Arnold Swartzenegger's three sons on the beach. All recent pictures. Notice anything?
Arnold Swartzenegger's three sons on the beach. All recent pictures. Notice anything?
Yep, the middle white one is the best
Are they all from different wives? They look nothing alike imo
Yeah, chubby lost some pounds compared to the other pic of him. Good for him.
none of them lift yet they have god-tier genetics?
The first two looks incredibly similar, one is just fat. Look at their faces.
They seem kind of racist in these pics.
Right one probably has a juicy cock
Left and middle are from Maria. A kennedy. Right is from the Mexican maid.
btw, since Arnold was such a horndog, there's probably countless Swartzenegger bastards out there we don't know about. They might not even know.
They know. Trust me.
>not recent
was gonna say, the left one used to be a complete fucking hog, another 50 lbs (lol) and he'll actually not look like complete shit
absolute unit
he's just bulkin m8,look at them calves, hes gonna cut and mog the life out of the other son
left is /ourguy/
>The prince charming
>The dark bastard
>The mindless retard
Like a fairytale
Calf mogging his dad, the greatest bodybuilder of all time.
You mean cankles.
Bruh, fairly active fat dudes who walk on the balls of their feet always have tank as fuck calves.
When did arnold start joocing? How is it possible to look like that at 16
his father was an SS officer, literal ubermensch genetics
prolly at 14-15, like jeff seid.
Holy shit fr?
>his father was an SS officer
no he wasn't, he was a nazi, but he was declined for the Sturmabteilung membership, let alone the SS. he was noone, wanting to be someone.
jeff is natty tho?
>Conan sits on his throne, an old man. His health is declining, and he looks to his two sons to see who will be his successor.
>One is a flabby, lazy fool. The other cunning, beautiful, but dangerous. It'd be a danger to give it to him. he would become a tyrant.
>Unknown to him, Conan fathered another son, with a courageous heart.
>Despite being a bastard, this son proves himself a worthy successor, and is appointed King in waiting
>Conan is poisoned by the cunning son, and the new son banished as a slave to the far reaches of the empire
>The young lad then has to fight his way out of slavery, and reclaim his throne
Would ti be kino?
Seems like an unironically good idea.
Basically a remake of Gladiator.
This fat bastard has godlike genetica and wastes it on cake and soda
This is literally already the plot of a movie, can't remember what it's called but it's about some guy who gets sentenced to death by drowning in the ocean, but he washes up on the shores of England and returns to reclaim his throne or something as it turns out he's the kings bastard son and he's fulfilling a prophecy or some shit like that, something along those lines. Pretty old-ish I think maybe 60's or 70's
Just remembered immediately after I posted lel, it's literally called 'The Vikings' 1958
Left only does compounds
Right only does isolation
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Chubby one could be chad if he lost some weight, spic one has arnie's face and that's a bad thing
I want to lick the middle ones abs up to his neck.
That's all
Looks like one is a powerlifter and the other two arent virgins
I'm very surprised by how soft his hands are
Looks like one of them fell for SS+GOMAD
King Lear/The Lion in Winter remake with Arnold when.
Saw the one on the left today since he goes to my school, can confirm he's fat af. Like way fatter than that picture.
god that's an ugly offspring
well, can't expect much from arnold tho
the one on the left gets the most pussy
How old are you? Nobody should care about celebrity trust fund children.
Like this guy?
Active fat dude, can confirm.
It would have been a crime against humanity for a man with those genetics not to spread them everywhere he went.
Why are they riding such incredibly shit-tier bicycles?
hahahahah wtf
me on the left d e s u
The fat one is wearing pants in the water.
That fucking degenerate.
They're clearly board shorts desu.
Have you ever been to a beach?
>The Runt
>The Stud
>The Dark Horse
literal Schwartzenigger
would unironically watch the fuck out of lmao
Because they're strong men who don't need fancy toys for a stupid bike ride
It's a thing us beautiful people do to fuck with normies minds. Like fit girls eating a triple baconator on the beach where everyone can see them.
Work hard where nobody can see you then be a complete asshole in public by being the biggest unhealthy slob.
>being the mutt son and working your ass off for daddy's love
do you know what pants are?
> A kennedy.
People say this like it means anything outside of social status. Maria Shriver has always looked like a fucking corpse. Just plain bad genetics. It's extremely fortunate their daughters don't take after her too much.
the dark one looks like shrek but atleast he has arnie genetics.
His bastard is the true heir to be honest, I would think even Jow Forums fags would agree, dude's hardworking and actually looks like Arnie.
Would be better if you swapped the sons
More accurate to America's current situation
>Le 56%
He should go conquer Mexico
California is Mexico Hombre
women trying to be humorous
The left one is so scared of his fathers legacy he went full neckbeard mode and the two others just do their own thing
Anyone got photos of the maid? Was she hot or basically a lemon pledge Consuela?
lmfao this picture always makes me laugh, he literally walks like a cartoon fat person
The latter but worse
It would actually be something like "PURIFIED" or "Absolutely Germanic". It's not like Arny had a daughter that got Blacked, he Bleached his goblin of a maid. Trust me: As a shitskin hispanic down the border (Chill, Jow Forumsfags. I'm in my country), his bastard child is already top 90 percentile of men south of Texas.. Ugly white men conquer over attractive black and indian/mestizo lads, just because of how Eurocentric beauty standards are in the Americas. Hispanics would literally take the le 56% people you guys mock, just because they are a little whiter.
When you conquer a people, they start to idolize their conquerers.
Its probably a rental.
The true heir
His other sons look like copies of his mother
He grew up without a silver spoon just like Arnold
The bastard son is the true heir
Just do an image search, it's horrifying but I guess Arnold was just too horny to resist it.
Raza Arnold or Arnoldito as I like to call him is the true successor of arnie
Arnold's white kids rode on his fame growing up and grew up in a luxurious life, Patrick even stopped using his dad's surname after the scandal came to light.
They grew up spoiled with no goals
Joseph was nothing, he grew up as a bastard chicano with a maid mother.
Can you imagine being nobody and at age 13 learning Arnold Schwarzenegger is your father?
Arnoldito is the future Jow Forums prince, shining in Austrian and Aztec glory
In a way how is it his kids fault for growing up luxuriously? Arnold is their father after all, he should be the one in charge of how they grow up.
>momma's boy gets fat
>son seeking father's approval gets fit
How can arnold's genes get diluted by kenney blood but be exemplified by literal goblin mexican DNA?
His bastard on the left is the fucking spitting image of arnie when he was younger.
Its no one's fault, that poster sort of has it wrong.
Basically, if a legend is your father, that's all he is; your father. You view him as a human, are aware of all his flaws.
Whereas spic arnie spent his formative years poor and not knowing arnie was his dad. He was allowed the chance to view arnie as we did; as a legend, icon, etc. etc.
where are his 27 other sons?
i give fatty 2 years before he gets gender reassignment surgery because of his inability to cope with falling short of the standards of manliness
Those are the only legal bikes in California
>full body 3x/week
Or he knew the power of ugly women giving handsome sons
Can you elaborate
So Gladiator?
>doesn't know the difference between left and right
>Arnie knew his genes would overpower hers without even trying
What would more likely result in a strong and handsome son, sharing DNA with a mother possessed:
A: delicate, small facial features, small head, and a petite frame with a disposition for the natural typical thin beauty standard.
B: large, solid facial features, large head, and a broad frame with a disposition for being heavily built.
Brb breeding a stocky woman for chad sons
I don't know what to think about a man that marries for status and connections
Yeah I notice that people usually say that swimming pants above the knee are gay and below the knee is not but what I see here is that the only gay has swimming pants below the knee and the ones with swimming pants above the knee are the alpha's