What does your mom think about you being a neet?

what does your mom think about you being a neet?

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She'll take care of neets as long as they're animals

>tfw human

Mother can't leave because me need tendies otherwise i throw my shit in her face

my mom is out with her husband most of the time so i just stay at her house rent-free.
she wants me to get out there and do something, but she's happy with me regardless.
at least i have a job, i guess.

I'm not exactly a NEET, but I am an underachieving loser. I live with my dad, work from home, and hardly earn any money per year. That doesn't matter because I don't have any expenses, though, and as such have all the disposable income I could want. I'm in my late twenties.
As my mom is concerned, she actually seems to actively root against me dating or pursuing marriage or getting back into a career. As to why, I think that she saw how miserable that a career made me, and how badly that I let girls treat me in the two relationships I've ever had. Both of which alter me on a personal level to a great degree.
I'm decidedly less successful than I once was, in society's eyes, but I'm also a lot happier and my family likes being around me a lot more. It's sort of an odd dynamic and I have very mixed feelings towards my mother over it, but I don't know.

doesn't really care as she's a neet herself

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so you're a failed normie then



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supportive as long as I pay rent.
savings is starting to run thin though.

I'm scared.

I mean, depending on your definition, I guess. I had a solid career and could have gotten married at one point, they just made me fucking miserable. I easily could have gone through with the marriage or stuck with the career, though, so it was more so out of choice than "failing," necessarily.

Im a NEET but I help out around the house like Ill clean up my dirty dishes and Ill occasionally take the dog for a walk. I just try not to get in the way. I earn my keep.

The only time I ever feel like Im a bother is when that topic is brought up again. Ill be upstairs or something and Ill hear voices get softer and start talking about getting me out of the house eventually. I fucking lose it whenever my asshole parents threaten me with that shit.

Not much these days since she's dead. Some of her last words to me however were something along the lines of "I still believe in you"

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my parents kicked me out and I almost became homeless, now I am leaching of the gorvernment

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Good on you, user. You ended up succeeding, after all.

success story of the year

By now she has given up, rightly so.
She won't travel around the world either.

Dreams should be only for those who can afford it aka winners.

My dad keeps bullying me and telling me that I'm lazy.

i work in retail and have no other plans for my future lol

who cares? why would i care about the opinions of a parent who never loved me or cared about me or even bothered to talk to me

me too actually. i was kicked out at 17, bounced around with a year of cc which i failed, tried working but never could keep a job longer than 3 months, then got on bux and was a neet for 7 years, im 27 right now. only now am i trying to get a job

She's gotten rather used to the idea. It's been ten years.

The dream is to have a mom who doesn't mind a neet son, she doesn't pester to get a job etc, buys nice food and generally cares for her son.

That would be my dream life

you sound like a based teen

that's not how this works

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lol retards


Absolutely hates me for it, even though I pay rent.