at what age did you have your first gf/bf?
I'm starting to reach that age where its a bit awkward when I reply >tfw khv
At what age did you have your first gf/bf?
Yeah, if you're in college most people won't think you're a weirdo if you're a virgin, but being KV is a big red flag for normies
10 years old :^)
The girl next door :^)
20. Still going but it's pretty stale due to me being a sad sack of shit.
Get your shit together, anons, and don't stop getting it together, ever. Only then you will be somewhat happy. I hope.
I was 17 and she was 16. It lasted for like 2 weeks and we went on one date. I couldn't handle it and the anxiety was literally destroying my mind and body, I barely ate anything that entire 2 weeks. She was pretty hot too, never even got to fuck her
12 Years old it lasted a month
I'm 23 now and I just broke it off with my fiancee that I dated for 6 years because she cheated
RIP. was the guy better looking than you?
almost 22 khv no gf so far or in the foreseeable future
P.S. If youve had a gf/bf you aint no robot >>>soc
He was a dealer and looked like a corner store rip off of post malone so fuck no
Dated a 15 year old when I was 17. Lasted almost a year. She said she would have ended it sooner but was worried I would have killed myself. I miss that relationship so much because it was the first time someone showed romantic interest in me. I'd give anything to be able to hold her one more time. She's in a good college now with a job and a boyfriend, and I dropped out of high school and have never had a job
>tfw will never experience awkward first high school romance ever again and I fucked it up by being too needy and sad
24yo here, never had a gf. Thinking about ending it soon
Yeah, I don't mind being a virgin but even I didn't expect to make it to 26 with no pussy.
>only lasted a few months
>single for next 9 1/2 years
>meet girl last december
>hit it off
>only lasted a couple of months
>never successfully had sex
>every time I tried to put the condom on I instantly lost my erection
So almost 10 years between dates and didn't have sex properly.
I have had sex almost twenty times not including escorts and my longest relationship has only lasted 3 months? Should I lie to potential GFs about having had longer relationships?
What is that a sign of?
With different girls not twenty times
>I have had sex almost twenty times not including escorts and my longest relationship has only lasted 3 months
>What is that a sign of?
Being a flake who probably has serious emotional issues
Also if you say your number you better fucking include escorts
How about instead of being here you go back to redddit where you came from.
Lost my virginity at 16. Next time I had sex was at 19 with a couple asian hookers, and I got my first gf at 20. That just ended after 6 months.
I guess I'm a normie but it still doesn't feel like it. Probably looking at another 3+ year dry spell if I don't get my shit together.
25 roughly, I also lost my V card that way
never and im also a khv
just fucking kill me already
>OP asking WHEN somebody had a girlfriend not IF, clearly implying the existance of said girlfriend
>all these people answering about having had a girlfriend
The absolute state of Jow Forums
Like 11-12. How ever older you are in 7th grade.
Also when I lose my virginity.
21 yo, on sheer luck.
Girl just somehow fell for me and didn't get disgusted by my social incompetence, most likely because I kept silent this time instead of being a giggling sucker trying to pamper her like women do to kids.
Asked me to kiss her, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do it since I doubt and avoid clues for being a coward.
But she just cared about me because she's a social pariah too. I was above her in the social hierarchy and she saw me as a ladder to normalcy. In her eyes, I was always some kind of Chad. Little does she know...
You still with her?
Yes, almost 6 years later. With her, I somehow act like I always should have with women. Passed the initial barrier of awkwardness, I can finally Be Myself (tm).
That sounds like a nice life.
I'm still looking for someone who I think I will like.
Follow up:
I don't think that most people in this world are for me. I have nothing to offer them that some other guy can't, so I just need a girl who i can share a personal bond with instead. Maybe someone's else as lonely as I would be nice.
I was with a girl like this. I've never felt so comfortable around somebody, we just clicked on every level.
I made some stupid decisions and fucked it up, and I'll never forgive myself for it. I really doubt I'll meet someone like that again. I'm happy for you user.
I have no advice to give as, you can see, it was pure luck from the moment she locked eyes on me and seemingly insta-loved me.
I sometimes ask her what she saw in me. The answer is always vague, saying I was cute, a nice guy (not in the loser meaning) and etc.
Not everything is perfect. Our families offer opposition.
My mother sees the girl as a nutcase because her mother and other family members are crazy. Clinically so. The girl herself didn't even finish school, she's a neet for most of her life.
Her family is cool with me, but cockblocks us as often as possible on fear that I accidently impregnate her. I don't really like them and feel embarrassed when some of the mentally fucked ones talk to me in public places.
The result is we rarely see each other, always in secret to avoid family yapping.
>at what age did you have your first gf/bf?
Yeah... i don't think that's ever gonna happen.
At this point i see dating someone the same way i see winning the lottery, it would be nice if it happened, but i don't really expect it to happen.