Why are you going to the gym Jow Forums? You can get girls just from being born a man

Why are you going to the gym Jow Forums? You can get girls just from being born a man

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Based twitter poster. We need more insightful women like this. Men are all scumbags and never do anything meaningful with their lives. Why can't men be more noble like women?

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>Women are clueless: the post

Daily reminder that if we are successful in rebuilding a patriarchal society, this is how things will be.

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Do women really believe this?

Do get a guy all you have to do is be average looking and not be a total cunt. It is much harder to find a mate as a male. Not even complaining that's just how the world works.

>ding dong

women who only chase chads believe this.
i had a female friend assume im fucking 2-3 different girls every week because of Jow Forums and funny

normies are pretty insecure.

That pic is some rage inducing shit

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>make yourself sound reasonable and thoughtful
>make the other "team" sound lazy and aimless
It's almost exactly what anons post day in day out day in day out DAY IN DAY OUT DAY IN DAY OOOOUUUUUUUT

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Why rage inducing? It should have the opposite effect. She's realizing she's hit the wall and will pay the ultimate toll for her past. She doesn't realize what she's saying but she feels it. It's karma.

The way I read it, she's complaining that she can't find a good man now that she's ready to settle down, and doesn't realize the why of it.
Then again, I'm probably just retarded and got it wrong.

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Paying a toll for what? what did she do that was wrong?

This is so ridiculous that I thought she was serious for a second.

Who cares if she was a whore? Get yourself a young qt if you wanna get serious. Or even if you don't wanna get serious, still get yourself a young qt. Don't worry about things that don't have an impact on you.

this may as well be a Jow Forums or Jow Forums post with pronouns swapped. Youre clueless

I mean this is in response to the entire incel thing where people were saying that they should fucking dole out sex so losers didnt go on shooting rampages
not general guys

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desu being an attractive woman is better than being an attractive man (because you don't have to work at all to get there) but being an unattractive man is better than being an unattractive woman (because you can improve yourself to a greater extent than if you were a woman).

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it wasn't "wrong" in that sense of being morally wrong, but she rode the cock carousel, whilst she was the hottest piece of ass in town. Now that she hit the wall, she realises she can't continue using that strategy as there's newer pieces of ass in town.

Yeah, but being an average woman is life on easy mode with infinite continues while being an average man is life on nightmare with permadeath and no saves.


no it really isnt. it only feels that way because you spend too much time here wallowing in your own insecurities with others who are whining about how life is unfair. Jow Forums has become a sad echo chamber of whiners and it doesnt help your mental state or world view staying here

this almost made me laugh

it's the other way around sweatie

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No literally the opposite is true.

You are so freaking wrong I can’t begin how much you cope daily in your life.

The office ended 5 years ago, Jenna, it's time to move on.

Yeah, but if you are an average woman there is not much you can do to bump yourself to higher category. A man born average can become above average with hard work. You might be right about average women living easier lives than average men but why should we care?

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We had this thread yesterday

Data mining

What about fashion make up surgery or personality?

>get fit
>now gay and don't care about women

>women rate 80% of men as bellow average
>half as many men have had offspring than women throughout human history
>women have it hard
roastie genocide just got a day sooner lads

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most women dress nice and those who don't are usually shit in most other areas as well
this is a valid point
realistically how many women do you think can admit that they have a shitty personality?

All 3 things you mentioned are available to men as well, and a fashionable man stands out way more than an equally fashionable woman

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>tfw the post office has apparently been sending my girl rations to the wrong address

No that's the thing. You have to go pick up your girl rations and they're limited supply. Only women get delivered men rations, they sit around and get them as available.

Note I'm not trying to be an incel about it but this is the way it is

a busted ass chick I knew in school got hit on by an ugly but rich international student
guys have no fucking standards, how fucking delusional is the bitch in OP's pic

>implying she isn't right



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