Punching and kicking things (not necessarily hard) and stretching is GOAT.

As other anons said, it doesn't solve the problem but it becomes more manageable.

I'll fuck your dad's wife

sorry i had to reply this way

OP here, my dad is also the biggest problem but not because he irritates me, because he is lazy. My mom had to take care of him all his life, cooking, cleaning all that shit.
After her death I had to move in to take care of him (this is what she wanted on her deathbed).
The problem is that he doesnt go to work, nor does he clean up anything and I have to do every fucking paper for him because he cant speak the native language of this country.
Everytime I prep meal I always clean up the kitchen to the best but every fucking time he cooks something, he just fucking leaves it there rotting.
I swear I just want him to fucking die so I dont have the burder my mother gave him. I dont wanna live with him goddamn. It feels like I'm caged.
I want to have my own appartment with my girlfriend and not live with a father that never grew up.

Could you make him marry again ?

do that and move out.


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Get a healthy outlet for it like martial arts. Some people say lifting works but it definitely doesn't for me.

No fucking way he would find a woman. He is Like a totally grumpy old man.

Anger problems are really just patience problems. Everybody gets angry, some of us are able to deal with it in a healthy way, others aren't.
Try using your non-dominant hand more (brushing teeth, etc.) to practice patience.

Tell him how you feel and if he doesn't make an effort to improve move out. It's important to care for your family, but this seems more like enabling and you can't ruin your life for someone like that

When you have an anger episode does it usually happen during a certain time of the day, like early afternoon or later in the evenings? How long do the episodes last and do you feel mentally relieved or exhausted after they end? Are you a fairly rational person who knows the consequences of acting on anger or do you fantasize about violence even when not having an episode?