Need help ASAP

i fucked up robots

I need fucking help /b/

>be me, high as fuck
>see this little dog from my family that i dont even like
>the fucker is barking non stop.
>get sick of it
>put in the freezer so i wont listen him anymore.
>1 hour later i realize what the fuck i just did.
>run to the freezer and take the dog out.

He is not dead but his legs doesnt work anymore, he doesn`t move and he is just there crying non stop i dont even know if he can see anymore.

Should i just fucking kill him and tell my family that he ran away?

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It's cruel to do this. Why not keep things like this on /b/?

What drugs where you on op? It cant be pot, because even if you're stupid stoned there is no way someone would be that dumb to do that.

On today's episode of things that never happened.
If it happened it probably just needs a bit of time to get his metabolism in normal condition, what the fuck are you, a disgusting gook, killing the doggo?

any vets there? he is crying in a deep voice now will he be okay? how the fuck do i kill him fast?

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Warm him up slowly?

read the fucking replies mongoloid
nice bait rly xxxDDDD

go to and record the crying then post the link to the recording ITT

I wouldn't kill it yourself. Even if you weren't close to it, it'd pretty much mentally scar you for life. Or maybe im just a pissy beta fag.

Do this by wrapping in aluminum foil. Then just place somewhere warm and make sure its dry.

Warm him up with a blow dryer gently

The only help you need is therapy you faggot, that dog didn't serve that

OP first don't panic.

Lucky for you I am a registered Vet in the US. The first thing you will want to do is warm him up in the microwave on low power setting for 2 minutes. This will help unfreeze his brain and lung and get rid of the micro crystals that have formed in his bones from being cold. After that he should be as good as normal.

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Put him in the microwave duh

This. Wrap him in aluminum foil and heat him up in the microwave.

Idiot. Try to warm him up with some fucking blankets.

vet here. DO NOT PUT ALUM foil in the microwave. that will cause an explosion. only put the dog in

>implying only the dog won't cause an explosion
Duh, everyone knows that from putting hod dogs in the microwave.

Hope you're smart OP
Just wrap him in some blankets and he'll warm up fine

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Well, I mean. You're not the first kid to make the classic "dog in the freezer" mistake. First question, do you want to hide what you did more than face the absurdity of what you've done?

this is a repost from /b/

fuck off OP

If this is real

I hope someone comes and puts you in the freezer and doesn't let you out

he can just go in the microwave afterwards you mong

Fuck off.